I sent a message to BT on Facebook about making the Alma Mater more prevalent after the game. I'll let y'all know what he says when I get back from work tonight!
I think we need to keep the Alma Mater like it is. You can change the words to a fight song, but you don't change the words to an alma mater. It transcends everything. The "Southwestern" goes back to 1900, when we were the Southwestern Louisiana Industrial Institute. Of the few traditions we have, this is a major one. We don't want to go changing our traditions around do we? Our Alma Mater, with "Southwestern" included, reminds us of where we started, and everything our school's gone through to make it the outstanding University it is today. I, for one, will be singing of my "...beloved old Southwestern!" until the day I die, no matter if the lyrics change or not. Yes, I want us to be the University of Louisiana, I am 100% behind this, and I hope that one day that'll become a reality, but the Alma Mater is one thing I don't want to change at all.
The same holds true for the PoA. We have always been the Pride of Acadiana. This is one tradition I think needs to be held onto as well. We are becoming a nationally know university, (Slowly, but surely its happening.) and I am very proud of that! We also need to know our roots though, and announcing us as the Pride of Acadiana reminds us that we're right here in the middle of the best place on the face of the Earth, Acadiana, Cajun Country, Sportsmans' Paradise! That's something we need to hold on to. I'll never forget my former, current and future years in the PoA! And when I'm old, and I'm sitting in the stands watching the Cajuns play, I'll still get chills when I hear 'Pride of Acadiana!"