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Thread: Hiring freeze jolts UL

  1. Default Hiring freeze jolts UL

      Gov. Bobby Jindal's hiring freeze is raising concerns at some state agencies in Lafayette, including UL Lafayette and University Medical Center.

    Jindal signed an executive order last week implementing a hiring freeze throughout state government to save $25 million. The hiring freeze is effective through June 30, said Michael DiResto, director of communication with the commissioner of administration's office.

    Commissioner of Admini- stration Angele Davis is working with department heads and does not forsee problems with a process for granting hiring freeze exemptions if they are deemed justified, DiResto said.

    But some state officials said the freeze already is causing headaches.

    Colleges and universities are recruiting faculty for the fall 2008 semester and need to be able to finalize offers to compete with other institutions, Commissioner of Higher Education E. Joseph Savoie said.

    The rest of the story

    Claire Taylor and Marsha Sills

    Homes SO Clean

  2. #2

    Endurance Training Re: Hiring freeze jolts UL

    "the freeze already is causing headaches"

    It sure is causing big headaches at my house. My wife's anticipated promotion is one of those that have been frozen. Jindal better do something quick or I'll force him to put up with my wife's rants for a few days.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Hiring freeze jolts UL

    Hiring freeze, then why is the search committee for Skips replacement still going on?

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