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Thread: Parking Garage Construction

  1. #73

    Default Re: Parking Garage Construction

    This thread is "ON CAMPUS" but shows up under RAGE PAGE clicking, just for info.

  2. #74

    Default Re: Parking Garage Construction

    Looks like they have accelerated the test schedule for the test piles. The test were run this weekend. Typically the piles have to set about 28 days. These test piles were installed week before last so it is a little over a week and they have already run the test.

    This is a photo of the test rig on the tension test pile. The cylinder on the top of the large beam is a hydraulic jack. The large rod running through the cylinder is a threaded rod. A plate with a large nut fastens the threaded rod to the top of the jack. The jack pushes up on the rod in an attempt to lift the pile. They take deflection readings on the pile as they increase the load.

    This is a photo of the compression pile. The cylinder on the top of the pile is a compression jack. They place a similar setup as the photo above but the reaction piles have an all thread rod that ties the rig to the piles. The jack pushes down on the pile to load it. (a reverse of the tension test above). The tabs on the side of the pile are the reference tabs that they use to measure deflection. Sometimes the pile will rebound after unloading indicating the pile was compressed and the earth did not fail. They have tested this pile already because the hydraulic oil has leaked on to the pile.

    While waiting n the test pile they continued to do some rod busting for the pile cages. Literally tons of steel will have to be tied.

    Anything they can do to make things easier is welcomed for the rod busters. They tie a cage and roll it off. The top of the cage is to the right because the rods are an "L" shape. These rods will tie to the steel in the footings.

    Continuous "Ladder" auger to be used to install the auger cast pile. Each section of the lead is 20 feet long (you can see the foot marks on the back side of the lead). The auger is about 95 feet long. They auger into the ground and soil is removed. As they pull the auger out they inject structural grout through the middle of the auger. They don't pull the auger out completely until they get a return of grout on the outside of the auger.

    Getting ready for foundation work.

  3. Default Re: Parking Garage Construction

    Quote Originally Posted by HelmutVII View Post
    Looks like they have accelerated the test schedule for the test piles. The test were run this weekend. Typically the piles have to set about 28 days. These test piles were installed week before last so it is a little over a week and they have already run the test.

    This is a photo of the test rig on the tension test pile. The cylinder on the top of the large beam is a hydraulic jack. The large rod running through the cylinder is a threaded rod. A plate with a large nut fastens the threaded rod to the top of the jack. The jack pushes up on the rod in an attempt to lift the pile. They take deflection readings on the pile as they increase the load.

    This is a photo of the compression pile. The cylinder on the top of the pile is a compression jack. They place a similar setup as the photo above but the reaction piles have an all thread rod that ties the rig to the piles. The jack pushes down on the pile to load it. (a reverse of the tension test above). The tabs on the side of the pile are the reference tabs that they use to measure deflection. Sometimes the pile will rebound after unloading indicating the pile was compressed and the earth did not fail. They have tested this pile already because the hydraulic oil has leaked on to the pile.

    While waiting n the test pile they continued to do some rod busting for the pile cages. Literally tons of steel will have to be tied.

    Anything they can do to make things easier is welcomed for the rod busters. They tie a cage and roll it off. The top of the cage is to the right because the rods are an "L" shape. These rods will tie to the steel in the footings.

    Continuous "Ladder" auger to be used to install the auger cast pile. Each section of the lead is 20 feet long (you can see the foot marks on the back side of the lead). The auger is about 95 feet long. They auger into the ground and soil is removed. As they pull the auger out they inject structural grout through the middle of the auger. They don't pull the auger out completely until they get a return of grout on the outside of the auger.

    Getting ready for foundation work.

    --------Helm --thanks again for your work---I read a story or dreamed it (LOL) that the construction of the campus over what has been just completed say going back to the IPF and to what will soon (I HOPE) go up is over a Billion dollars--that is correct --correct???

  4. #76

    Default Re: Parking Garage Construction

    I don't think 1 Billion is correct. 1 Billion is 1000 million. They could rebuild the entire campus for that.

  5. #77

    Default Re: Parking Garage Construction

    Quote Originally Posted by HelmutVII View Post
    I don't think 1 Billion is correct. 1 Billion is 1000 million. They could rebuild the entire campus for that.
    Millions, billion. What's the difference except a few zeroes?

    Boomer, you definitely were dreaming.

  6. Default Re: Parking Garage Construction

    Quote Originally Posted by BeauCajun View Post
    Millions, billion. What's the difference except a few zeroes?

    Boomer, you definitely were dreaming.
    ---OVER one half Billion???

  7. UL 1984, 1999 . . . . Re: Parking Garage Construction

    So you were only puffing by 500 million Boomer. You fit right in there with Farmer, Blanco, T-Jo and the Fossil, 'if the facts don't support you simply change the perception of what is a fact'.

  8. Default Re: Parking Garage Construction

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunEXPRESS View Post
    So you were only puffing by 500 million Boomer. You fit right in there with Farmer, Blanco, T-Jo and the Fossil, 'if the facts don't support you simply change the perception of what is a fact'.
    ----Whoa man----I was bragging on the construction efforts of this university and I thought I saw or heard that the numbers were one Billion----That Is why I asked----when I was told I was way off I asked would it be half of that----And No sir I promptly admitted I was off and that was the reason for suggesting another parameter----What the hell gives with this Farmer, Blanco, T-Joe, D Ray------I don't know who you are but I assure you that you are way off base with your thoughts on my associations with these people---had many arguments with them through out the years with huge ideological differences ----Ask them!!!! Ask my wife!!!! And I still would like to put an adding machine to my miscalculation to see just what the real figures are----It is a hell of a lot of finished, present, and future work that will be done!!!

  9. UL Football Re: Parking Garage Construction

    Boomer all I see is your covering the back of T-Jo, and often over estimating values of certain projects. Seems like you are an apologist for UL even when the facts say they are F(*KING UP.

    Three or more major F-UPS

    1: Baseball FUP. Letting Robe be humiliated.

    2: NOT being ready for conference shuffle, claiming to have a pinky promise, not having a master plan, not manning up.

    3: NOLA Bowl vs looking at options.

    4: ---------------- no not hyphens to damned many F-UPS and never taking responsibility, always blaming stupid, fans believing something because U-LL never is transparent. So it is our fault for being confused.

  10. Default Re: Parking Garage Construction

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunEXPRESS View Post
    Boomer all I see is your covering the back of T-Jo, and often over estimating values of certain projects. Seems like you are an apologist for UL even when the facts say they are F(*KING UP.

    Three or more major F-UPS

    1: Baseball FUP. Letting Robe be humiliated.

    2: NOT being ready for conference shuffle, claiming to have a pinky promise, not having a master plan, not manning up.

    3: NOLA Bowl vs looking at options.

    4: ---------------- no not hyphens to damned many F-UPS and never taking responsibility, always blaming stupid, fans believing something because U-LL never is transparent. So it is our fault for being confused.
    #1----Totally agree with you and never once have i defended that screw up and in fact bragged to my buddies about our great new bball stadium-----#2--I warned for years about our upcoming demise over conference expansion and was told by T-joe and many on this board, and in fact ridiculed, about Tech getting in ahead of us---#3-I thought the fact of going anywhere else but NO was an absolute asinine consideration. We listened to those SOBs that screwed us some years back out of their bowl but were kind and told them we could not wait for a late offer and get LTURed---#4--I haven't seen what you are referring to about the stupid fans although I thought I had read all available info---but again nobody could have been more disappointed than me---I just choose to find out the reasons and make my judgements later!!! Again I don't know who you are but you sure seem ____ed and angry!!! On the projects I will state that I am happy as hell over what has happened to our school--just trying to remember and project----Cleaned the whole campus up, tore down and rebuilt the entire front of campus, St Mary St, Bikeway, Built parking garages, new parking garages, trade for hopefully the Lourdes property, Fletcher Hall, Boys Dorms in the back, Destroying of the 2 old buildings, Burke Hall, the UNION, IPF, New turf in stadium, new turf in the IPF, Cajun dome A/V work, New Cajun Dome remodeling ($15K), Phase I, PhaseII, PHaseIII----The remaining master plan to the Campus with bike storage areas, the future building of a UL area around the stadium parking lot with stores and living areas---I am sure that there are more but my over estimates are what they are --a mistake---but WTF is up with all the overestimating crap for a cover up---Don't know who you are but again you are way off in your assessments of my positions on things that you have posted about me!!!

  11. Default Re: Parking Garage Construction

    Only two times in history has construction been more active at UL.

    You would have to go back to the 40's or when UL was established in 1898 to top now.

    The late 60's early 70's come in 4th.

    Plus those other years only top now if you do percentage of buildings involved.

  12. #84


    Quote Originally Posted by ULGrad@HOU View Post
    According to a recent article in The Advertiser, it will be a 6 story garage with space for 1150 vehicles and completion in April.
    Wow, if that's true about the capacity, the garage is huge. I think LGMC's new parking garage will hold 230 or so vehicles

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