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Thread: Let The Political Correctness Begin

  1. #25

    Default Re: Let The Political Correctness Begin

    well, T Joe is of the Blanco coalition,, lets hope he does not go authement on us

  2. #26

    Default Re: Let The Political Correctness Begin

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    And ppl like you have held us back for 3 decades and going forward, will continie to do so.

    And for Christ sake, spare me your baseball card stats.
    Nope, because it doesn't matter. Not at all. Nope, not even a little bit.

  3. #27

    UL Football Re: Let The Political Correctness Begin

    I went back through all the pics I could find to see what the scoreboard said for various games. I see a pattern.

    Season Game Scoreboard
    2004 stAte Cajuns
    2004 Middle Cajuns
    2005 FIU Louisiana
    2005 NW St. Louisiana
    2007 McNeese Louisiana
    2008 stAte Louisiana
    2008 FIU Louisiana
    2009 N. Texas Louisiana
    2009 Southern Louisiana
    2010 stAte Louisiana
    2010 Middle Louisiana
    2010 WKU Louisiana
    2011 Troy Louisiana
    2011 ULM Cajuns
    2011 N. Texas Louisiana
    2012 Tulane Louisiana
    2012 WKU Louisiana
    2013 Nicholls Cajuns
    2013 Texas St Louisiana
    2013 New Mexico St. Cajuns
    2013 Troy Cajuns


  4. #28

    Default Re: Let The Political Correctness Begin

    Quote Originally Posted by RaginScotsman View Post
    If I recall correctly, it said Cajuns v. Troy also. I remember wondering why they would do that?
    It was also Cajuns v. Aggies on the scoreboard...

  5. #29

    Default Re: Let The Political Correctness Begin

    Quote Originally Posted by RaginScotsman View Post
    If I recall correctly, it said Cajuns v. Troy also. I remember wondering why they would do that?
    It actually said Cajuns vs. Trojans, I just checked my pics.

  6. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRebel View Post
    I honestly can't think of anything less important in the whole universe than what name they put on the marquee out at the athletic complex. It has no bearing on anything. Nothing. It doesn't matter. At all. Don't reply to this saying it does matter. Because it doesn't. Don't lie to yourself. This is outrageously petty. For the love of God go find something else to think about.
    Wait a minute, you say this one day after the AP poll SIMULTANEOUSLY confuses the school with Louisville and Lafayette. ?

    Accurate identity begins at home.

  7. #31

    Default Re: Let The Political Correctness Begin

    You have to think that some of the wrong usage is in no way intentional. However, as far as the last few weeks are concerned, I think someone is pushing buttons with their own agenda. T-Joe? In every situation,No..that's a busy dude, ...In general, the name issue is on his radar...but do you really think he's up to his eyeballs in it and making deals with somebody named Bruno? If so, then I've got some ocean front property at 3500 ft elevation in the middle of the Pisgah forest to sell you, cheap.

    I'd point a finger in the direction of the Communications and Marketing office. They're responsible for anything and everything that connects all the branded names etc to the outside world. They work the content for the web site, they get the news releases out, etc. Eric M. is in charge of athletics and he is a part of that office. He may even have something to do with game day management or electronic boards, etc. But anything to do with the name and how it gets out to the public begins at that office.

  8. #32

    Default Re: Let The Political Correctness Begin

    Quote Originally Posted by fanof71 View Post
    You have to think that some of the wrong usage is in no way intentional. However, as far as the last few weeks are concerned, I think someone is pushing buttons with their own agenda. T-Joe? In every situation,No..that's a busy dude, ...In general, the name issue is on his radar...but do you really think he's up to his eyeballs in it and making deals with somebody named Bruno? If so, then I've got some ocean front property at 3500 ft elevation in the middle of the Pisgah forest to sell you, cheap.

    I'd point a finger in the direction of the Communications and Marketing office. They're responsible for anything and everything that connects all the branded names etc to the outside world. They work the content for the web site, they get the news releases out, etc. Eric M. is in charge of athletics and he is a part of that office. He may even have something to do with game day management or electronic boards, etc. But anything to do with the name and how it gets out to the public begins at that office.
    That somebody named Bruno is the president of UL Monroe. Talk to folks in our admin and you will hear how much Bruno and his admin, despite his public statements in the News Star, has been _____ing and moaning behind the scenes about our name. T-Joe has had to devote time to dealing with ULMonroe's bull____. You are probably right that T-Joe would rather deal with other issues but the fact is Bruno keeps stirring this pot. I've had this related to me by two UL officials as well as by Karl Benson. I do agree that the day to day grunt work needs to be done by SID and Communications & Marketing but T-Joe needs to set the tone from the top especially when dealing with Bruno and a Benson.
    Last edited by Hammer58; November 26th, 2013 at 07:13 am. Reason: How could I forget.....SUCK IT, HOAX!!!!!

  9. #33

    Default Re: Let The Political Correctness Begin

    Quote Originally Posted by Zeebart21 View Post
    Yeah, I been getting a strange vibe from Martin Hall, too.. Not too sure Dr S. still has his spine or not. If political correctness is the order of the day Saturday, there will be some very unhappy customers..

    We'll see what kind of raisins T-Joe has Saturday.

  10. #34

    Default Re: Let The Political Correctness Begin

    Quote Originally Posted by angeleast View Post
    well, T Joe is of the Blanco coalition,, lets hope he does not go authement on us
    I type something to that effect on this board when T-Joe was first named President and caught some flack. Be careful with those Blanco Boy accusations!

  11. #35


    Quote Originally Posted by fanof71 View Post
    You have to think that some of the wrong usage is in no way intentional. However, as far as the last few weeks are concerned, I think someone is pushing buttons with their own agenda. T-Joe? In every situation,No..that's a busy dude, ...In general, the name issue is on his radar...but do you really think he's up to his eyeballs in it and making deals with somebody named Bruno? If so, then I've got some ocean front property at 3500 ft elevation in the middle of the Pisgah forest to sell you, cheap.

    I'd point a finger in the direction of the Communications and Marketing office. They're responsible for anything and everything that connects all the branded names etc to the outside world. They work the content for the web site, they get the news releases out, etc. Eric M. is in charge of athletics and he is a part of that office. He may even have something to do with game day management or electronic boards, etc. But anything to do with the name and how it gets out to the public begins at that office.
    T-Joe is the president, I understand he is busy and doesnt deal with the day-to-day issues. But at the end of the day(athletically), we are either Louisiana or Louisiana-Lafayette. You can't pick and choose which day you want to be one or the other. All it takes is him to make a simple statement to his staff saying to continue using Louisiana this week. An email could take care of that in about 1 minute of his busy day.

  12. #36

    Default Re: Let The Political Correctness Begin

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunDreDog View Post
    I went back through all the pics I could find to see what the scoreboard said for various games. I see a pattern.

    Season Game Scoreboard
    2004 stAte Cajuns
    2004 Middle Cajuns
    2005 FIU Louisiana
    2005 NW St. Louisiana
    2007 McNeese Louisiana
    2008 stAte Louisiana
    2008 FIU Louisiana
    2009 N. Texas Louisiana
    2009 Southern Louisiana
    2010 stAte Louisiana
    2010 Middle Louisiana
    2010 WKU Louisiana
    2011 Troy Louisiana
    2011 ULM Cajuns
    2011 N. Texas Louisiana
    2012 Tulane Louisiana
    2012 WKU Louisiana
    2013 Nicholls Cajuns
    2013 Texas St Louisiana
    2013 New Mexico St. Cajuns
    2013 Troy Cajuns

    Do you think we had certain visitors at these games? There has to be a reason we do this....I notice some teams we've used both...

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