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Thread: 'Louisiana' nickname has fan support, and The Advertiser support

  1. #13

    Default Re: 'Louisiana' nickname has fan support, and The Advertiser support

    Hammer, that would be Henry Florsheim.

    Formerly of LEDA and the Lite Center.

    Mr. Florsheim has made his money off Lafayette.

  2. #14

    Default Re: 'Louisiana' nickname has fan support, and The Advertiser support

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajun Monkee View Post
    Hammer, that would be Henry Florsheim.

    Formerly of LEDA and the Lite Center.

    Mr. Florsheim has made his money off Lafayette.
    Makes him even more of a douche.

  3. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by Hammer58 View Post
    Makes him even more of a douche.
    Yeah, you'd think out of respect to Gautreaux and Mellington (hell, to the University and the city), he'd suppress the need to comment.

  4. #16
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: 'Louisiana' nickname has fan support, and The Advertiser support

    This was the very accurate and simple explanation that should have been the beacon from the start. All others that chimed in didn't examine the topic more than 5 minutes, and immediately introduced their own, unimpressively expressed, opinion.

    The primary facts were stated in this DA article. The university uses the official name. Everyone outside of the university slaughters our name, so we created a preferred branding name. It isn't illegal, and further legislation to cover ULS "branding rules" would be astronomically cumbersome and a ridiculous waste of our state government's time.

    Each legislator that wastes a second of our state's dollars and time attempting to make this a more important issue than some of the truly pressing matters facing this state is going to politically destroyed. If they think otherwise, they are sadly mistaken. These pathetic, emotionally-derived political crusades are exactly what makes businesses and individuals laugh at our state and ultimately refuse to do business with us.

    The ultimate outcome of this for the crusaders will be more gibberish that only ever so slightly trims our name options through our university officials. No one can control signage, apparel or any written or verbal choices made by the fans. Our opponents already jack with names, just as they and we do with everyone else. That matters not.

    I think the ultimate outcome of this is that we will be allowed to use "Louisiana Ragin Cajuns" and once that is provided to media, they will clearly understand they no longer have to abbreviate our name in the other 25 versions. They can say "Louisiana" and "Ragin Cajuns" alone or together.

  5. #17

    Default Re: 'Louisiana' nickname has fan support, and The Advertiser support

    I also enjoyed the comment from the Carl Coussan, English instructor. I guess he must be one of the holdovers from the Authement regime worrying about boosters taking over.

    Maybe TJoe should call Carl in for a Come to Jesus meeting. Get with the program or find employment elsewhere.

  6. #18
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: 'Louisiana' nickname has fan support, and The Advertiser support

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajun Monkee View Post
    Yeah, you'd think out of respect to Gautreaux and Mellington (hell, to the University and the city), he'd suppress the need to comment.
    R-E-S-P-E-C-T... we need to get Aretha to sing with the POA for halftime at the NO Bowl.

    I'm beginning to see a massive fan reaction to all of this that will serve to seriously make these whiners wish they'd have kept their mouths' shut.

  7. #19

    Default Re: 'Louisiana' nickname has fan support, and The Advertiser support

    Not to be Debby downer, but where in this article does t say the DA will refer to us as Louisiana? All I saw was "DA committed to calling us university of Louisiana at Lafayette first mention then UL."

    Please tell me I'm missing something. I believe our local newspaper should be leading the charge behind "WE ARE LOUISIANA."

  8. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by Hammer58 View Post
    Makes him even more of a douche.
    Floursham is a native of Monroe and an alumn of ULM also- SHOCKER HUH? Dude is a complete tool.

  9. #21

    Default Re: 'Louisiana' nickname has fan support, and The Advertiser support

    Quote Originally Posted by bigearl View Post
    Not to be Debby downer, but where in this article does t say the DA will refer to us as Louisiana? All I saw was "DA committed to calling us university of Louisiana at Lafayette first mention then UL."

    Please tell me I'm missing something. I believe our local newspaper should be leading the charge behind "WE ARE LOUISIANA."
    Reread the article. Fourth paragraph...last sentence of the editorial.

  10. #22

    Default Re: 'Louisiana' nickname has fan support, and The Advertiser support

    Carl Coussan is one of those leftist professor types. Not surprised by his comments. Probably was opposed to the current athletic expansion plan, much like that philosophy professor at UL who voice displeasure on Facebook and other forums.

    Floursham comes from Moanroe and LA Tech, and now lives in Southern Arkansas. Only tie he's ever had to our area is as a bureaucrat in Lafayette. Who gives a ____ what he thinks. The fact our local Gannett rag even highlighted his quote is pathetic.

  11. #23

    Default Re: 'Louisiana' nickname has fan support, and The Advertiser support

    The Advertiser got it right, and I will do my little part and keep my online subscription. I don't understand all the fury initially caused by a little known writer in Monroe, and Gannett pressing the issue with it's articles. But, maybe it will have a positive effect on the community to rally around the Louisiana name and bring out those detractors, so we know who they are. Geaux UL!

  12. #24

    Default Was this necessary from our "local" newspaper?

    On the front page of The Advertiser's website.

    To me, by giving attention to this, all they did was bring in the Moanroe trolls, as evidenced by the comments.

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