That really makes me sick man... and I know that is not what YOU are proposing but rather the general malaise that surrounds this football program. Everyone knows my feelings from last year. I thought we should have bit the bullet then and made a move. I argue why do we spend money on a pretty field turf. Why do we spend money on a pretty scoreboard. Put $$$ into coaching and not asthetics... Winning = butts in seats = $$$'s = nice stuff.... not the other way around
My heart goes out to those kids who bought into the program and I applaud them for fighting their guts out every week. They are wonderful. But when it comes to the cold realities of sports today you have to do better than mediocrity in the worst football conference in D-1 (or whatever the heck they call it).... especially when the "mistake on the bayou" over in BR is having such huge success (now Im really sick)... Tech is winning... Monroe is winning...
Coach Bustle is a good man who chose a very tough profession.... one that rewards you when you win and severely penalizes you when you dont. He has to go... We tried a D-1 coordinator from a BCS program. My thought then was it was a great choice.. But perhaps that is a mistake.. They are used to big recruiting budgets with the corporate plane at their disposal. Perhaps another approach with a young D-2 (again I know I am not PC on the names here) head coach wanting to move up the ranks by establishing himself.
Time to change......