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Thread: Hot Boudin Cold Cush Cush Lets Geaux-Cajuns Push! Push! Push!

  1. Ragin' Cajuns Hot Boudin Cold Cush Cush Lets Geaux-Cajuns Push! Push! Push!

    At the Lady Cajuns softball games the announcer known as King Rob lets out the old Cajun Chant with a twist.

    Does anyone know the first time this was used at UL?

    ps I wish they used him during the post season.

  2. #2

    UL Football Hot Boudin

    We said it way back when but it is "Couche couche" not cush cush and it wasn't Cajuns we said Geaux Bulldogs push push push. It might have been just "Go Bulldogs" I can't remember.

  3. This is a GREAT IDEA Re: Hot Boudin Cold Cush Cush Lets Geaux-Cajuns Push! Push! Push!

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine
    Does anyone know the first time this was used at UL?
    . . . I STILL have not come across the history in print.

    Since the board has grown by about 2200 since I posed the question perhaps someone will know the answer.


    Geaux Cajuns

  4. Default Re: Hot Boudin Cold Cush Cush Lets Geaux-Cajuns Push! Push! Push!

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine
    _ At the Lady Cajuns softball games the announcer known as King Rob lets out the old Cajun Chant with a twist.

    Does anyone know the first time this was used at UL?

    ps I wish they used him during the post season. _
    Yet another thing that LSU claims as well. ("Geaux" Tigers anyone?)

    I always wondered how boudin and coush coush made it to Baton Rouge, I should have guessed it came through Lafayette first.

  5. #5
    rhineaux's Avatar rhineaux is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: Hot Boudin Cold Cush Cush Lets Geaux-Cajuns Push! Push! Push!

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajun Power
    _ Yet another thing that LSU claims as well. ("Geaux" Tigers anyone?)

    I always wondered how boudin and coush coush made it to Baton Rouge, I should have guessed it came through Lafayette first. _
    No, those a-holes don't say (or pronounce) cush cush, and push push. They say cous cous and pous pous. cous cous is the way that its really spelled, but all true cajuns know its not pronounced like that. It makes you wonder how they can use the -eaux spelling of the word go, and pronounce that right.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Hot Boudin Cold Cush Cush Lets Geaux-Cajuns Push! Push! Push!

    Quote Originally Posted by rhineaux
    _ No, those a-holes don't say (or pronounce) cush cush, and push push. They say cous cous and pous pous. cous cous is the way that its really spelled, but all true cajuns know its not pronounced like that. It makes you wonder how they can use the -eaux spelling of the word go, and pronounce that right. _
    You should check out yesterdays Daily Advertiser in opinions. Geaux was a topic, though not exactly in the context we are thinking of here. That person has way too much time on their hands.

  7. Default Re: Hot Boudin Cold Cush Cush Lets Geaux-Cajuns Push! Push! Push!

    "cous cous is the way that its really spelled, "

    Incorrect. The Moroccan dish, cous cous, is made of wheat rolled into something resembling small bits of pasta and then steamed. The cajun dish, couch-couche (literally, sleep-sleep) is fried corn meal, usually served with syrup or fig preserves. The two have no connection except for vaguely similar but distinct names.

  8. #8

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: Hot Boudin Cold Cush Cush Lets Geaux-Cajuns Push! Push! Push!

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine
    _ At the Lady Cajuns softball games the announcer known as King Rob lets out the old Cajun Chant with a twist.

    Does anyone know the first time this was used at UL?

    ps I wish they used him during the post season. _
    I came to college in the Fall of '66 ( NOT OLD OK) just seasoned, and we used that along with Yeah Rouge , Yeah Blanc , go bulldogs allon.
    Yeah, I see where tiger loyal are picking up on alot of cajun chants.
    also too GEAUX as part of there signs as all so. la colleges have.
    Nothing as unique as RAGIN CAJUNS though.


  9. #9
    rhineaux's Avatar rhineaux is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: Hot Boudin Cold Cush Cush Lets Geaux-Cajuns Push! Push! Push!

    Quote Originally Posted by Membertou
    _ "cous cous is the way that its really spelled, "

    Incorrect. The Moroccan dish, cous cous, is made of wheat rolled into something resembling small bits of pasta and then steamed. The cajun dish, couch-couche (literally, sleep-sleep) is fried corn meal, usually served with syrup or fig preserves. The two have no connection except for vaguely similar but distinct names. _
    Pardon Moi, I've seen the "do it yourself" moroccan dish at grocery stores, and figured that it was similar stuff because i had always heard those creeps pronounce it in their cheer like that. So, actually, after hearing your explanation, it makes them look even more idiotic that they're trying to be cajun but they're using a morrocan dish instead of a cajun dish.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Hot Boudin Cold Cush Cush Lets Geaux-Cajuns Push! Push! Push!

    My step-mom was doing that cheer in the 60's at her high school in Franklin. I don't think this is exclusively a UL thing.

  11. Default Re: Hot Boudin Cold Cush Cush Lets Geaux-Cajuns Push! Push! Push!

    Quote Originally Posted by Damon
    _"My step-mom was doing that cheer in the 60's at her high school in Franklin. I don't think this is exclusively a UL thing." _
    I played high school football in the fifties in this area and it was used then.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Live Game Talk: Louisiana vs. Liberty

    Hot Boudin!

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