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Thread: What happens if ULM walks away?

  1. #13

    Default Re: What happens if ULM walks away?

    Can they just quit being a school all together while they're at it?

  2. #14
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: What happens if ULM walks away?

    Quote Originally Posted by Hammer58 View Post
    These clowns are delusional with this "partnership" bull____. However the do sound like the stereotypical shrew wife constantly nagging and badgering her husband and then wondering why she doesn't get any flowers.

    It's also amusing that they think Decker is some official voice of the University and hang their hat on his dumbassed editorial as being an "official admission".
    Exactly. What a laugher. "A guy from 'down there' even admitted this". Good grief. Is all of north Louisiana this much of a joke nowadays? When are those with pride in Monroe going to step forward and hush these ignorant babies?

  3. #15

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: What happens if ULM walks away?

    Here's my response: "Hey Jimmy, geaux for it, dude, and don't let the door smack you in the @$$ on the way out!! WE ARE LOUISIANA!! GEAUX CAJUNS!!!!"

  4. #16

    Default Re: What happens if ULM walks away?

    Pfff they have no weight behind their decision. If they want to change their name then do it...Fu:ck 'em! They are a worthless sack of s. H. I. T university that had to ride the coat tails of this university with the name change. If we didnt have them bothering us and the SBC about petty bull crap then we would both be better off...... Please change back to northeastern university and watch how fast you drop to I-AA and become the little _____ for mcneese/SLU in the southland...... Then we can be LOUISIANA, with no little turd complaining to the north

  5. #17

    Default Re: What happens if ULM walks away?

    Bill Decker...the gift that keeps on giving.

  6. #18

    Default Re: What happens if ULM walks away?

    Never heard of him until he got his boss fired last week.

  7. Default Re: What happens if ULM walks away?

    IT!!!! We play a huge game in 3 days and we are trying to get SOME PUBLICITY OUT!!! Get some people to come to the game Thursday!!!

  8. #20

    Default Re: What happens if ULM walks away?

    Quote Originally Posted by Boomer View Post
    IT!!!! We play a huge game in 3 days and we are trying to get SOME PUBLICITY OUT!!! Get some people to come to the game Thursday!!!
    Boomer you are the last person to be directing others on what should or shouldn't be a topic on message boards.

  9. Default Re: What happens if ULM walks away?

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunDreDog View Post
    Good riddance Monroe! Can you go back to Arkansas now?

    University of Arkansas at Monroe....I like it. UAM Warhawks!
    Won't work, they will claim they had that name before University of Arkansas-Montecello?

  10. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by RaginDave View Post
    Won't work, they will claim they had that name before University of Arkansas-Montecello?
    LArkMo is available.

    But ULM is brilliant and easy to market.

  11. #23

    Default Re: What happens if ULM walks away?

    I really try to refrain from reading and posting a whole lot on the name thing because, quite frankly, it will drive me nuts and it would likely turn my daily life into one negative blur. However, I am confused as to what he said about this "equal partnership" between the two schools. I never took this law that was hastily written to be any type of partnership between the schools but rather a forced hand marriage. Am I remembering this scenario wrongly?

  12. #24

    Default Re: What happens if ULM walks away?

    i suppose this belongs here:

    circular logic. let's end this debate by continuing this debate so that it can end...after we talk about it some more.

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