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Thread: Parking Garage Construction

  1. #97

    Default Re: Parking Garage Construction

    Now who in the world ever posited that someone with UL has not planned this? Surely I did not. And I also realized that it was a long shot that someone here would have the answer, but thought I would give it a try (especially since Helmut is so knowledgeable about the whole process).
    I've never understood why people like you would take the time to post offensive responses to people who are just trying to use the forum for what it is intended: sharing information.

  2. #98

    Default Re: Parking Garage Construction

    Quote Originally Posted by cajuns_fan View Post
    A conceptual image of what the parking garage will look like. This is what they project it to look like from McNaspy field.

    I am confused as to where the access points for the garage will be located: if you look at the rendering above, it seems as if it will be in the rear of the garage. I also just drove by the site and cannot see any drive-way access points from the front (Lewis St) , or on the sides ( between either Rogeau or Fletcher Halls). Maybe they'll come later???? But if it is to be in the rear, would you enter from Girard Park drive? And if this is the case, I don't know how that would work once the additions to Oliver Hall or done. If anyone has any info on this please share....thanks!
    If you (click the image to) go to the full size image, you can see what looks like an entrance on the side of the building that's to the right side of this rendering. You can also make out what looks like a paved road running parallel to that facing of the building (perpendicular to the entrance). If so, then it seems that the opposite side, which I believe would front Lewis, might have an opposing entrance/exit. Just my thoughts...

  3. #99

    Default Re: Parking Garage Construction

    Well, the view we are looking at in the rendering is from McNaspy, so that Fletcher would be to the left, Rogeau to the right, and Lewis behind. So the road we see here would almost have to originate from Girard Park Dr. And I checked today: there aren't any entrances on Lewis ( because of the classrooms), and not any on the Fletcher or Rogeau sides either.

  4. #100

    Default Re: Parking Garage Construction

    Quote Originally Posted by cajuns_fan View Post
    Well, the view we are looking at in the rendering is from McNaspy, so that Fletcher would be to the left, Rogeau to the right, and Lewis behind. So the road we see here would almost have to originate from Girard Park Dr. And I checked today: there aren't any entrances on Lewis ( because of the classrooms), and not any on the Fletcher or Rogeau sides either.
    I remember seeing something that showed the entrance would be from Girard Park Drive.

  5. #101

    Default Re: Parking Garage Construction

    I took my 6 yr old around campus for the first time. He really was impressed by the swamp (even though half of it was fenced off). I am excited to see the final products. I had to laugh when I looked for the bowling lanes and saw food and tables! Quad was......disappointing as of now. He did like the walk of fame, couldn't find my name (1999 grads are not even laid yet) Interesting to look at the brick names and see how things changed per year (i.e. alot more women than men graduates during wartime, etc.) The buildings next to the swamp (where I use to pay my tutition, 1st semester) NEED to be destoyed with fire!!! Horrible looking. Sidwwalks needs some addressing but overall very happy with the upgrades. Also, saw the construction from Girard park. What is new on the campus construction?

  6. #102

    Default Re: Parking Garage Construction

    Went by the campus yesterday and took a few pics.
    (Sorry, can't figure out how to rotate the pics, or copy them from Flickr. Woe is me, lol)

    Attached Images Attached Images    

  7. Default Re: Parking Garage Construction

    Turning your camera sideways for landscape photos, might work.

  8. #104

    Default Re: Parking Garage Construction

    Went out between rain showers today and caught a few photos of work on campus.

    Parking garage as seen from the rear of Oliver Hall

    may-11-10 by Rosegardendorms, on Flickr

    A closer look at the garage. This will be much larger than Olivier Parking tower.

    may-11.11 by Rosegardendorms, on Flickr

    It's not an optical illusion. The long span sections are indeed higher in the middle than at the bearing points. They are "Precambered" so that when the full load is on the garage is will not sag. This is a shot of one of the sections that is stored on site. you can see the upward bow of the member.

    may-11-12 by Rosegardendorms, on Flickr

  9. #105

    Default Re: Parking Garage Construction

    I came across the official approval request from UL to the UL System board for the parking garage. A few interesting things to note:

    1. Access to the new parking tower will be from Girard Park Circle.
    2. The liner building, although two stories tall, will only be used as one story inside. Don't know why this is so.....
    3. There will be solar panels on the garage supply the garage and the engineering building.

    Here is the link (go to page 17 for the above details):

  10. #106

    Default Re: Parking Garage Construction

    Quote Originally Posted by cajuns_fan View Post
    I came across the official approval request from UL to the UL System board for the parking garage. A few interesting things to note:

    1. Access to the new parking tower will be from Girard Park Circle.
    2. The liner building, although two stories tall, will only be used as one story inside. Don't know why this is so.....
    3. There will be solar panels on the garage supply the garage and the engineering building.

    Here is the link (go to page 17 for the above details):
    1) I figured as much but was not sure. If you have ever been caugh at the intersection of Girard Park and Lewis or Johnston and Lewis at peak times you would understand why they would want to minimize traffic on Lewis.

    2) The portion of the building facing Lewis Street will be an Engineering Lab that will require equipment that is greater than one story in height.

    3) that's interesting. I would suspect they would have plenty of room up there. The building will be huge.

  11. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by cajuns_fan View Post
    I came across the official approval request from UL to the UL System board for the parking garage. A few interesting things to note:

    1. Access to the new parking tower will be from Girard Park Circle.
    2. The liner building, although two stories tall, will only be used as one story inside. Don't know why this is so.....
    3. There will be solar panels on the garage supply the garage and the engineering building.

    Here is the link (go to page 17 for the above details):
    Nice detective work.

  12. #108

    Default Re: Parking Garage Construction

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    Nice detective work.
    Lol....I know it's crazy, but where the access would be located was vexing me!

    I guess the main reason for that is that I very much like the plan to build the other two buildings that would flank Oliver, and then build another quad area. I know, this may be a long time off, but in my mind the parking tower access jeopardizes this....but maybe I am wrong about that?

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