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Thread: Winning the War

  1. Default Winning the War

    Couple of things I have posted and noted, but saw another one today, if you go the ASU Redwolves website and go to golf scores we are listed as Louisiana and ULM is Louisiana Monroe. More and more conference mates are "GETTING IT"

    But more importantly, I called my brother (LSU Grad), to talk and he said I am driving home from your old stomping ground, Lafayette (he does business there) and he said man they are pumped up at UL this year, I even watched UL beat NMSU over the weekend. That was a nice comeback from UL.

    Granted I am paraphrasing, but He used UL at least 3 times in the conversation and could not stop talking about how good it is for the state and that he hopes UL goes to the New Orleans Bowl again, because it is good for the city.

  2. Default Re: Winning the War

    Quote Originally Posted by RaginDave View Post
    Couple of things I have posted and noted, but saw another one today, if you go the ASU Redwolves website and go to golf scores we are listed as Louisiana and ULM is Louisiana Monroe. More and more conference mates are "GETTING IT" .
    Not good, unsustainable. Gotta get rid of the Monroe if Lafayette is ever to be forgotten.

    Quote Originally Posted by RaginDave View Post
    But more importantly, I called my brother (LSU Grad), to talk and he said I am driving home from your old stomping ground, Lafayette (he does business there) and he said man they are pumped up at UL this year, I even watched UL beat NMSU over the weekend. That was a nice comeback from UL.

    Granted I am paraphrasing, but He used UL at least 3 times in the conversation and could not stop talking about how good it is for the state and that he hopes UL goes to the New Orleans Bowl again, because it is good for the city.
    Tangible evidence, good stuff.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Winning the War

    Quote Originally Posted by RaginDave View Post
    Couple of things I have posted and noted, but saw another one today, if you go the ASU Redwolves website and go to golf scores we are listed as Louisiana and ULM is Louisiana Monroe. More and more conference mates are "GETTING IT"

    But more importantly, I called my brother (LSU Grad), to talk and he said I am driving home from your old stomping ground, Lafayette (he does business there) and he said man they are pumped up at UL this year, I even watched UL beat NMSU over the weekend. That was a nice comeback from UL.

    Granted I am paraphrasing, but He used UL at least 3 times in the conversation and could not stop talking about how good it is for the state and that he hopes UL goes to the New Orleans Bowl again, because it is good for the city.
    Did he want something from you?

  4. #4

    Default Re: Winning the War

    Quote Originally Posted by RCAJUN90 View Post
    Did he want something from you?
    He had to want money...Hey bro...UL is doing well...Geaux UL...can you loan me three grand?

  5. Default Re: Winning the War

    Not a chance. He and I have had many discussions over the years about the name thing. He understands and is one of the few.

    The reason he is hoping for the Cajuns in the New Orleans Bowl is that he is a Regional VP for a large liquor distirbutor in New Orleans and it helps his business when the Cajuns are in the NOB. He said that week the last two years were huge for them, bigger than usual.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Winning the War

    Quote Originally Posted by RaginDave View Post
    Not a chance. He and I have had many discussions over the years about the name thing. He understands and is one of the few.

    The reason he is hoping for the Cajuns in the New Orleans Bowl is that he is a Regional VP for a large liquor distirbutor in New Orleans and it helps his business when the Cajuns are in the NOB. He said that week the last two years were huge for them, bigger than usual.
    My family is the exact opposite. They purposely say "ULL" to ____ me off.

  7. UL Football Re: Winning the War

    Honestly, if my family thought so little of me, I would write them off. I do know some families love to insult each other as sign of love, I do not get that, but if they just want to pizz me off there would be a serious problem.

  8. UL 1984, 1999 . . . . Re: Winning the War

    Quote Originally Posted by RaginDave View Post
    Couple of things I have posted and noted, but saw another one today, if you go the ASU Redwolves website and go to golf scores we are listed as Louisiana and ULM is Louisiana Monroe. More and more conference mates are "GETTING IT"

    But more importantly, I called my brother (LSU Grad), to talk and he said I am driving home from your old stomping ground, Lafayette (he does business there) and he said man they are pumped up at UL this year, I even watched UL beat NMSU over the weekend. That was a nice comeback from UL.

    Granted I am paraphrasing, but He used UL at least 3 times in the conversation and could not stop talking about how good it is for the state and that he hopes UL goes to the New Orleans Bowl again, because it is good for the city.
    Of course we are winning the war, and it was starting to escalate. Why do you think there has been so much push back the last few weeks? Now if T Joe will grow a pair, he cannot enter into any agreement that would be a long standing obstacle to the final victory.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Winning the War

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunDreDog View Post
    My family is the exact opposite. They purposely say "ULL" to ____ me off.
    Me too. Same with my partners. Let's see what they call us when A&M is down and the Cajuns are still winning.

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