Signing day announcements!
Here is Tulanes field. No clay 100% field turf.
Nice field! I spoke with an ex cajun player about 1 month ago, (I don't remember his name), he has a notary office on Jefferson St in Lafayette. This player told me that a private donation (3 MILLION DOLLARS...WOW!) was given to the baseball program by another cajun player (I don't remember his name either...) who played in the 70's for the cajuns and in the pro's for a small amount of years. This donation was given in December... I wonder where this money could be applied? HMMMM? Sorry for the lack of details, but I believe him...he's got cajun baseball picks all over his office and pictures of him with pro's as well as autograph's from some pretty big names. I'm sure he would be happy to talk baseball all day...
Maybe I'm the only one here, but I can't believe they'd get rid of natural grass for that ugly field turf. Drainage can be improved on a natural field, as well. Field turf makes sense in northern areas of the country and domes, but in open air stadiums in south Louisiana?
Oh well, I guess I'm in the minority here.
What makes me scratch my head is why not just build a new baseball (and maybe softball) complex instead of just putting a band-aid on a bo-bo. If they would use the big empty lot across the street from the current location of the Tigue and the track field, they could start fresh and do these two great programs right. This way the two teams could continue to play (for however long it would take to finish the job right) at their current location. And it would show recruits that we are serious about our commitment to improving our teams situation.
This would allow not only for better accommodations, but more room for future growth, as both facilities are currently blocked from expansion due to location. It would also open up more area for the student exercise center as well as the track and UL tennis teams to improve their facilities in the future. Maybe I'm just thinking too far ahead and too logically.
Also, if UL was to become involved with a minor league team that would be great. I got a chance to go to the home field of the U of New Mexico (Isotope park) it is beautiful and very fan friendly. Word is they didn't spend a lot of their own money in its construction.
Just My Thoughts...Maybe I'm wrong
Yes and No
I agree but don't agree
You make good points, but there are drawbacks.
1. Softball is set where they're at. They just made some big improvements to that park, and are about to make more as soon as they're building the outfield 'locker room complex'.
2. You can't just stick a baseball field anywhere you want. That 'parking lot' is horrible, and to make it into a legitimate baseball field would take a lot of work. Not to mention, go to a baseball game and see where everyone parks, and it takes up a lot of that room...not to mention football parking and tailgating. Also, I went to College Station last year and saw what they did with their space. Overall, their area was not that much bigger than ours, but they just built higher. We'll need to do that as well. Building a second deck, or at least an extension of what we have, will allow for more quality seats behind the plate, and will allow for more roof space under that structure, which in turn, allows for more space for offices, concessions, and a merchanside store (which should be built kinda like a RC Co-Op so that it can be open 5-7 days per week, or at least for football game day).
I understand where you are coming from Rhineaux, however i think that you were missing my main point. Space for growth. If you would move it across, you would be able to solve the issues you brought up. The parking problems could be dealt with in a legitimate manner. Not just park where you can like it is now. And if you think baseball parking is bad, think of the parking issues the softball team faces now. Also it would allow for some pretty good tailgating for the spring sports. The football tailgating in that area is not so full that people would be up in arms about losing "their spot" to what would be a brand spanking new complex for our teams.
As for the upgrades to the softball field, the lockerooms haven't been started yet, and the brick work isn't enough to keep them from moving. I believe that the coaches, players and staff would trade one or two more years in Lamson Park if it meant that they would get a completly new home. One that didn't have the indoor facility towering over them, and yes, ruining the views form left field. To me, it is a shame that the most successful sports team in the history of our university is the one with the least acceptable facility.
If you are saying placing a new baseball facility on the parking lot somewheres would take up a lot more space, I must ask you this? What happens to the old facility and field. Maybe it gets converted to parking even closer to the stadium. The lots across the street are not earmarked for sports, but part of the research park. Da mn I hate it when that happens.
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