Simple Terms relating to Cajuns and UL as it relates to male and female sports teams

Cajuns: An ethnic people living mainly in south Louisiana.

Cajun Women: Female gender of the ethnic group Cajuns.

Cajun Men: Male gender of the ethnic group Cajuns.

Ragin: Very active, unpredictable, volatile, remarkable, extraordinary.

Ragin' Cajuns: A generic NON ethnic term used as a moniker for all athletic teams fielded at the University of Louisiana. Historically used first by the male athletic teams.

Lady Cajuns: A self explanatory marketable moniker for all female athletic teams at the University of Louisiana. Historically used first by the early 70's athletic teams.
  Note: There is a PC movement to try and kill the term under the guise of limiting marketing efforts to only Ragin' Cajuns.

UL Women: The female student body at the University of Louisiana.

UL Men: The male student body at the University of Louisiana.

Ragin' Cajun Men: A redundant term unless both basketball teams play on the same day.

Ragin' Cajun Women: A redundant term when considering how Lady Cajuns says it all.

Women's Athletics: A historically derogatory term considering how it was first used at UL in 1922 to justify the stoppage of the female student body from participating in intercollegiate sports. This ban (though all but forgotten) continued till 1969 when Judi Ford represented UL nationally in Gymnastics and Trampoline.

Prior to 1922 UL had a healthy intercollegiate program for what were then called the “girls teams” it was under the guise of sounding grown up or sounding PC for the era that the term “Women’s Athletics” effectively buried the Lady Cajuns for 50 YEARS until they transitioned out of the death penalty in 1971 with temporary membership in the AIAW