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Thread: "You Don't Even Go Here!"

  1. Default Re: "You Don't Even Go Here!"

    I heard ULM fans are quick to say they are from Arkansas.

    Due to this newfangled definition they have given the word they just can't bring themselves to say they are from "Louisiana."

  2. Ragin' Cajuns Re: "You Don't Even Go Here!"

    Quote Originally Posted by Crowley Cajun View Post
    And yet, the MNS started beating their drums again in a misleading editorial.

    Even while complaining about our use of UL, the fan and alum from LTUR made it clear he views us as UL.

    ""Whether they are Southeastern, Northwestern, Louisiana Tech, Grambling, McNeese, all the members of the UL System have a dog in this hunt because *******the action being taken by the UL administration******* is a slap in the face, perception wise," Louisiana Tech University alum and fan Tom Morris said.

    "When you take the full name of Louisiana, you are insinuating you are the flagship of the system. Every graduate and student at any University of Louisiana system and institution should be concerned about the arrogant way Louisiana Lafayette has shoved this down not only our throats but the media's throats."

    Pretty clear UL is on absolute solid legal ground, but much like in the eighties it is also clear that there is an organized move to rewrite law. Banana Republic of the Lilliputians stands short as usual. In the even they are successful in this newest effort to subvert the law there is ONE truth that will shine through. UL like a rose by any other name is still the sweetest smelling flower in the ULS, and the decaying corpses of Grambling, McNeese, ULM, Nichols,and UNO will continue to stink up the ULS.

    The NewStar stands at the forefront of bad journalism. How can requesting something be demanding something. Nobody demands what they cannot command. Clearly they have entered the battle with an agenda beyond reporting.

  3. #27

    Default Re: "You Don't Even Go Here!"

    Post this on Sun Belt bbs

  4. #28

    Default Re: "You Don't Even Go Here!"


  5. UL 1984, 1999 . . . . Re: "You Don't Even Go Here!"

    So now the other Lilliputians want another post happening law or rule adopted. Never before has a team been forced to receive anointment on how to market themselves, just like when the name was originally changed every school had used the same rules and laws with no problems, until someone had insight and filled a vacuum.

    Enough about this flagship nonsense as well. This "flagship" thing does not exist in the NCAA, or anywhere in college as some official thing. It is a concept, and is open to interpretation with regards to naming. Wikipedia claims such to be a metaphor. In listing some attributes of a flagship university UL has almost all of those. Now in the case of Louisiana only one school is so designated by law, so there is no way confusion can reside, the flagship is LSU.

    Wikipedia, also finds in most states find the term elitist to be discourage even if a school is deemed such a school.

    So the facts:

    A: Flagships are a metaphor, and only as real as the state designates it to be.
    B: Louisiana has one, and only one designated flagship, LSU being that school.
    C: No educated person could ever believe that UL means we are the flagship of the ULS, even though in reality we merit that on so many levels.
    D: Fear, envy, and jealousy pervades the Lilliputian universities of this state, their fans, and alums.
    F: Again the Lilliputians are seeking to stifle our legal rights, rights THEY all used to brand themselves, and name themselves in the past because of the fear, envy, and jealousy they all have.
    E: They watch quietly as their universities are reduced in real ways by dollars, and standards, while wasting time and energy on UL. They are calling on their henchmen legislators to fix this, instead of fixing their cash drain, and diploma dilution.

    I know it is crazy, but that is what Lilliputians are, small people thinking they are in fact great. This Gulliver will break the strings that bind. If the Lilliputians succeed perhaps we need to change our name to Gulliver State University of Louisiana at Lafayette, just so they know they are the Lilliputians, and their places in the broad scheme of things.

  6. Default Re: "You Don't Even Go Here!"

    Stupid Woe Hoax fans and TNS...quote from Bruno regarding their budget cut, taken from TNS...

    "He (Bruno) estimated the first cuts will save ULM $375,000 annually. ULM has cut more than 250 positions since 2009."

    Seems they have bigger concerns than our name but too stupid to see it.

    They need to focus on what is killing their university, and sure isn't us.

    Last edited by ZoomZoom; October 30th, 2013 at 12:17 pm. Reason: dog.

  7. #31


    Quote Originally Posted by Hammer58 View Post
    We could always go with LaMo

  8. Default Re: "You Don't Even Go Here!"

    Quote Originally Posted by BamaCajun View Post
    ULM -> ULMAO (University of Laugh My ___ Off
    Last edited by CAJUNryan4; October 30th, 2013 at 01:24 pm. Reason: suck it hoax

  9. #33


    Quote Originally Posted by Just1More View Post
    Oh, I like this young lady. You have a fan. Good stuff, Katie.

    Not that it matters... but I wonder how long it will take ULM to ascertain this work as satirical? Afterall, they couldn't collectively figure out the difference between legal/not legal... official name/branding name... rush the passer/let the clock run out...
    One of your best posts ever. However, you left off maroon/purple. :-)

  10. #34


    Quote Originally Posted by Louisiana84 View Post
    Katie de la Rosa. Enough said.
    It is nice to see that the students get it. I can't stop reading it. Satire is especially hilarious when it is true, in a sense that this is what people would probably like to say, absent social order.

  11. #35


    Quote Originally Posted by CAJUNryan4 View Post
    ULM -> ULMAO (University of Laugh My ___ Off
    We have a winner.

  12. #36

    Default Re: "You Don't Even Go Here!"

    Quote Originally Posted by ZoomZoom View Post
    Stupid Woe Hoax fans and TNS...quote from Bruno regarding their budget cut, taken from TNS...

    "He (Bruno) estimated the first cuts will save ULM $375,000 annually. ULM has cut more than 250 positions since 2009."

    Seems they have bigger concerns than our name but too stupid to see it.

    They need to focus on what is killing their university, and sure isn't us.
    Here is the story on LaMo's budget cuts and departmental consolidation.

    Also noticed the related story reporting that Thompson states he will NOT introduce legislation to force the issue. Laughingly he says we should just "do what is right" and we should be proud of Lafayette and put it on our uniforms.

    As always the butthurt comments are pretty funny especially the not caring LSU fan in New Orleans.

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