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Thread: "You Don't Even Go Here!"

  1. #73

    Default Re: "You Don't Even Go Here!"

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunEXPRESS View Post
    CajunHawk spends a lot of time on the Hoax Scout board, and he trashed UL non stop. Of course we cannot pry him out of Lafayette back to MoannnnROW.

    As far as hanging hats, he is just like the Brokebacks bragging about fcs championships. ULM shares a conference title in the SBC with a losing record giving Wright Waters to exclude them in the bowl seeding. Hang your hat on that. ULM was humiliated at the Independence Bowl, hang your hat on that. ULM could not house the team to the Independence Bowl, so they bused there just before the game, peanut butter sandwiches instead of hotel meals.

    CajunHawk challenged us to travel elsewhere. He better hope we can bring money to the conference because his deadbeat welfare team needs our share of the bowl revenue as they did not break even.

    Hang your hat on that Hoax, one winning season in the years you have been 1A or FBS to make you feel at home with your Brokeback brothers. And it will still be one year after this year, and Browning won't be back next year. Should be a real bleak three months.

    Have a nice UL day in Lafayette
    I need to get back on my meds...I'm doing things I cannot remember. I feel like William Hurt in Altered States.

  2. #74

    Default Re: "You Don't Even Go Here!"

    Quote Originally Posted by cajunwarhawks23 View Post
    Yea actually I do...same user on there as well
    Listen friend...can we talk? I feel like you have good intentions here...and sometimes you actually contribute something worth a nickle or two.'s just not working out. You seem to want to gravitate more towards defending ULM...and agitating the glorious Ragin Pagin faithful that contains in my opinion one of the greatest collections of human beings this side of the Mississippi, and that includes Kyle and the Peppa Pitt. Without them this place doesn't pop. Glad to have them. I said's just not working out here. We could do without you here. You ____ on this place more than you contribute anything. We have no problem with fans of other programs. Hell we encourage it. Sonnysissymia is one of my favorite posters in history. And he is an LSU guy!!

    To cut to the chase here...we are gonna need you to turn in your Ragin Pagin card. Like I said's just not working out. So many times in this instance, they say...It's not's me. This is not the case. I feel you are going down a path...and that place leads to Wrangler64 and RiverRanchMan territory. Don't be that guy. Bow out now before it gets ugly. Side note...Turbine can we find that super long post I made that sent Wrangler64 into the abyss? ____ that was epic. Back on point...I am only trying to help you...and trying to end any other dissemination with my nickname. I don't want to be associated with you. I know you were trying to be creative...but come on man. I have spent countless hours sculpting my nickname and even one post mixing up you and too damn high!!! (crazy New York mayor guy reference!!!)

    So...there it all is. Just trying to approach you like a man. Do the right thing.

  3. #75


    Quote Originally Posted by cajunhawk View Post
    Listen friend...can we talk? I feel like you have good intentions here...and sometimes you actually contribute something worth a nickle or two.'s just not working out. You seem to want to gravitate more towards defending ULM...and agitating the glorious Ragin Pagin faithful that contains in my opinion one of the greatest collections of human beings this side of the Mississippi, and that includes Kyle and the Peppa Pitt. Without them this place doesn't pop. Glad to have them. I said's just not working out here. We could do without you here. You ____ on this place more than you contribute anything. We have no problem with fans of other programs. Hell we encourage it. Sonnysissymia is one of my favorite posters in history. And he is an LSU guy!!

    To cut to the chase here...we are gonna need you to turn in your Ragin Pagin card. Like I said's just not working out. So many times in this instance, they say...It's not's me. This is not the case. I feel you are going down a path...and that place leads to Wrangler64 and RiverRanchMan territory. Don't be that guy. Bow out now before it gets ugly. Side note...Turbine can we find that super long post I made that sent Wrangler64 into the abyss? ____ that was epic. Back on point...I am only trying to help you...and trying to end any other dissemination with my nickname. I don't want to be associated with you. I know you were trying to be creative...but come on man. I have spent countless hours sculpting my nickname and even one post mixing up you and too damn high!!! (crazy New York mayor guy reference!!!)

    So...there it all is. Just trying to approach you like a man. Do the right thing.
    And can I getta a hot tub?!?!

  4. #76
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: "You Don't Even Go Here!"

    Quote Originally Posted by cajunhawk View Post
    To cut to the chase here...we are gonna need you to turn in your Ragin Pagin card. Like I said's just not working out. So many times in this instance, they say...It's not's me. This is not the case.
    Hehehe... "look baby... things just aren't working out with us... and... it's not you... it's... well... yes... it is you..."

  5. Louisiana Re: "You Don't Even Go Here!"

    Fixed it before reading my mistake. I hold CajunHawk totally responsible for the error, ;o) , incorporating two loyalties into one name. I can think of nothing more far removed from Cajuns than the Seattle Seahawks if I recall his posting in other threads.

  6. #78

    Default Re: "You Don't Even Go Here!"

    i second cajunhawk's proposition !!!!! and i move that the new name of cajunwarhawk23 be changed to hoax23, he deserves not the cajun part of his screen name

  7. #79

    Default Re: "You Don't Even Go Here!"

    I dont "bash" the cajuns on any site...if you can find that on another forum please post it I said I was just messing around...and sorry I wont stop enjoying/cheering for a team that I have watched since I was a kid...problem is some cant tell the diff from being objective and opinionated...i try to be objective on any forum...of course we all post things sometimes to get under someones skin...thats what the forums are made for....amkes it fun...I come on this forum for info that i cant find anywhere else...not to "bash" anyone...sorry if you guys like to...its easy to do that behind a keyboard and after looking up words in a dictionary and trying to form thoughts...BTW ill be at homecoming this weekend and Ill wear one of my Cajun shirts...i can see how that may agitate some people most just like that i am part of the fan base in the lafayette area and spending money to support the program

  8. #80

    Default Re: "You Don't Even Go Here!"

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunEXPRESS View Post
    Fixed it before reading my mistake. I hold CajunHawk totally responsible for the error, ;o) , incorporating two loyalties into one name. I can think of nothing more far removed from Cajuns than the Seattle Seahawks if I recall his posting in other threads.
    I take full responsibility for the Seahawks being 7-1.

  9. Default Re: "You Don't Even Go Here!"

    I really need to call you when Coach Tater (QB coach of the Hawks comes to town)----you would love him!!!

  10. #82

    Default Re: "You Don't Even Go Here!"

    Quote Originally Posted by cajunwarhawks23 View Post
    I dont "bash" the cajuns on any site...if you can find that on another forum please post it I said I was just messing around...and sorry I wont stop enjoying/cheering for a team that I have watched since I was a kid...problem is some cant tell the diff from being objective and opinionated...i try to be objective on any forum...of course we all post things sometimes to get under someones skin...thats what the forums are made for....amkes it fun...I come on this forum for info that i cant find anywhere else...not to "bash" anyone...sorry if you guys like to...its easy to do that behind a keyboard and after looking up words in a dictionary and trying to form thoughts...BTW ill be at homecoming this weekend and Ill wear one of my Cajun shirts...i can see how that may agitate some people most just like that i am part of the fan base in the lafayette area and spending money to support the program you have gone too far. Three periods and run on sentences is my ____. I was being nice before...gloves off. Let's be real. You cannot expect anyone to take you seriously when you talk out of both sides of your mouth. I know this all too well...cause I do it regularly. But I doubt you are intelligent enough to pull it off. Truth be told...we can tell the difference from being objective and opinionated. We usually do a good job of weeding out the real from the erroneous. That's why this place is so great. We can tell real from fake at the drop of a hat. There is a fine line between getting under someone's skin...and trolling. You my friend...are trolling. Once again...I know because it's my thing. So let's not mince words by trying to back track...cause it just makes you look like less of a man at this point.

    Internet Forums are made for like minded people to gather and share info and experiences in an easier way than meeting in person on a regular basis. This place is a coffee shop...and we all gather together to drink coffee and razz each other and share our experiences. If you try to come in and be one will be happy if you keep coming to the coffee shop and you will be eventually asked to frequent a new coffee shop. And lets be clear...I don't need a dictionary to school your ___ on the internet...spellcheck...yes...but not a dictionary. The book you are thinking of is called a's where us smart folk find our 5 dollar words to impress people of lesser edumacation...ahh yuck.

    From here one out you will be known as hoax23 as angeleast has now dubbed you. Embrace it...and be prepared to receive the cold shoulder from most of us. You did this to yourself my friend. Stay classy Monroe.

  11. #83


    Quote Originally Posted by cajunwarhawks23 View Post
    I dont "bash" the cajuns on any site...if you can find that on another forum please post it I said I was just messing around...and sorry I wont stop enjoying/cheering for a team that I have watched since I was a kid...problem is some cant tell the diff from being objective and opinionated...i try to be objective on any forum...of course we all post things sometimes to get under someones skin...thats what the forums are made for....amkes it fun...I come on this forum for info that i cant find anywhere else...not to "bash" anyone...sorry if you guys like to...its easy to do that behind a keyboard and after looking up words in a dictionary and trying to form thoughts...BTW ill be at homecoming this weekend and Ill wear one of my Cajun shirts...i can see how that may agitate some people most just like that i am part of the fan base in the lafayette area and spending money to support the program
    This is not the place for objectivity. Only hyperpartisanship. Extremism in the defense of Ragin Cajun nation is no vice.

  12. #84

    Default Re: "You Don't Even Go Here!"

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRebel View Post
    There wasn't so much as a peep from other Texas universities when Texas State dropped San Marcos from it's name. No school tried to "put them in their place." Texas didn't get threatened when another team tried to better itself.

    The amount of stupidity in this state is unparalleled.
    Which begs the question: was LSU _____ing and moaning when McNeese went from "McNeese State College" to "McNeese State University"? Were they complaining when NSU went from "Northwestern State Normal School" to "Northwestern State College" to "Northwestern State University"?

    If not, why not?

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