Leslie Marcelle Saloom of Lafayette will reign as UL's 2008 homecoming queen.
Saloom is the daughter of Judge and Mrs. Douglas J. Saloom of Lafayette and the granddaughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Herman Bienvenu and the retired Judge and Mrs. Kaliste J. Saloom. Sigma Gamma Mu, the Communication Honor Society, nominated her to the court.
Saloom is a senior majoring in public relations with a minor in business. She is a member of the Public Relations Student Society of America, the Association of Future Alumni, the Honors Program, Rho Lambda (Greek Honor Society) and Phi Kappa Phi (Business Honor Society), as well as being vice president of public relations of Kappa Delta, staff liaison for the Ragin' Peppers, president of the Order of Omega (Greek Honor Society), and an intern in the Office of Compliance in the UL Athletic Department.