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Thread: #SuckItHOAX Week Begins...

  1. #61


    Quote Originally Posted by MelRock View Post
    You missed a few names
    Ouachita Parish Junior College (1931–1934)
    Northeast Center of Louisiana State University (1934–1949)
    Northeast Junior College of Louisiana State University (1949–1950)
    Northeast Louisiana State College (1950–1969)
    Northeast Louisiana University (1969–1999)
    University of Louisiana at Lafayette Monroe Branch (2000-present)

    Dang!!! And they give us a hard time about name changes.

  2. #62

    Default Re: #SuckItHOAX Week Begins...

    Quote Originally Posted by Hammer58 View Post
    Bull____!!! The argument had nothing to do with overall percentages. You tried to refute claims I made specifically about D1A, UL has no D1aa history to compare. You failed.

    It's noteworthy that as you have been pushed into a corner with your failed arguments the curtain has been pulled back exposing you for the Waaaaaaahoax troll several of us pegged you for since your first post.

    SUCK IT, HOAX!!!!!!!!!
    You are truly one butt hurt guy...I truly feel sorry that you get so worked up about take your blood pressure meds and take your daily nap old man...supper will be at 4 and bed time and 5

  3. Ragin' Cajuns Re: #SuckItHOAX Week Begins...

    Again MORON, you changed the argument. Does the NLU, ULM Hoax have more than one winning season in 1A? Does UL, USL have just three winning seasons in 1A? YOU presented that as your counter to my comment that ULM has one, not one or two winning seasons in 1A.

    Of course you can start a new thread or a new argument concerning all time winning percentages. At least then you would be intellectually honest. Just acknowledge your initial post was WRONG which it clearly is, then you can go ahead and make your feel better arguments.

    Now you are just being foolish.

  4. Default Re: #SuckItHOAX Week Begins...

    Quote Originally Posted by MelRock View Post
    You missed a few names
    Ouachita Parish Junior College (1931–1934)
    Northeast Center of Louisiana State University (1934–1949)
    Northeast Junior College of Louisiana State University (1949–1950)
    Northeast Louisiana State College (1950–1969)
    Northeast Louisiana University (1969–1999)
    University of Louisiana at Lafayette Monroe Branch (2000-present)
    All based on an LSU whim when the constrictions of The Louisiana Constitution clearly stated that in order to establish a new school a 2/3 vote was required.

    It never happened.

  5. #65

    Default Re: #SuckItHOAX Week Begins...

    Quote Originally Posted by cajunwarhawks23 View Post
    You are truly one butt hurt guy...I truly feel sorry that you get so worked up about take your blood pressure meds and take your daily nap old man...supper will be at 4 and bed time and 5
    LOL! Worked up, junior? No, just not going to let you get away with blatant lies here. The only butts that are going to be hurting are those of the Hoax and their fans after Hud schools Todd once again.

    Let us know when you graduate from Pampers. Maybe then you'll quit whining about what UL is doing.

  6. #66

    Default Re: #SuckItHOAX Week Begins...

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunEXPRESS View Post
    Again MORON, you changed the argument. Does the NLU, ULM Hoax have more than one winning season in 1A? Does UL, USL have just three winning seasons in 1A? YOU presented that as your counter to my comment that ULM has one, not one or two winning seasons in 1A.

    Of course you can start a new thread or a new argument concerning all time winning percentages. At least then you would be intellectually honest. Just acknowledge your initial post was WRONG which it clearly is, then you can go ahead and make your feel better arguments.

    Now you are just being foolish.
    It will never be an apples to apples argument, Jerry. Even looking at overall winning percentages, you aren't looking at the same time frame. The Hoax have a shorter period of existence and the majority of that was playing a lower level of competition. The only true comparison is over the same time period and against the same level of competition (D1A). By that criteria the Hoax are an epic failure.

  7. #67

    Default Re: #SuckItHOAX Week Begins...

    Already said post was incorrect with D1 attached...and whining about ULL..not so much...I said earlier it's good for the entire conference if teams in the SBC are successful...don't paint yourself a martyr...I'm not upset with mild success

  8. Ragin' Cajuns Re: #SuckItHOAX Week Begins...

    Thanks Hammer, but like I said I am not taking time to review the Wikipedia nonsense, and then dissect it. That is what he wants to do. Just keep moving the target, TYPICAL.

  9. #69

    Default Re: #SuckItHOAX Week Begins...

    Quote Originally Posted by Hammer58 View Post
    It will never be an apples to apples argument, Jerry. Even looking at overall winning percentages, you aren't looking at the same time frame. The Hoax have a shorter period of existence and the majority of that was playing a lower level of competition. The only true comparison is over the same time period and against the same level of competition (D1A). By that criteria the Hoax are an epic failure.
    That's an opinion to are right about apples to apples...then I could argue that the Cajuns have had more time for success which is why at the time they are better since the Cajuns have been in D1A longer right?'s hard to compare but big picture football program the teams are sub par unfortunately because of the past...that being said the Cajuns have a better outlook as of now no question

  10. #70

    Default Re: #SuckItHOAX Week Begins...

    Quote Originally Posted by cajunwarhawks23 View Post
    Already said post was incorrect with D1 attached...and whining about ULL..not so much...I said earlier it's good for the entire conference if teams in the SBC are successful...don't paint yourself a martyr...I'm not upset with mild success
    ULL? So you're dropping all pretense now.

  11. UL Football Re: #SuckItHOAX Week Begins...

    Quote Originally Posted by cajunwarhawks23 View Post
    That's an opinion to are right about apples to apples...then I could argue that the Cajuns have had more time for success which is why at the time they are better since the Cajuns have been in D1A longer right?'s hard to compare but big picture football program the teams are sub par unfortunately because of the past...that being said the Cajuns have a better outlook as of now no question
    You do know that unlike the Hoax, the Cajuns under Robertson had three consecutive winning seasons right after 1A was started. So it did not take a decade for the first season, or the second, or even the third.

    OK, son of Curly, Larry, or Moe, did not winning the 1AA championship have any carry over? I guess not?

    Really you continue to embarrass yourself almost every post, and are too dense to realize it, or just to stubborn to care.

  12. #72


    Quote Originally Posted by Hammer58 View Post
    So now they hate Berry and want to   him?!! It's seems like just a few weeks ago he was their ideal man of character and they'd take a classy guy like him "doing things the right way" over our coach any day. Ha! What a bunch of whiney _____es.
    Ha! Berry threw in the towel with 3 minutes left. I guess he wanted to save Browning for us, since this so-called revenge game is all that matters anymore.

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