The article confused me a little. Walker is still redshirted, correct? They're just taking him on the trip "in case".
The article confused me a little. Walker is still redshirted, correct? They're just taking him on the trip "in case".
Yobes would not lose his redshirt until he participates in one play.
unfurl those sails, undrea, and fly with the wind on the plains of kansas! geaix cajuns!
Sails will travel and will likely play, Bustle said.
Cajun T, I got your message. Many thanks, as always.
In order for that to happen we need to take care of our own backyard first. Changing names of organizations runs the risk of angering many people. To suggest that we do this in order to appeal to people who already pull for their home team, be it La Tech, ULM or any other school is just crazy. We can be The University of Louisiana and still keep true to our cultural herritage. Anything else is just a p!$$!ng contest over trivial matters.
We were the Pride of Acadiana when we were SLI and USL and ULL and everything in between. "Acadiana" was never the school's name. The band's moniker didn't change then and it shouldn't change now.
Nobody outside of UL knows the name of our band, and nobody outside of UL will really ever know the name of our band. It's not to say that the band isn't good or couldn't be great. It has nothing to do with how good the band is. It's just that at the end of the day, nobody knows much about college bands unless you're doing the script "Ohio" or you're Southern. Calling the band "The Pride of Acadiana" is the ONE tradition that's lasted through all the political and name change crap that the school's endured over the years. Changing the name of the band won't do anything to help our name recognition and or perpetuate the "Louisiana" thing, and keeping the name of the band won't harm our efforts be known as "UL" or "Louisiana" or anything else. I promise you this, if you could concretely show me that calling the band "The Pride of Louisiana" would help the cause, I'd be all about it. But it will have no effect, so why change one of the few traditions we have?
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