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Thread: Fletcher Hall Renovations

  1. #61

    Default Re: Fletcher Hall Renovations

    Fletcher Hall as seen from the new entry plaza to Oliver Hall.

    As seen from the top of the parking garage.

    Renovated stair way

    Waffle slab with a shear head at the top of a round symmons formed column.

    Close up of a waffle slab. This waffle is not as deep as the pohoto above because the span is much shorter.

    Lifting mechanism as seen on the Discovery Channel episode studying Ancient Building techniques

    Walkway between Fletcher Hall and Parking garage. Another very nice place that will be better when Fletcher hall is completed.

  2. #62

    Default Re: Fletcher Hall Renovations

    From the Fletcher Hall FB page yesterday. Wish they had some interior shots, but it looks like they are almost done.

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  3. #63

    Default Re: Fletcher Hall Renovations

    Thank you for the pics ... nice transformation.

    Do you know what the courtyard looks like or is that still a work in progress.

    Thanks again.

  4. #64

    Default Re: Fletcher Hall Renovations

    Quote Originally Posted by USL1970 View Post
    Thank you for the pics ... nice transformation.

    Do you know what the courtyard looks like or is that still a work in progress.

    Thanks again.
    I asked that question a while back: I don't think anything has been done yet. There was a competition at the beginning of the reno process to determine its new look, but I haven't heard anything on that either.

    I will check with them and see if there are any updates.

    And yes, I think it looks much better too, and from what I understand it will be much more functional than before, and I lots less maintenance issues.

  5. #65

    Default Re: Fletcher Hall Renovations

    The word is no interior pics yet, but the courtyard is almost done. If its open this weekend I'll try to get some pics.

  6. #66

    Default Re: Fletcher Hall Renovations

    Looks a little like the APC!

  7. Sunbelt Re: Fletcher Hall Renovations

    Ha, I like it, but it does indeed look like a different version of the APC. Looks like we went from red and white to red, white, and prison grey for our 21st century look. I recall a lot of the modernistic architecture in the nordic countries looked similar to this in the 1930's.

  8. #68

    Default Re: Fletcher Hall Renovations

    LOL: yes, this building looks more like a 'prison' than the APC, but is much better off than before. And most importantly they didn't slap some re-bricks on it like the first proposal. We did not have the money to start from scratch, which is the only way that we could have had a more traditional looking building. Better to be honest and go with what you have, rather than try to make it something it is not, IMHO.

  9. #69

    Default Re: Fletcher Hall Renovations

    Project "put lipstick on a pig" is complete.

  10. Default Re: Fletcher Hall Renovations

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRebel View Post
    Project "put lipstick on a pig" is complete.
    ---My wife always tells me of the magic of landscaping and a lil change to the building and the big change in total appearance---Just thinking of what will be done with the landscape and the maybe partial bricking in the future!!! Also the signage if done correctly will enhance--look at the difference the ones on campus have made for the different buildings!!!

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