Along with the announcement about real-time co-authoring in Office Web Apps, Microsoft also announced set of new features of Word Web App and Excel Web App. Read about new Word Web App features here. Excel Web App has got new features such as status bar aggregates, ability to reorder sheets, drag and drop cells and more. Read them below. Real-time co-authoring and presence Excel Web App has supported multiple users editing the same workbook for years, but with this release things have gotten a lot better in two ways: the data flows between editors much faster (nearly instantly in most cases) and now you can see what cells other users are editing so that you don’t accidentally edit the same cell at the same time. This area is also exciting because we’ve added the same functionality to Word and PowerPoint Web Apps–read more about it here. Besides support for Freeze Panes (introduced in June), Sheet Protection has been one of our biggest requests. In the past, Excel Web App would...

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