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Thread: REMEMBER 1984

  1. #1

    Default REMEMBER 1984

    I have been reading a lot of post and newspaper articles on the use of Louisiana and UL or Louisiana's Ragin Cajuns but no one has gone back to the 1984 issue. Had certain politicians, boosted by certain Universities, had not butted into the our business, none of this naming crap would be an issue, we would have been known as the University of Louisiana since 1984. Then there would be NO question as to who is the University of Louisiana. What ULM does not recognize is that WE, the University of Louisiana in Lafayette, took the bull by the horns and went for the name change,they didn't. In 1999, we again went after the name change, they followed us but went along with us which was a smart because the University of Louisiana at Monroe looks a whole lot better on their prize Pharmacy Degree, than Northeast Louisiana State University. SO for us also. While my diploma reads University of Southwestern Louisiana, I am glad we fought the Banana Republic Legislature and got the name changed. So, if anyone deserves to be called The University of Louisiana, it is us, the University, right here in Lafayette, LA.
    No matter what their argument is, they, have no grounds to be The University of Louisiana other than @ Monroe.

    I don't think any of us are claiming to be the Flagship University in the Louisiana System but if you look at Academic accomplishes and enrollment, there again, it is not contest. Just remind our Warhawk friends up north that it was us in 1984 and 1999 that went after the name change, nit them, they were just followers and the " Get-on-boarders" of our efforts.

    I have a lot of respect for ULM but when it comes to this argument, they have no case. The way they spend money needlessly is crazy. How much money do those billboards on the interstate cost them. Does it work? Is their enrollment larger than 10,000 yet. Are those billboards donated or what.

    Know the truth before accusing us of trying to steal the name, your billboard advertisements shows the hypocrisy of your statements toward us.

    Get real, get your finances in place, get your enrollment up, make strides toward academics, and support your Athletic Department.


  2. Default Re: REMEMBER 1984

    And don't forget about the Bus photo!!!! BEEP BEEP se you guys later!!!

  3. Default Re: REMEMBER 1984

    Don't forget the home games in Arkansas.

    They ArkLa

  4. Default Re: REMEMBER 1984

    1984: For the first time ever, Louisiana's legislature reserved university naming rights for itself.

    This was after a Judge said the Board of Trustees could not, because no specific law said they could.

  5. #5

    Default Re: REMEMBER 1984

    Then , who let lsuno change to UNO and loly poly to la tech. Was it the legislature or the System Board?

  6. #6

    Default Re: REMEMBER 1984

    I said it in the past and I will say it again. We did not have the right people representing us at the time. The Legislature pull a fast one on this university. They passed a law after the fact. The university system board voted 17-1 for the change. That p-off several people. So they said that it is not written in their law to make the change, So we will make a new law stating that we have all the authority to say what you can call yourself. Why did we wait 15 years to try it again? Why won't this legislature vote for this name change? What are they afraid of?. Several states have State of Universities and University of States.

  7. Default Re: REMEMBER 1984

    Quote Originally Posted by USLJim View Post
    Then , who let lsuno change to UNO and loly poly to la tech. Was it the legislature or the System Board?

    The thing is, no university name change criteria was set up prior in either the Constitution or any set of laws. The way it happened to happen was the Board of Regents would change a name and at some point the legislature would use the name in funding legislation which became a pseudo rubber stamp of approval.

    When The Board of Trustees did the same thing, the Board of Regents took them to court claiming they were alone held this privilege. The problem the judge saw was the constitution stated that the Board of Trustees had the same powers that were vested in the Board of Regents.

    The only way the Judge could rule against the Board of Trustees, was to rule against the Board of Regents. In essence he revoked both their rights to control the names of schools under their control, by saying there is no specific law saying you can.

    It was the only move the Judge could have made to undo the name change.

    While waiting for the Court appeal, the Louisiana Legislature set about (for the first time) reserving the right to change the names of universities. They did this under a new law, a law describing the Board of Regents procedures for a name change. . Prior to this there was no formality. Everyone looked at this new law as a Board of Regents law, not a first ever reservation of name change duties for the legislature as far as universities were concerned.

    The Board of Regents were elated at this effective win. They had prevailed on us not them, even though it effectively wiped out their previous rights. Fearful as to how the appeals process would turn out (the Constitution still gave the Board of Trustees any and every right the Board of Regents had, though never argued) they rushed to the courts in November of 1984 asking for their appeal to be thrown out, because they had the new semi-restorative law in hand, they stated an appeal was unnecessary and moot.

    The Court of Appeal declined to dismiss the case saying a new law could not undo the constitutional provisions used by the trial court in making its decision (no law says you CAN change a university name)

    A year later the Court of Appeals stated "We hold that this court does not have appellate jurisdiction of this case." because of the District Judge's implied wording declaring the name change unconstitutional, they sent the case to the Louisiana Supreme Court.

    The Supreme Court sent the case back saying "remanded to the Court of Appeal, which has jurisdiction unless a statute or ordinance has been declared unconstitutional." The Appeals court was confused but, handled the case.

    They found for the District Court.

    Nothing in the Constitution dug so deep as how to handle executive privileges concerning name changes. Nothing for, nothing against. So the courts determined unnamed privileges must rest with the legislature.

    If this logic were carried across the board every executive body would be paralyzed.

  8. #8

    Default Re: REMEMBER 1984

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post

    The thing is, no university name change criteria was set up prior in either the Constitution or any set of laws. The way it happened to happen was the Board of Regents would change a name and at some point the legislature would use the name in funding legislation which became a pseudo rubber stamp of approval.

    When The Board of Trustees did the same thing, the Board of Regents took them to court claiming they were alone held this privilege. The problem the judge saw was the constitution stated that the Board of Trustees had the same powers that were vested in the Board of Regents.

    The only way the Judge could rule against the Board of Trustees, was to rule against the Board of Regents. In essence he revoked both their rights to control the names of schools under their control, by saying there is no specific law saying you can.

    It was the only move the Judge could have made to undo the name change.

    While waiting for the Court appeal, the Louisiana Legislature set about (for the first time) reserving the right to change the names of universities. They did this under a new law, a law describing the Board of Regents procedures for a name change. . Prior to this there was no formality. Everyone looked at this new law as a Board of Regents law, not a first ever reservation of name change duties for the legislature as far as universities were concerned.

    The Board of Regents were elated at this effective win. They had prevailed on us not them, even though it effectively wiped out their previous rights. Fearful as to how the appeals process would turn out (the Constitution still gave the Board of Trustees any and every right the Board of Regents had, though never argued) they rushed to the courts in November of 1984 asking for their appeal to be thrown out, because they had the new semi-restorative law in hand, they stated an appeal was unnecessary and moot.

    The Court of Appeal declined to dismiss the case saying a new law could not undo the constitutional provisions used by the trial court in making its decision (no law says you CAN change a university name)

    A year later the Court of Appeals stated "We hold that this court does not have appellate jurisdiction of this case." because of the District Judge's implied wording declaring the name change unconstitutional, they sent the case to the Louisiana Supreme Court.

    The Supreme Court sent the case back saying "remanded to the Court of Appeal, which has jurisdiction unless a statute or ordinance has been declared unconstitutional." The Appeals court was confused but, handled the case.

    They found for the District Court.

    Nothing in the Constitution dug so deep as how to handle executive privileges concerning name changes. Nothing for, nothing against. So the courts determined unnamed privileges must rest with the legislature.

    If this logic were carried across the board every executive body would be paralyzed.

    Thanks, you da man.


  9. #9

    Default Re: REMEMBER 1984

    Quote Originally Posted by USLJim View Post
    I have been reading a lot of post and newspaper articles on the use of Louisiana and UL or Louisiana's Ragin Cajuns but no one has gone back to the 1984 issue. Had certain politicians, boosted by certain Universities, had not butted into the our business, none of this naming crap would be an issue, we would have been known as the University of Louisiana since 1984. Then there would be NO question as to who is the University of Louisiana. What ULM does not recognize is that WE, the University of Louisiana in Lafayette, took the bull by the horns and went for the name change,they didn't. In 1999, we again went after the name change, they followed us but went along with us which was a smart because the University of Louisiana at Monroe looks a whole lot better on their prize Pharmacy Degree, than Northeast Louisiana State University. SO for us also. While my diploma reads University of Southwestern Louisiana, I am glad we fought the Banana Republic Legislature and got the name changed. So, if anyone deserves to be called The University of Louisiana, it is us, the University, right here in Lafayette, LA.
    No matter what their argument is, they, have no grounds to be The University of Louisiana other than @ Monroe.

    I don't think any of us are claiming to be the Flagship University in the Louisiana System but if you look at Academic accomplishes and enrollment, there again, it is not contest. Just remind our Warhawk friends up north that it was us in 1984 and 1999 that went after the name change, nit them, they were just followers and the " Get-on-boarders" of our efforts.

    I have a lot of respect for ULM but when it comes to this argument, they have no case. The way they spend money needlessly is crazy. How much money do those billboards on the interstate cost them. Does it work? Is their enrollment larger than 10,000 yet. Are those billboards donated or what.

    Know the truth before accusing us of trying to steal the name, your billboard advertisements shows the hypocrisy of your statements toward us.

    Get real, get your finances in place, get your enrollment up, make strides toward academics, and support your Athletic Department.


    Remember 1984 should be our theme against Monroe! Post it everywhere in the stadium and also Put We are Louisiana Every where so they SAY OUR NAME!

  10. #10

    Default Re: REMEMBER 1984

    Quote Originally Posted by Frenchie35 View Post
    I said it in the past and I will say it again. We did not have the right people representing us at the time. The Legislature pull a fast one on this university. They passed a law after the fact. The university system board voted 17-1 for the change. That p-off several people. So they said that it is not written in their law to make the change, So we will make a new law stating that we have all the authority to say what you can call yourself. Why did we wait 15 years to try it again? Why won't this legislature vote for this name change? What are they afraid of?. Several states have State of Universities and University of States.
    We will be sending Turbine next time to court. He will win hands down.

  11. Default Re: REMEMBER 1984

    Quote Originally Posted by Redgineer View Post
    We will be sending Turbine next time to court. He will win hands down.
    Hands cuffed is more like it.

    While there are no laws that say I CAN represent someone else -and that is not what makes it illegal- there are actual laws that say I can not ... unlike the Judge saying you needed a law to say you CAN make a name change ... this even though there had been many name changes prior with no "Law says you can" on the books.

    Crazy concept I know.

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