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Thread: Let The Political Correctness Begin

  1. #145


    Quote Originally Posted by Just1More View Post
    I'm not claiming that our current plan works or will work. My position is that our current athletic branding plan is getting it's first serious test. Saying that we've "pushed it for decades" is not true.

    If the plan is to be all cute with each other with "Louisiana Ragin Cajuns"... only to hide it in the company of others... I'm not in favor of the plan. I figured we'd force the issue and make this come to a head. If T-Joe thinks we're heading for Louisiana-Lafayette or ULL for athletic branding identity... he'd be better off fighting for our current branding name... take his licks from the state... then announce to us that we're being forced to change it. He's going to catch more hell from us if he just rolls over.

    I want the fight. Being forced by this state into a concentration camp of their design is fine with me. I'm not, however, willing to back down because some punks are crying about what we call ourselves athletically.
    Exactly, I want it to be known publicly that we are forced into the name and that we tried. No rolling over to "play nice" with others!!!

  2. #146

    Default Re: Let The Political Correctness Begin

    Quote Originally Posted by ZoomZoom View Post
    Anyone notice, ole Tabby sure has been quiet this week. Guess having to throw the name game article out early when we had a little traction working left her with no plan B.
    Did she also quit referring to us as ULL?

  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRebel View Post
    Yeah? So how is that going to work when all of our national exposure is on ESPN or through AP articles, both of whom refer to us as Louisiana-Lafayette? It's not working. It's not going to work. Time to come up with another plan.
    You would have a case if not for this fact: They are confusing UL with Lafayette College.

    Lafayette College!

    This goes far beyond Louisiana not working. This goes to Martin Hall working against their best interests.

    There is no other source for stand alone Lafayette usage aside from Martin Hall.

    Louisiana L

  4. This is Upsetting Re: Let The Political Correctness Begin

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunNation View Post
    Just received this communique for posting on this forum. Let me know if you have any interest in joining our ranks.
    A move to the independent ranks is the stupidest idea out there!!

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Lafitte the Pirate View Post
    A move to the independent ranks is the stupidest idea out there!!
    So your admitting the possibility is out there.

  6. #150

    Default Re: Let The Political Correctness Begin

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRebel View Post
    Whether they care or don't care, ultimately ESPN's decision to use UL or ULL is not Martin Hall's to make. What accountability or recourse are you expecting the University to take? Seriously, what are you expecting Martin Hall to do? Because as far as I know they've done just about everything in their power to convince ESPN to use Louisiana.
    Since you asked....first, trademark (if its not already) Louisiana Ragin Cajuns. Might as well include any and all of the different ways the name can be sliced up and used. Second, call and get a face to face meeting set up in Bristol with the people who oversee live game production for ESPN. Let them know that this meeting is about issues that continue to crop up (Lafayette Leopards Logo) and that the University would like to have some time to speak with them about the name issue. But it has to be face to face. Bring the power points and let them know how and why (the why is very important) ESPN should respect the requested name. You've got to hold ESPN Accountable for repeated mistakes. Any misuse of a registered trademark by a party can develop into a legal situation. Which is UL's right to do as owner of the trademark or registration. That is what I would expect Martin Hall to do, which isn't any different than any other large business trying to protect its name/brand and all of the equity built up in the brand. Again, the brand has a value, and that value can be expressed in real monetary terms, so...that's why it gets to this level. This isn't going to go away, UL's athletic teams are on the cusp of making a bunch of noise in all of the major sports. After 3 ESPN broadcasts, I would guess that cumulatively more than a million gross impressions were delivered by ESPN with the 3 games that aired. That's a lot of people viewing....and each and every one of them was treated to a gross misrepresentation of the schools name and brand by ESPN. Too much at risk here to go small ball with this one. Stop the emails, and get up to Bristol....

  7. #151

    Default Re: Let The Political Correctness Begin

    Quote Originally Posted by Bicky Rustle View Post
    I just past Cajun Field as I often do and the marquee at the entrance says Cajuns vs UL Monroe..... Every other week that sign says Louisiana vs __________. Get ready score board will not read Louisiana as usual and will say Cajuns VS Warhawks, PA guy will say thats another Cajun first down instead of the usual Louisiana. Guys here on Ragin Pagin get upset when ESPN networks don't call us La. How can we expect them to do so if our own admin will give into the pressure coming from the norteast.
    TOLD YOU SO! Did I call or what.

  8. Default Re: Let The Political Correctness Begin

    Quote Originally Posted by Bicky Rustle View Post
    TOLD YOU SO! Did I call or what.
    Yep you did.

  9. #153

    Default Re: Let The Political Correctness Begin

    Quote Originally Posted by Bicky Rustle View Post
    TOLD YOU SO! Did I call or what.
    Yep Bickey you nailed it. From this day forward I will not fight that fight anymore. We will be ULL or Lafayette for all I care. How can we as fans / supporters fight for the name if the administration doesn' have our back?

  10. #154

    Default Re: Let The Political Correctness Begin

    Our own administration betrayed us. Without warning or an explanation they cut us off at the knees. Left us hanging. In fact, it is as if they have actively joined forces AGAINST us. Again it is "hide the ball". . . we know what is best . . . trust us. They invited us to help UL grow. They asked for our support, our ticket purchases, our money. They sold us licensed athletic merchandise with "Louisiana" on it. They encouraged us to complain about the use of "Lafayette", Louisiana-Lafayette, etc. in the media. The only reasonable explanation for the lack of "Louisiana" at last nights game is that our administration must now believe it is illegal. That is certainly what our opponents must have concluded from last nights events. Why else would our leaders have suddenly and abruptly stopped all mention of "Louisiana"? What happened to the bold, fresh, new look of UL? What happended to our swagger? It vanished in a instant because of the betrayal. I would personally like to know who made this decision. No doubt T-Joe is a politican and politicans know they need to take care of their constituants. How were we taken care of last night?

  11. Default Re: Let The Political Correctness Begin

    Quote Originally Posted by Bankruptcyman View Post
    Our own administration betrayed us. ... The only reasonable explanation for the lack of "Louisiana" at last nights game is that our administration must now believe it is illegal.
    Well it isn't.

    The only possible stance to justify UnLouisiana Night would be "no law says you can" of course that logic is unconscionably delirious so you can throw that out. . .

  12. #156

    Default Re: Let The Political Correctness Begin

    Quote Originally Posted by Bankruptcyman View Post
    No doubt T-Joe is a politican and politicans know they need to take care of their constituants. How were we taken care of last night?
    I'll have to disagree with this. Their only concern is to stay in office and pad the pocketbook.

    Pitiful display last night.

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