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Thread: Authement's not as financially responsible as we're led to believe

  1. #13

    Default Re: Authement's not as financially responsible as we're led to believe

    Quote Originally Posted by rhineaux View Post
    UL cannot raise its own tuition. The state gov't controls that.
    And if they raise tuition TOPS costs increase. The only thing they can do is raise fees.

    I'm an '81 graduate with a son who's a Freshman at UL. I lived in Voorhies, which was passable. The dorm situation now is deplorable. My kid is in Legacy because I was embarrassed to put him in the Conference Center or Stokes. I also don't know why they're building more apartments. We really need some decent, higher-density dorms.

  2. #14

    Default Re: Authement's not as financially responsible as we're led to believe

    The new design for most colleges around the country are the triplex and quads, with private bedrooms and baths with amenities, and common kitchen and living areas. Is this not something that would work on campus?

  3. #15

    Default Re: Authement's not as financially responsible as we're led to believe

    I graduated in December 06. When I voted to raise student fees, whenever that was, I knew the projects would never have a chance of being finished before I left. I still voted yes for the future of the University, paid my fees, and hopefully will get to check it all out when it finally is completed.

  4. #16

    Default Re: Authement's not as financially responsible as we're led to believe

    Kal remember that most of the fees that where raised early on were used to start the Intramurals fields that are not finished and are only used for a five week period out of the year.

  5. #17

    Default Re: Authement's not as financially responsible as we're led to believe

    Quote Originally Posted by Shammy View Post
    _ Kal remember that most of the fees that where raised early on were used to start the Intramurals fields that are not finished and are only used for a five week period out of the year. _
    You are correct. And I forgot about that. Those field also aren't completed. The land was leveld, seeded, and fencing erected, but no lights were ever put out on the fields nor any other facility for storage or restrooms. They are virtually useless as they are right now.

  6. Default Re: Authement's not as financially responsible as we're led to believe

    I have no problem paying fees for the future of UL. However, their comes a point where our administration grows a set and says we need to raise our tuition. We cannot have our budget capped because of TOPS. I hope Dr. Savoie can use his connections to increase tuition for UL.

    UL is in desparate need of renovations to a number of buildings on campus. In this digital age we should have a reliable wireless connection available across campus. We must find a way to move this campus into the future.

    Housing on campus is horrid. Legacy Park is a novel idea but is highly overpriced. The dorms are downright bad and need to be renovated or replaced. Last time I checked meal plans were included with the price of a Legacy Park apartment or a dorm. The food in the cafeteria last time I had it was less than impressive. Why force students living in an apartment to buy a meal plan?

  7. #19

    Default Re: Authement's not as financially responsible as we're led to believe

    The TOPS problem goes deeper than that, because UL won't go in for a tuitions raise by themselves. All the schools will line up and their legislators won't do anything to help UL unless their local 4-year is on the gravy train. For which, honestly, I can't blame them. The only school with the clout to get their way even if it means screwing the rest of the state schools is our glorious flagship.

    What would we do without their inspiring leadership?

  8. #20

    Default Re: Authement's not as financially responsible as we're led to believe

    Quote Originally Posted by jpspear View Post
    The TOPS problem goes deeper than that, because UL won't go in for a tuitions raise by themselves. All the schools will line up and their legislators won't do anything to help UL unless their local 4-year is on the gravy train. For which, honestly, I can't blame them. The only school with the clout to get their way even if it means screwing the rest of the state schools is our glorious flagship.

    What would we do without their inspiring leadership?
    I dunno... prosper?

  9. #21

    UL 1984, 1999 . . . . Re: Authement's not as financially responsible as we're led to believe

    Quote Originally Posted by jpspear View Post
    _ The TOPS problem goes deeper than that, because UL won't go in for a tuitions raise by themselves. All the schools will line up and their legislators won't do anything to help UL unless their local 4-year is on the gravy train. For which, honestly, I can't blame them. The only school with the clout to get their way even if it means screwing the rest of the state schools is our glorious flagship.

    What would we do without their inspiring leadership? _
    UL has consistently denied increases over the years. The last time I checked it out UL was the lowest cost university in the UL system. Something ain't right here. LSU on the other hand, is already 40% more than UL and want to increase their tuition by 65% over the next few years. Since most people at LSU meet TOPS what they are asking is for the state to steal money from other schools in Louisiana without hurting their students in the least.

    A better plan for UL is to peg their tuition at 85% of LSU, and increase the admittance qualifications to the TOPS minimum. Also to protect those who are at the bottom of the financial ladder coming in from the local juco,some grants that would equalize their costs to be no more than the average UL system costs. IOW if UL were at $3,300.00 and the the UL system at $3,100.00 the needy student would be able to claim a $200.00 grant.

    Hey I am only asking what LSU is already getting and wants more of in spades.

  10. #22

    Default Re: Authement's not as financially responsible as we're led to believe

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajun Express View Post
    _ UL has consistently denied increases over the years. The last time I checked it out UL was the lowest cost university in the UL system. Something ain't right here. LSU on the other hand, is already 40% more than UL and want to increase their tuition by 65% over the next few years. Since most people at LSU meet TOPS what they are asking is for the state to steal money from other schools in Louisiana without hurting their students in the least.

    A better plan for UL is to peg their tuition at 85% of LSU, and increase the admittance qualifications to the TOPS minimum. Also to protect those who are at the bottom of the financial ladder coming in from the local juco,some grants that would equalize their costs to be no more than the average UL system costs. IOW if UL were at $3,300.00 and the the UL system at $3,100.00 the needy student would be able to claim a $200.00 grant.

    Hey I am only asking what LSU is already getting and wants more of in spades. _
    Good ideas. Unfortunately, just as in the selection process for our President, I don't think the university has much say in this. If I'm not mistaken to accomplish all that you want requires approval of outside state bodies (UL system, Regents, legislature). I know tuition increases require legislative approval though I believe the last time it came up they did allow some small leeway that UL should take advantage of. And I think the criteria for admission also requires some approval from eithe the ULS Board or the Regents. While they probably have not stood in the way of increasing the standards i the past I'm sure they would see any attempt to get to the goal you stated for what it was and block it. Afterall, we can only have one capital ship inthe fleet and the rest must remain dinghies.

  11. #23

    UL 1984, 1999 . . . . Re: Authement's not as financially responsible as we're led to believe

    Quote Originally Posted by Hammer58 View Post
    _ Good ideas. Unfortunately, just as in the selection process for our President, I don't think the university has much say in this. If I'm not mistaken to accomplish all that you want requires approval of outside state bodies (UL system, Regents, legislature). I know tuition increases require legislative approval though I believe the last time it came up they did allow some small leeway that UL should take advantage of. And I think the criteria for admission also requires some approval from eithe the ULS Board or the Regents. While they probably have not stood in the way of increasing the standards i the past I'm sure they would see any attempt to get to the goal you stated for what it was and block it. Afterall, we can only have one capital ship inthe fleet and the rest must remain dinghies. _
    Hammer you will note I am aware of our need for approval, I started my thread with "denied."

  12. #24

    Default Re: Authement's not as financially responsible as we're led to believe

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajun Express View Post
    _ Hammer you will note I am aware of our need for approval, I started my thread with "denied." _
    Sorry. I misinterpreted that as UL has failed to increase tuition rather than having been denied requests for tuition increases.

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