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Thread: The Book 2008 Football

  1. Default Re: Ragin’ Cajuns 2008 football schedule

    The way to go for long term excellence is 2 for 1 and promote the home games like crazy. You can never "expect" to get BIG wins on the road when you are always working from inside the hole.

    I was hoping we would use the increased funding to limit money games and for actually buying a team once every 4 years by simply setting aside $150,000 a year.

    All the money gained on the front end is lost on the back end.


  2. #26

    Default Re: Ragin’ Cajuns 2008 football schedule

    How much is UL getting for the money games? Anyone know?

  3. #27

    Default Re: Ragin’ Cajuns 2008 football schedule

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    _ The way to go for long term excellence is 2 for 1 and promote the home games like crazy. You can never "expect" to get BIG wins on the road when you are always working from inside the hole.

    I was hoping we would use the increased funding to limit money games and for actually buying a team once every 4 years by simply setting aside $150,000 a year.

    All the money gained on the front end is lost on the back end.

    jmo _
    I think this is kinda what we did this year.

    We bought the UTEP game.

    Good move.

  4. #28

    UL Football Re: 2008 Schedule Question

    Quote Originally Posted by andrepourciau View Post
    Here is the TENTATIVE 2008 UL Football Schedule for Outlook users.
    Hey guys,

    Sorry I have been so out of touch lately. I have not been around or even on these sites much. I just found out 3 days ago that Delphi was shut down...that is how out of it I have been.

    Anyway, I updated the zip file with the TENTATIVE 08 football schedule for Outlook. It now has all the games on their correct dates. I even found out the times for 2 or 3 of our roads games!!! WHEW WHOO!


    P.S. I have been trying to keep up with the baseball team as much as possible though, just not enough time to be getting online like I used to, esp. from work.

  5. UL Football UL v. Troy 2008

    So, who will be coming up to the Wiregrass this season? Troy is a wonderful place to watch football. For those who have not been to the school, I'll take a moment to tell you alittle about it.

    Troy University is located 1 hour south of Montgomery and 1 hour north of Dothan. Troy is a small town that has not really embraced the lifeblood that is the student body. Still, there are plenty of places to eat, drink, and sleep. First of all, call early to get a good room for the game. I'd reccommend the new Hampton Inn. It is located right off of George Wallace Drive, the same road the stadium is on. Perfect if you plan on drinking because it will help you get off the road quickly. As for food, definitely hit up Buffalo Jack's. It is a sports bar similar to a Buffalo Wild Wings, just smaller. It is located on Hwy. 231 (the main drag through town) and easy to find. If you want to wait to buy alcohol till you get there, visit Pete's. It is across the street from Burger King, on S. Brundige Street. They have the best selection of beers, liquor, and wines and all the extras to make sure you have a great day.

    Tailgating is a big part of Trojan football. I hear the University of Louisiana shares of our love of tailgating, so all of you will want to get there early to get a good spot. I'd reccommend staking out an area together. University Avenue runs through the middle of campus and is the main road that Trojan fans use, so depending on whether you want to mix it up with us or not, come early and stake out a spot. On the residential quad, the greeks tailgate. We always have a cover band playing provided by the school, and the students usually get pretty wild. Walk through and stop by the Delta Chi tent if you want, ask for Greg. I'd love to meet all of you.

    If you want to see the campus, please don't be afraid to do so. Troy is a beautiful school, and is easily walked across because it is confined to one area of the city. You can get around on foot just fine, so park and walk. Oh, and try and park by Alumni Hall. It's not real close to the stadium, but it's safe and conveiniant for getting off campus quickly after the game. The bookstore is located just off the academic quad and is a great place to shop. I don't know if any of you will want anything Troy, but if you do it's there. It is also a Barnes and Nobles, so you can get books, coffee, sandwiches, etc.

    Tickets at the gate are cheap, REAL cheap. You can probably wait and buy your tickets there, they are like $15. Troy fans will be polite if Louisiana fans are polite. I will apologize in advance if any drunk students say something off color, kids will be kids. If they do, please, don't take it personally. The Gallery is a very initimidating place to visit, we are very intense and we like to "scare" the opposing team as much as possible. Anyways, I hope you enjoy the game.

    I'm sure I've left out plenty, but i'll post more closer to game time. I hope many of you will come and enjoy our hospitality.

    Oh, FYI: Be careful for law enforcement, they are very strict on drinking and driving.

  6. #30

    UL Football Re: UL v. Troy 2008

    I like to attend one road game every year and look forward to choosing this years venue. It's rare that I make Sunbelt road games, only because I like a big game atmosphere, but who knows Movie Gallery may be the place for me. If so Greg, I'll most def look you up and we shall pass a good time.

  7. Default Re: UL v. Troy 2008

    Well Big Buds, I hope you make Troy your choice for this season. We'd really love to have you. Definitely let me know if you're coming, i'll roll out the Cardinal carpet for ya, lol. If you do make it up, i'll make it a point to show you around and make sure you get the REAL Troy football experience.


    P.S. That goes for anyone who wants to come visit. Also, I'll be coming down next season to get the full Cajun experience, so hopefully I'll have some of that famous Louisiana hospitality I hear so much about. I think our two teams could become a great rivalry with fans traveling well to one another. It could become the second strongest rivalry in the 'Belt. The first of course being Troy vs. Middle, hehe. We hate the Blue Faders (aka. MUTS). ;D

  8. #32

    Default Re: UL v. Troy 2008

    i'll make that trip if it ends up being for the league title. which in that case,you would have more cajun fans than you know what to do with.

  9. #33

    Default Re: UL v. Troy 2008

    I would love to come but I might just be standing on the new field listening to the radio broadcast.... Im that excited about the field

  10. Default Re: UL v. Troy 2008

    oh yall got a new field? is it a whole new stadium, or just a new field turf? tell me a bit about it, i'm seriously interested. btw, our stadium is nolonger "new," but it still has that new stadium smell. come enjoy it, it's said to be the nicest stadium in the state of alabama.

  11. #35

    Default Re: UL v. Troy 2008

    Click on the swamp scape 2008 link at the top of the page. Live feed from the field. Another poster (Frenchie) also has really good pictures on his blog that is in a thread regarding the new turf (Real Time Swamp Floor Happenings).

  12. UL Football UL vs USM

    Anyone planning to make the road trip to Southern Miss on August 30th? (I know its early, but I'm ready for the season to begin.)

    Go Cajuns!!!!

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