Albert Penello, who leads the planning of Xbox One at Microsoft posted a note on why real dashboard videos have not been published, what are the differences between the published demo video and the actual product, his comments on the recent rumors about Xbox One SDK bugs, etc,. 1) Why a live demo of Xbox One dashboard was not posted? Even though we have rights to populate the store with Musicians, Artists, Movies, Actors, etc. – when it comes to us (as in Microsoft) publishing those types of things for marketing materials, it requires an extensive amount of approvals from those same Studios, Actors, Agents, Musicians, etc. Also whenever we use game footage, the creator of the game wants to approve the footage. And finally, when something like this gets created, it needs to be used in a variety of ways that a direct feed video doesn’t work for. Coordinating a live demo that is using approved game footage, and making sure every piece of content on-screen is approved by...

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