Along with the release of Windows 8.1 update to all Windows 8 customers, Microsoft has also released Windows 8.1 Enterprise ealuation edition for download. The Windows 8.1 Enterprise evaluation is available in 32 and 64-bit ISO versions. You can register, then download and install full-featured software for a 90-day trial. Following the evaluation period, you will need to replace the operating system on your test computer and reinstall all your programs and data. It is not possible to upgrade the evaluation to a licensed working version of Windows 8.1 Enterprise. A clean installation is required. Windows 8.1 brings following benefits to the enterprise. Best business tablets and PCs – Enhanced user experience (improved multi-tasking, multi-monitor support, and mouse and keyboard navigation), boot to desktop, new Search experience, support for latest hardware innovation (processors, InstantGo, displays, smaller tablets, NFC, biometrics) Windows apps for business – Develop, deploy, and manage new mobile apps easier and faster, across PC and Phone (commonality of app platform, same tools, consistent user experience, easy portability) Mobility...

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