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Thread: Parking Garage Construction

  1. #61

    Default Re: Parking Garage Construction

    Quote Originally Posted by Boomer View Post
    When mcNaspy was torn down years ago I thought a great idea would be to build an international student building for academic, historical, cultural, culinary, etc purposes ---it would have been an oval type structure with each country having a designated room with all sorts of articles etc. from the individual countries---It would have been built with monies from all the countries and have certain articles on loan ------ like Latin American FG kickers, distance runners from Ireland and African countries, and women shot putters from East Germany!!!! lol
    Most universities have athletic facilities in the middle of campus and not on a separate athletic campus like we do. Always wondered if we could have somehow gotten Girard Park donated to UL and we could have expanded our athletic facilities there, how that would have worked out. I know we are land locked and would have had parking problems, but that is the case at a lot of schools. It would have been neat to tailgate right on campus and be able to tour the campus while walking to the stadium. That is the one experience we miss on game days. Of course, it all worked out OK with our growing athletic campus and tailgating. UL could still use Girard Park for academic building expansion as our enrollment grows. However, I seem to recall someone stating that Girard Park was donated to the City with stipulation that it be used only as a park.

  2. #62

    Default Re: Parking Garage Construction

    Quote Originally Posted by HoustonCajun View Post
    Most universities have athletic facilities in the middle of campus and not on a separate athletic campus like we do. Always wondered if we could have somehow gotten Girard Park donated to UL and we could have expanded our athletic facilities there, how that would have worked out. I know we are land locked and would have had parking problems, but that is the case at a lot of schools. It would have been neat to tailgate right on campus and be able to tour the campus while walking to the stadium. That is the one experience we miss on game days. Of course, it all worked out OK with our growing athletic campus and tailgating. UL could still use Girard Park for academic building expansion as our enrollment grows. However, I seem to recall someone stating that Girard Park was donated to the City with stipulation that it be used only as a park.
    The athletics are not on a seperate athletics campus. There are a ton of other university activities around the athletics.

  3. Default Re: Parking Garage Construction

    Quote Originally Posted by SlappyCajun View Post
    The athletics are not on a seperate athletics campus. There are a ton of other university activities around the athletics.
    Well I think that the academic expansion will be on the old Lourdes property----the frat and sorority houses are closer to the stadium than to Martin Hall as is Bourgois (H and PE)----We are in pretty good shape if we can just connect the 2 and hide the Fletcher thing with landscaping and Girard Park just needs something to bring it to look like part of the campus---I have been thinking that since I got here!!!

  4. #64

    Default Re: Parking Garage Construction

    Quote Originally Posted by HoustonCajun View Post
    Most universities have athletic facilities in the middle of campus and not on a separate athletic campus like we do. Always wondered if we could have somehow gotten Girard Park donated to UL and we could have expanded our athletic facilities there, how that would have worked out. I know we are land locked and would have had parking problems, but that is the case at a lot of schools. It would have been neat to tailgate right on campus and be able to tour the campus while walking to the stadium. That is the one experience we miss on game days. Of course, it all worked out OK with our growing athletic campus and tailgating. UL could still use Girard Park for academic building expansion as our enrollment grows. However, I seem to recall someone stating that Girard Park was donated to the City with stipulation that it be used only as a park.
    I seem to remember that a caveat with the donation of the land for Girard park to the city was that it stay a park. I don't think the property can be sold by the city.

    What would be nice is the elevated tram between the main and auxiliary campus properties like was shown in some of the Master Plan documents shown earlier.

  5. #65

    Default Re: Parking Garage Construction

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunAmos View Post
    I seem to remember that a caveat with the donation of the land for Girard park to the city was that it stay a park. I don't think the property can be sold by the city.

    What would be nice is the elevated tram between the main and auxiliary campus properties like was shown in some of the Master Plan documents shown earlier.
    The people on Girard Park drive would go looney tunes if we tried to put a football stadium there.

  6. Default Re: Parking Garage Construction

    Quote Originally Posted by HoustonCajun View Post
    ... I seem to recall someone stating that Girard Park was donated to the City with stipulation that it be used only as a park.
    ... or it went back to the family.

  7. #67

    Default Re: Parking Garage Construction

    BTW, when is the completion date for this project, if the tests are within specs?

    Also, that is one long Auger bit.......Can we use that to pull the admins head out of their A__es and get moving on things!

  8. #68

    Default Re: Parking Garage Construction

    Any Idea how many spaces will be available in this garage?....

  9. #69


    Quote Originally Posted by leeman View Post
    Any Idea how many spaces will be available in this garage?....
    Spaces - each will be divided by a - (hyphen).

  10. #70

    Default Re: Parking Garage Construction

    Quote Originally Posted by leeman View Post
    Any Idea how many spaces will be available in this garage?....
    According to a recent article in The Advertiser, it will be a 6 story garage with space for 1150 vehicles and completion in April.

  11. #71

    Default Re: Parking Garage Construction

    Quote Originally Posted by ULGrad@HOU View Post
    According to a recent article in The Advertiser, it will be a 6 story garage with space for 1150 vehicles and completion in April.
    The advertiser article was in error. (imagine that) They are scheduled to have the parking garage finished by the fall. A portion of the first floor is supposed to have some class room space. I don't think they will be ready for fall. I think the April time frame was to have asbestos abatement finished in Stokes A and B finished. Then Stokes will be demolished.

  12. #72

    Default Re: Parking Garage Construction

    Quote Originally Posted by HelmutVII View Post
    The advertiser article was in error. (imagine that) They are scheduled to have the parking garage finished by the fall. A portion of the first floor is supposed to have some class room space. I don't think they will be ready for fall. I think the April time frame was to have asbestos abatement finished in Stokes A and B finished. Then Stokes will be demolished.
    Ha, yeah they were extremely hopeful with an April date. You are on it, like usual Helmut!

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