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Thread: Red Dot Club

  1. #37

    UL Basketball Re: Red Dots.....

    Quote Originally Posted by Crowley Cajun
    The Reddots should be brought back. It would be great to see them again in Blackham and then move them to the dome.

    This coming basketball season the student section "The Red Zone'" will be continuing the tradition of the red dots but somewhat revized. Im head of the UPC Spirit committee and currently organizing over 400 shirts to be ordered. hopefully they will be in for the 2nd or 3rd game. Hopefully I will be able to track down all of the original Red Dots and arrange new shirts for them also. Im also amazingly proud to say im a somewhat second generation Red Dot, Cliffs Niece.

  2. #38
    rhineaux's Avatar rhineaux is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: Red Dots.....

    Quote Originally Posted by LilDot
    This coming basketball season the student section "The Red Zone'" will be continuing the tradition of the red dots but somewhat revized. Im head of the UPC Spirit committee and currently organizing over 400 shirts to be ordered. hopefully they will be in for the 2nd or 3rd game. Hopefully I will be able to track down all of the original Red Dots and arrange new shirts for them also. Im also amazingly proud to say im a somewhat second generation Red Dot, Cliffs Niece.
    If this is a new generation, then why not start the White dot club with Red Shirts and white dots on them.

    And, while I have your ear, being you are involved with student's shirts, but the little sayings and cliche phrases usually found on those shirts are ridiculous. Last year, for basketball, ya'll gave out black shirts for the Blackham games that were good, no stupid phrase. For the Cajundome games, a red shirt was given out, with Ragin Cajuns on the front, and the Fight song on the back. Those shirts were great. The new ones for football this year has "the Red Zone is raising the bar" written on the back. what does that mean? Its not catchy. Its not exciting. A couple seasons ago, when UL played at Kansas, I went to the game. The students there were wearing shirts that had only a Jayhawk on it, or a big KU, or something along those lines, very simple. then some of the students had shirts on the said "My basketball team is better than yours." That is a hell of a lot better than raising the bar or whatever. Maybe we don't need something like that, especially going into the tough season ahead, but at least it sounds cool and its something the students would be proud to wear.

    We don't need anything like that on new shirts. A simple red/white dot on the front and a sponsor or two on the back would look awesome. I am not _____ing about the job you are doing, and I appreciate the time you take to do your job, I just think that as the athletic department improves continues growing its winning attitude, our promotions and such should also improve.

    and while everyone else is listening, speaking of the student section, it is for students. If any of you bring your 7 year old to the student section, or your whole family, or maybe you are just trying to get off on the cheap by buying a general admission ticket instead of a season ticket, maybe you are a student who is there to be seen instead of seeing the game, do not _____ when I stand up and am trying to cheer my team, do not ask me to quit being loud and obnoxious, and do not ask me to sit down because you can't see. If it were up to me, all of the seats would be removed from those sections so everyone would stand and yell the whole game.

    I thnk my rambling and ranting is over. Thanks for listening.

  3. #39
    rhineaux's Avatar rhineaux is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: Red Dots.....

    Quote Originally Posted by CAJUNJUDO

    "SIU students..Now is the time to join the best student cheering section in the Valley. The Saluki "Dawg Pound." You can sign up from 2-5 p.m. October 28, 31, Nov. 1 and 2 in the Arena lobby. The cost is $10.00 for a "Dawg Pound" tee shirt, membership card which is good for $.99 Bic Macs at Carbondale McDonald's and the best student seats in the SIU Arena."

    A $.99 Big Mac is one hell of deal, even though I prefer Whoppers!!
    A couple years ago, actually the summer before last season, I contacted Coach Lee about trying to get something like this going. He said it would be a good idea and to schedule a meeting with him through his secratary. I called her and tried, but she said he was busy with recruiting and such and he never got back to me and I never pursued it any more.

    We were going to call it the Red Zone Army (in referece to Robert Lee). I had a few ideas of making people join and your annual membership fee got you a t-shirt and stuff. Never thought about local discounts. I also had ideas of having some sort of yell practice or something, incorporated with the band of course. Just so we could have consistent cheers and chants that could be started by the students and carried on by the whole arena. Those sorts of things. I'm no longer a student, so I couldn't start this now, but wouldn't mind helping a student who reads this and may be interested by giving ideas or people to contact, etc. It would REALLY help the team and attendance because it could be something students talk about and make everyone want to be a part of it, just like the red dots.

  4. #40

    Default Re: Red Dots.....

    Quote Originally Posted by rhineaux
    If any of you bring your 7 year old to the student section, or your whole family, or maybe you are just trying to get off on the cheap by buying a general admission ticket instead of a season ticket, maybe you are a student who is there to be seen instead of seeing the game, do not _____ when I stand up and am trying to cheer my team, do not ask me to quit being loud and obnoxious, and do not ask me to sit down because you can't see. If it were up to me, all of the seats would be removed from those sections so everyone would stand and yell the whole game.

    I thnk my rambling and ranting is over. Thanks for listening.
    I think it may be you that my ten year old wants to be YOU when he grows up. I like the passion.

    For the person from the UPC. I loved the movie this year. I think you guys are awesome. I think UPC is doing things right, the students that do come are passionate. I would rather be in a half empty passionate stadium than a disconnected stadium anyday.

    Two suggestions to anyone who likes to stand and cheer for our boys and girls.

    1- Always apologize in advance to the folks behind you that you may stand a lot.

    2- In my opinion the only cheer that the Cajun Faithful and cheerleaders ought to be doing is "Here we go Cajuns, Here We Go (clap) (clap)" even my three year old keeps that one going.

  5. #41

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: Red Dots.....

    If this is a new generation, then why not start the White dot club with Red Shirts and white dots on them.

    The new ones for football this year has "the Red Zone is raising the bar" written on the back. what does that mean? Its not catchy. Its not exciting. A couple seasons ago, when UL played at Kansas, I went to the game.

    Well, that is actually what I was planning on doing for the student section shirts, but the backs of the shirts are gonna be better than just some sponsors. and im sorry that u didnt like the "bar" t shirts. we are improving. sometimes its a hit and miss.

  6. #42

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: Red Dots.....

    If this is a new generation, then why not start the White dot club with Red Shirts and white dots on them.

    The new ones for football this year has "the Red Zone is raising the bar" written on the back. what does that mean? Its not catchy. Its not exciting. A couple seasons ago, when UL played at Kansas, I went to the game.

  7. #43

    Default Re: Red Dots.....

    Well, that is actually what I was planning on doing for the student section shirts, but the backs of the shirts are gonna be better than just some sponsors. and im sorry that u didnt like the "bar" t shirts. we are improving. sometimes its a hit and miss.

  8. #44

    UL Basketball Re: Red Dots.....

    I thought there was a shirt with a saying, something about "be the sixth man", that I really liked. As a matter of fact, I wished it was available for the general public as well as students.

  9. Default Re: Red Dots.....

    I like the idea of Red Dots they are historical.

  10. #46

    Default Re: Red Dots.....

    Quote Originally Posted by LilDot
    Well, that is actually what I was planning on doing for the student section shirts, but the backs of the shirts are gonna be better than just some sponsors. and im sorry that u didnt like the "bar" t shirts. we are improving. sometimes its a hit and miss.
    I also like the idea of the Red Dot T-Shirts. But please (and this is a pet-peeve of mine) go with the Red Dots and STICK WITH IT. It seems like every year someone tries to come up with a different slogan and a different T-Shirt design which does absolutely nothing to build tradition.

    I also think that it would be a fantastic idea if the UPC could organize Yell practices. You could easily do it about a half hour before the game starts because a good chunk of the student section (at least the roudy ones) will already be there by then. Have someone do a little scouting before the game and come up with a few player or team-specific cheers to make things fun.

  11. #47

    Default Re: Red Dots.....

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRebel
    I also think that it would be a fantastic idea if the UPC could organize Yell practices. You could easily do it about a half hour before the game starts because a good chunk of the student section (at least the roudy ones) will already be there by then. Have someone do a little scouting before the game and come up with a few player or team-specific cheers to make things fun.
    I'm all for the yell practices. Anything to get students involved is a good thing.

    Remember the cheat sheet charts that have spread around the student section the past couple of years about the other teams' players, coaches, etc? Well, I'll be doing them again....get ready, its gonna be a funnnnn season.

  12. #48

    Default Re: Red Dots.....

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine
    I like the idea of Red Dots they are historical.
    Don't you mean "hysterical"?

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