this guy is a douc______ he doesn't know what he is talking about when it comes to lsu football. i honestly lose brain cells when this guy talks. its like he has _____ envy when it comes to lsu football. jay stick to ull sports douche bag!!!
this guy is a douc______ he doesn't know what he is talking about when it comes to lsu football. i honestly lose brain cells when this guy talks. its like he has _____ envy when it comes to lsu football. jay stick to ull sports douche bag!!!
jay doesnt pander to lsu like scott and stevie p do, he is pragmatic, and reality is often something lsu fans cant deal with, Jay keep fighting the good fight
i don't listen to his show anymore...i'm tired of people calling me or telling me "you heard what he said about lsu?" hands down he doesn't know crap about lsu football! he thinks by bashing them its gonna make ul look better. when in fact he makes ul fans look just as crazy as bama fans. he probably sits behind his mic every night and jacks off to lsu thinking they will lose a game.
honestly he makes hisself sound stupid. no matter if lsu wins by 45 points or 3 points he finds an excuse to bash them. everyone knows he is anti-lsu.
good ole jay walker. really i love the guy cause he makes all these braindead lsu fans wiggle in their huggies with only a couple words. and ya know, half of the time a normal person would listen to what jay said and think that isnt bad about lsu at all, but ______ all if they dont take it that way everytime. On the other hand I didnt know hisself was a word. Honestly if your gonna try and be an lsu backer pretty please with a cherry on top, lets make a concerted effort to learn how to speak properly. \
Didnt get the report today, but yesterday BOP did a show on the differences between an lsu pig, and an lsu fan.
Jay started the show by stating the difference between an LSU fan and an LSU pig. LSU fans understood that at 32-6, Les Miles had done a good job for LSU. LSU fans were understanding over the dilemma that Miles faced with his alma mater calling.
LSU pigs wanted to fire the guy everytime he lost a game. LSU pigs bad mouthed Miles all week because they wouldn't give him the benefit of the doubt about his dilemma with Michigan.
And, of course, the TRUE LSU pigs still werent happy that he had decided to stay, even though he's the first successful coach since Charlie Mac that was willing to stand up and say "I want to be a Tiger."
He said that LSU pigs needed to apologize to LSU fans.
This obviously didnt sit very well with d-land a his band of merry men.
I think you are an even bigger douche for coming on our board and complaining about it. Why dont you grow a set and give the man a call for yourself. Its easy to sit behind a computer and type, this man put his name on the line everyday to give us a show to listen to. I dont know what he said, I didnt get to listen to the show yesterday or today, but he cannot please everyone. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, get a grip and get ready to get your ass handed to you by OSU!
Wow...ummm....ok. Maybe you have strong opinions concerning Jay, but that doesn't mean you need to come on this board and start calling people containers for feminine products. Come on man, this isn't tigerdroppings. Let's use a little bit of class. If you have problems with mr. walker, that's your issue, but express your frustrations at a higher level than those idiots on other boards.
When I don't like a show on TV or on the radio, I change channels. Or, I admit that I listen to it in order to get p'd off at something. I'm pretty mature about it in either case. But, I am a grown man.
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