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Thread: "You Don't Even Go Here!"

  1. #37


    Quote Originally Posted by Hammer58 View Post
    Here is the story on LaMo's budget cuts and departmental consolidation.

    Also noticed the related story reporting that Thompson states he will NOT introduce legislation to force the issue. Laughingly he says we should just "do what is right" and we should be proud of Lafayette and put it on our uniforms.

    As always the butthurt comments are pretty funny especially the not caring LSU fan in New Orleans.
    Translation, I'm not gonna fight a fight I can't win.

  2. UL Football Re: "You Don't Even Go Here!"

    More evasions about UL breaking the law. Again Mr. Thompson wrote a law, he has zero authority to interpret the law beyond what you, or I can do. No law was broken, no law is being broken, and it is amazing how insecure LSU is to this day.

    I am pretty glad T Joe is standing above the nonsense. If Thompson thought he could change the law he would.

    Now we have it MoanROW, LSU, and of course Lake Chuck Up McNeese. Seems like the same crew from 1984.

  3. #39
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: "You Don't Even Go Here!"

    Several people mentioned in these articles and in comments to the articles, that we entered into a "partnership" or some agreement with ULM when we both changed our names. They've also mentioned that we did it simultaneously, as if UL was not first. Once the law was passed as to who was in the ULS and which 6 programs could change their name, UL alone voted (staff, students, alumni) to change the name. We set everything up short of full implementation, because a second school, any of the other 5, had to agree to change theirs before ours went official. Dr. A convinced NLU to put it up for a vote and change their name. We clearly plowed the field by ourselves and didn't really care who planted seed second.

    Everyone is glossing over these facts and they have clownishly slaughtered the fact our administration adheres to the legal name as is required by the state law. There are all kind of branding and nickname conventions, ULM being one (also not a legal name of that university) that could transpire. Louisiana Ragin Cajuns is our chosen athletic brand and is not implying a flagship status. That's a crock of nonsense. There is no "ULL" and never was. "UL" is our own internal reference (friends of our university) and it stems from a crime that occurred following our official name change to "UL" back in 1984 (another glossed over fact).

    The problem I've had with this, starting with Tabby's post, is how an ounce of fact, a pound of misinformation, was mixed in with 50 pounds of emotion and regarded as important. It's intellectually disgusting.

    Jay had a good article in his blog. But this work by Katie, thoroughly soaked in sarcasm, probably places the best overall perspective on the initial ridiculous attack by Tabby.

  4. #40


    Quote Originally Posted by AstroCajun View Post
    Translation, I'm not gonna fight a fight I can't win.
    Second translation, I need the redneck vote, but pursuing this would amount to political embarrassment. I'll just say that it is bad and then do nothing.

  5. #41
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: "You Don't Even Go Here!"

    Quote Originally Posted by ATXCajun View Post
    Second translation, I need the redneck vote, but pursuing this would amount to political embarrassment. I'll just say that it is bad and then do nothing.
    These guys have discussed this "off air" and they know how silly it is. They know our admin isn't violating the existing official naming requirements, and that they can never put enough fencing around nicknames to do anything other than embarrass themselves politically.

    There are only a handful of legislators that are willing to make this their concern. Others are not buying in to the need for more tax dollars being wasted to legislate (and police) nicknaming and fanatical objections.

  6. #42

    Default Re: "You Don't Even Go Here!"

    Quote Originally Posted by Just1More View Post
    Several people mentioned in these articles and in comments to the articles, that we entered into a "partnership" or some agreement with ULM when we both changed our names. They've also mentioned that we did it simultaneously, as if UL was not first. Once the law was passed as to who was in the ULS and which 6 programs could change their name, UL alone voted (staff, students, alumni) to change the name. We set everything up short of full implementation, because a second school, any of the other 5, had to agree to change theirs before ours went official. Dr. A convinced NLU to put it up for a vote and change their name. We clearly plowed the field by ourselves and didn't really care who planted seed second.

    Everyone is glossing over these facts and they have clownishly slaughtered the fact our administration adheres to the legal name as is required by the state law. There are all kind of branding and nickname conventions, ULM being one (also not a legal name of that university) that could transpire. Louisiana Ragin Cajuns is our chosen athletic brand and is not implying a flagship status. That's a crock of nonsense. There is no "ULL" and never was. "UL" is our own internal reference (friends of our university) and it stems from a crime that occurred following our official name change to "UL" back in 1984 (another glossed over fact).

    The problem I've had with this, starting with Tabby's post, is how an ounce of fact, a pound of misinformation, was mixed in with 50 pounds of emotion and regarded as important. It's intellectually disgusting.

    Jay had a good article in his blog. But this work by Katie, thoroughly soaked in sarcasm, probably places the best overall perspective on the initial ridiculous attack by Tabby.
    And just about every one of these articles fails to mention the origin of all of this in the 1984 name change following the legal procedures of the time and subsequent political manueverings to reverse it.

  7. #43


    Quote Originally Posted by Just1More View Post
    ULM being one (also not a legal name as important. It's intellectually
    Never understood the use of the 2nd L. That was never an abbreviation forLafayette. Lose it. Geaux Cajuns!!!

  8. #44

    Default Re: "You Don't Even Go Here!"

    How do they know when we say UL we aren't using university of Lafayette like they do?

  9. Default Re: "You Don't Even Go Here!"

    What is so sad about this is the Indians of NLU gave up their name for a seat at the FBS table, in the freaking Slum Belt Conference. That's

  10. #46
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: "You Don't Even Go Here!"

    Quote Originally Posted by Hammer58 View Post
    And just about every one of these articles fails to mention the origin of all of this in the 1984 name change following the legal procedures of the time and subsequent political manueverings to reverse it.
    They pass it off as if we did something wrong and it was "corrected". They fail to mention the governing board made up of people representing the state, voted our name in. They had that authority for decades. The lie was that we were trying to become a "flagship" school. "That" would have taken new legislation. The UL name didn't imply flagship status over anything and we never discussed becoming a flagship university. Then comes our lawsuit, where an LSU graduate judge presides and not only refuses to recuse himself, but refuses that any other group of judges or jury should hear the case. If that wasn't a crock of ____, there never was one.

    And all Ray really needed to do to show everyone how much more academically significant we were, was to put some vigorous support behind athletics, especially football. It's still amazing that he and some others couldn't see it as the glue that holds onto your alumni, students, and your community for the entire benefit of a public university. T-Joe gets it. He understands the balance and how the two parts, academics and athletics, through solid confident leadership, can live a healthy mutually beneficial existence.

  11. #47
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: "You Don't Even Go Here!"

    Quote Originally Posted by ZoomZoom View Post
    What is so sad about this is the Indians of NLU gave up their name for a seat at the FBS table, in the freaking Slum Belt Conference. That's
    And we, for many years, gave them the false impression we too were as deserving of low perceptions as a state university, by not putting forth a football program commensurate with our university size, alumni strength, community health, financial access, and exceptional academic standing. We've only started to fire up additional cylinders, and it's already a pretty sweet deal.

  12. #48

    Default Re: "You Don't Even Go Here!"

    Quote Originally Posted by ZoomZoom View Post
    What is so sad about this is the Indians of NLU gave up their name for a seat at the FBS table, in the freaking Slum Belt Conference. That's
    the Slum Belt had the cajuns since everyone was slumming was still a move up for the university or at least a shot at the FBS...the SBC doesnt look terrible up and down now though thankfully...still has good core teams...and teams are staying competive in a handful of games outside of the SBC...i know ULM beat Wake and the cajuns beat Nichols??..thats always good for the conference...

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