Glide, with this blessed ability to both debate every point provided, render some facts and opinions of your own, with skillful prose, could you not find it within yourself to research this subject? If you failed on Google, then go to the library and start researching. This is a Cajun fan forum, packed with sentiment of its own. This is a divisive topic, regardless if presented in ernest. You are cleverly masking your sentiment on this topic, but I do not believe you are a neutral inquisitor.
You know in your heart of hearts that there is a disparity in the past and present funding between LSU, UL, and other state institutions. Do you believe that the tooth fairy built LSU and simply overlooked everyone else? The state not only singled out greater funding, but special cased rules to support the flagship status of LSU. Absolutely do not take my word for it or anyone else on here... go research it if you truthfully really care.
Any mention of private funding supporting/building anything at LSU has to be qualified. LSU is a public institution, first. If you first build a much bigger and elaborate theme park with public funds, it stands to reason that you would attract all the kids, their parents and relatives. Eventually, you can start counting the tickets at the door as private donations, start building community sentiment and presto... private funds start coming in for everything that can be made private. That is the basis for what we see at LSU. A focused channeling of public funds for many years, a well orchestrated building of sentiment in the process (mostly thru athletics) and THEN the storm effect of private funds. You put the public and private funding engine together and you get a monsterous result... LSU.
This also goes for research funding and grants. If I get state funds to build a testing lab, then go out and market a partnership with private industry for use of my lab, faculty, students, etc... in come the private research funds. I think is highly disingenuous to then tell everyone that "we are funding this lab thru large private grants and are not asking the state for a penny"... snicker snicker chuckle chuckle.
Most LSU friends of mine completely agree with me. Of course, they are the rational ones. I only find an occasional ignoramous that does not (they prove ignoramous in many other ways as well). I am not one who argues that it isn't the right of the state to do so, or that it must be discontinued, or anything of the sort. The king has spoken and the troops are lined up behind him. My request is that when UL is making strides or launching its own initiatives, stay out of it.
I am sick and tired of the low brows that think that the guy who wins the blue ribbon with the fattest pig in this state did not get the greatest help. We are talking about PUBLIC institutions. It ain't much to beat your chest about.
You are not going to find the bible on funding on this forum or on any simple link. That is by design as well. You are going to have to go dig it up yourself. Have you shown up on the LSU fan forums to find out how incredibly informed these individuals are on this subject? And no, they do not care or argue about who's getting the line share of the cheese... they can't swallow fast enough to get a word out edge-wise. And I do not have any sympathy for the likes of "we are hurting too... we needed 100 million for a new complex and the state has only granted 75 million and has delayed the gold plating by another 6 months... we're hurting too".
Write a letter to the Advocate and ask a staff researcher to provide you with the funding methodology in this state for higher institutions starting from the beginning. But please ask them to spare you of the private funding follow-ups. Back to the theme park... you can't take credit for building a private monster roller coaster that was originally funded by tickets sold on 8 prior publically funded roller coasters. A 6th grader understands that concept.