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Well then the term Native American is also a misnomer. There are no Native Americans, no Euro Americans, we, the human race is OUT OF AFRICA. Now there is DNA evidence suggests that some of the oldest American immigrants came from France. Their DNA are mixed with the more prolific Asian Americans immigrants now being termed Native Americans.
They either were wiped out or died out and some of the survivors were absorbed into the Asian immigrants.
Mistake or not Indians is a lot loftier sounding than Native American so homogenized, so pasteurized, so boring. Little kids playing cowboys and native americans. Yea that sounds like fun.
All the kids I grew up with always wanted to be the indians. Lots of great war cries, cool weapons like tomahawks, bows and arrows, lances vs a cap pistols.
Not everything old is wrong, not everything new is right. There is no universal agreement on the origin of the term red skins, but there is empirical evidence of an indian chief very early on referring to themselves as red skins.