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Thread: What if the I Bowl called us a few weeks ago...

  1. #109

    Default Re: What if the I Bowl called us a few weeks ago...

    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post
    Saying that dr savoie makes the final decision and HUD didn't have any say so on the matter are 2 totally different things. The president has the final say on everything. We are playing for an outright championship and going you our 3rd consecutive bowl and people are more negative when we were 3-9. HUD won't leave because of the Nola bowl. HUD will leave when winning and success isn't good enough around here. Never thought that would happen in 3 years. We might be the most hypocritical fan base in the country.
    I think you are missing the point here...go back and reread what CajunT has just posted over the last hour. If you can pick out what is the big get a cookie. A sugar cookie chocolate chips...they cost extra.

  2. #110

    Default Re: What if the I Bowl called us a few weeks ago...

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    That is a question I can't answer Hawk. I guess for the same reasons QB Club members were told last week by Farmer that we are talking to a number of bowls when there was already a verbal agreement to accept the NO Bowl invitation in place. Benson wanted to negotiate UL to the Independence Bowl to get another SBC team a bowl slot. He was told no, we were accepting the NO Bowl invitation. There was no discussion between UL and the Indy Bowl other then a call to measure interest. No one knows what the Indy Bowl was willing to offer in payout or seating because the discussion never went that far according to Benson and the Indy Bowl.
    Brian, had we indicated an interest in the I Bowl was NO Bowl willing to wait until the outcome of SEC Championship to determine if that I Bowl slot was open for us or were they pushing to fill their slot so they could begin marketing? And in any case, had we said let's wait to see if I Bowl is available would Benson have jumped to fill the NO Bowl again so they could begin marketing and then hold Mobile as our backup destination should I Bowl fall through? That is where I see a problem. If we wait, Arkie State goes NO Bowl and then Indy doesn't offer us we wind up in a Mobile (the worst of the three options) and in effect pull a Tech-Lite.

  3. #111


    Quote Originally Posted by cajunhawk View Post
    Correct...but I am sure they can plan for contingencies in case everything doesn't work out. I'm sure they had something to offer in case lets say...I don't know...Ole Miss wins the Egg Bowl or two SEC teams get BCS bids and they now have a gaping hole where an SEC tie in used to be. No one is saying anything about turning down any was the fact that we turned them away without listening to what they had to OFFER. Key word...OFFER. I myself was not a fan of the Indy Bowl as a bowl choice. I think it is a ____ty bowl...but to not even listen to them makes no sense at all. From a fans perspective...I'm glad they did it...from a business perspective...why not just listen to what they have to offer? There has to be a reason they gave them the cold shoulder. I don't think we will like it that much.
    It also could be what happened to tech with the exact bowl. We would have had to wait, so maybe tjoe or whoever said unless you have a contract for me to sign we aren't interested. Nola bowl wants an answer or they are moving on. Imagine this scenario...Missouri beats auburn but doesn't jump ohio state. All of a sudden now Mississippi state is slotted for Indy. We told Nola to go ahead and they invited asu or wku to start selling tickets. Best case we end up in Detroit as champion. Worst case the boys fall short in mobile Saturday and we are sitting at home just like latech. Then everybody would be wanting tjoe and farmers head for not taking the Nola bowl when we had the chance.

  4. #112

    Default Re: What if the I Bowl called us a few weeks ago...

    Quote Originally Posted by MetryCajun View Post
    The only conclusion I have come to is you like to stir the pot. If CajunT is right(and I expect he is) T-joe had an offer with many moving part and an offer with no moving parts. He chose the later. Cannot say I blame him considering the offer with many moving parts is not a significant upgrade.
    I don't know anything. I'm not friends with anyone that knows anything or any of that...

    but just looking on the outside...

    Isn't it Coach Huds job to do whats best for him and his team? Shouldn't he want to play the best team available??

    Isn't it Doc A's job to do whats best for the University? Shouldn't his main concern to do whats best for the Universities bottom line?

    And all in all.. its great when it works out and everyone is happy. Sometimes I think that it may not work out...

  5. #113

    Default Re: What if the I Bowl called us a few weeks ago...

    Quote Originally Posted by MetryCajun View Post
    The only conclusion I have come to is you like to stir the pot. If CajunT is right(and I expect he is) T-joe had an offer with many moving part and an offer with no moving parts. He chose the later. Cannot say I blame him considering the offer with many moving parts is not a significant upgrade.
    Reread what he posted...or let me high light...

    "I guess for the same reasons QB Club members were told last week by Farmer that we are talking to a number of bowls when there was already a verbal agreement to accept the NO Bowl invitation in place."

    Let's think about it for a sec. Why would they come out and lie to bread and butter supporters? What is in it for them to not come out and say..."guys it's New Orleans Bowl case closed." Why the bowl ticket order form with 3 choices? If you look at this and as usual...I pray for you.

  6. #114

    Default Re: What if the I Bowl called us a few weeks ago...

    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post
    It also could be what happened to tech with the exact bowl. We would have had to wait, so maybe tjoe or whoever said unless you have a contract for me to sign we aren't interested. Nola bowl wants an answer or they are moving on. Imagine this scenario...Missouri beats auburn but doesn't jump ohio state. All of a sudden now Mississippi state is slotted for Indy. We told Nola to go ahead and they invited asu or wku to start selling tickets. Best case we end up in Detroit as champion. Worst case the boys fall short in mobile Saturday and we are sitting at home just like latech. Then everybody would be wanting tjoe and farmers head for not taking the Nola bowl when we had the chance.
    Not arguing your theory (I posted almost the same situation) but why do you see us in Detroit rather than Mobile?

  7. #115

    Default Re: What if the I Bowl called us a few weeks ago...

    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post
    It also could be what happened to tech with the exact bowl. We would have had to wait, so maybe tjoe or whoever said unless you have a contract for me to sign we aren't interested. Nola bowl wants an answer or they are moving on. Imagine this scenario...Missouri beats auburn but doesn't jump ohio state. All of a sudden now Mississippi state is slotted for Indy. We told Nola to go ahead and they invited asu or wku to start selling tickets. Best case we end up in Detroit as champion. Worst case the boys fall short in mobile Saturday and we are sitting at home just like latech. Then everybody would be wanting tjoe and farmers head for not taking the Nola bowl when we had the chance.
    SBC rules call for the Champ or Co-champs to be placed...we had an out. WAC didn't. No way in hell a Tech situation happens. New Orleans and GoDaddy cannot move on until the champ or co-champs are placed. So that does not factor in to this equation. Regardless of what happens in Mobile we are guaranteed a bowl.

  8. #116

    Default Re: What if the I Bowl called us a few weeks ago...

    So...lets say for argument's sake, we lose to USA this weekend. That would makes us co-champs with ArkState. So with the SBC two (2) bowl tie-ins, NOLA and GoDaddy bowls. Does that mean both teams HAVE to placed, or would it suffice to place one of the co-champs? If we waited for a INDY invite, and both GoDaddy and NOLA decided that wanted to complete their bowl match-ups, doesn't that open the chance of us being bowl-less? Sure, you can say NOLA would wait for us, but would they HAVE to wait? A bird in hand is worth two in the bush, or so they say.

  9. #117


    Quote Originally Posted by cajunhawk View Post
    I think you are missing the point here...go back and reread what CajunT has just posted over the last hour. If you can pick out what is the big get a cookie. A sugar cookie chocolate chips...they cost extra.
    Was the Indy calling with an offer and contract? Were they calling for us to be their back up plan? With the admin lack of balls and risk taking, I don't see why anyone is surprised we took the sure thing. The alternative of this thing going bad is way worse than the pros of it going good. The fallout of pulling a tech is way worse than maybe missing a chance to play Boston college or Maryland.

  10. #118


    Quote Originally Posted by cajunhawk View Post
    SBC rules call for the Champ or Co-champs to be placed...we had an out. WAC didn't. No way in hell a Tech situation happens. New Orleans and GoDaddy cannot move on until the champ or co-champs are placed. So that does not factor in to this equation. Regardless of what happens in Mobile we are guaranteed a bowl. Detroit

  11. #119

    Default Re: What if the I Bowl called us a few weeks ago...

    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post
    Was the Indy calling with an offer and contract? Were they calling for us to be their back up plan? With the admin lack of balls and risk taking, I don't see why anyone is surprised we took the sure thing. The alternative of this thing going bad is way worse than the pros of it going good. The fallout of pulling a tech is way worse than maybe missing a chance to play Boston college or Maryland.
    There was no risk of pulling a Tech...SBC rules say Co-Champs must be placed before anyone else gets a bowl. They would have to put us somewhere...either Mobile or New Orleans...or other. One week is all they had to wait.

  12. #120

    Default Re: What if the I Bowl called us a few weeks ago...

    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post Detroit
    That is still miles better than a Tech situation.

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