we all know this upfront : any and all companies selling anything, has a sales pitch that highlites their product.. over another.. i would be no different if i did "represent" a company (guessing many could guess which, if i did)
i know that i am smart because i know i am dumb.. with that being said, a few things i know.. me spouting about a certain turf in here and to compare turfs, does no one any good..
i have asked questions from posters with the intent of seeing if they knew what i would answer as per a certain company..
i have hinted to the type turf i believe will be put down (football field) in a number of posts in this thread already.. (my question to pman on 1st page.. smiles)
ps. less "infill material used" = more slippage
pss. questions? (smiles)
psss. picking and choosing certain things out of many posts in here have made some valid points ..(big buds on page 3 would be one)