The question about whether the University of Lafayette can refer to its sports teams as Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns is drawing differing opinions from officials around the state, some of whom were involved in drafting the 1998 Board of Supervisors ...
The question about whether the University of Lafayette can refer to its sports teams as Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns is drawing differing opinions from officials around the state, some of whom were involved in drafting the 1998 Board of Supervisors ...
Case closed.
Louisiana or bust.
This lady is like a tick on someones butt! Dr A. had his time and he did his good and did his bad for this University, plain as day as the law reads, Dr A is WRONG as is this lady. We plainly state we ask they call us "Louisiana", we dont ask them to call us "University of Louisiana"!
FIRST LINE this idiot refers to us as University of Lafayette!!!!!!
Why are we still digging this up like it is an issue that has any credence?
Why are we presenting the other side of an argument that we resolved along time ago (and this paper in 2004) even if the conclusion is a half-hearted "We're still right."
And why are we doing all of this on the eve of one of our biggest Homecoming celebrations ever?
"It is a violation of system policy for UL’s athletics department to tell journalists to call the team “Louisiana,” according to the man who wrote the policy."
What is this, another "the law doesn't say you can so you can't" statement? It doesn't wash.
That is the problem (for them) that arises when the person who writes the policy has an agenda. In this case he tried to get so overly specific on the "can't, can't, can't" situations, that anything not included in the exclusions is 100% acceptable.
In 1998 when Mr. James Caillier was bullet proofing his hand cuffs, he did not include 'We don’t allow for ANY other name' and he didn't exclude Louisiana.
To say what he wishes he had said is irrelevant.
University of Lafayette! HaHa! Claire Taylor just went full retard.
However, (Caillier) added: “Ragin’ Cajuns is fine. Not just Lafayette. Not just Louisiana,” he said. “Louisiana is not a mascot and Louisiana is not the name of the school. There is no University of Louisiana.”
If "There is no University of Louisiana" there can be no "AT"
I love how he thinks University of Ragin' Cajuns is acceptable.
No one ever said Louisiana was a mascot, it's a nickname.
I wonder if he thinks references that say "the university" are barred? There is no "The University."
My response to her BS article, or opinion piece.
"I read the on line version of your opinion piece, and you refer to the University of Lafayette? Nuff said, you did not do your homework.
Lafayette is used as a stand alone by ESPN regularly and other written media. There is a Lafayette College and they are the Leopards. To be clear since Lafayette is used by the media, ULM coaches, and other coaches it only stands to reason the UL@Lafayette needs to clarify, and nothing does that clearer than Louisiana.
I realize your paper is in bad shape, and as a Gannet paper part of a larger group with a similar purpose, drive readership. It troubles me that you represent yourself as a local paper when in fact you do not support the local university, only Gannet News Service."
First the good news. Tech is still Tier one in USN&WR, UL is not. Tech is at the bottom of tier one, mind you.
In a two-tier system.
However, UL will pass Tech up very quickly:
Tech's research budget is somewhere in the low $20's. UL's will probably break $80M this year. On a per-faculty basis, in fact, we are out-performing LSU & Tulane. (You may have to try the link later today, I just checked it, we've been having problems with our servers.)
Tech's enrollment is under 10K and shrinking, UL's is growing, up to 18.5K. I have information that says this will continue.
Tech has no PhDs in the liberal arts, and in fact, none outside of engineering-related disciplines and education (except, I think, audiology, which isn't really liberal arts). That's not a university, it's an engineering school. UL has a broad array of PhDs, in sciences, liberal arts, nursing, education and one of our newest--in engineering. And we are adding more doctoral programs.
We have several active research parks, and are adding more. Tech is still working on its first.
UL was the first school in the state to make Doc II under SREB. UNO geared up, caught us in 2 years. It took Tech about 8 years, if I remember.
The state now publishes faculty salaries. Compare Tech to UL. Renaud was running a shell game, trying to keep up appearances. Tech's faculty, particularly in engineering and the sciences, are horribly underpaid, and Tech will not be able to keep up the facade of being a quality institution. And BTW, it has become pretty well accepted around the state that the numbers Tech publishes are (to put it politely) 'generous.' More and more our faculty and administrators find data Tech publishes that is contradictory to other data Tech also publishes. There's a reason that the Regents are slowly collecting and publishing the data themselves, to insure that it's accurate. I'm told that a large reason they are doing this, is because of Tech.
Our on-campus construction is through the roof, about a billion over the past few years, and about to jump up again with the athletic expansions/improvements-- and the bulk of that is not state funded. And there's more coming after that.
We live in one of the fastest growing and most dynamic cities in the South, constantly garnering national attention for arts, technology, and quality of life. You can judge Ruston for yourself.
The only governor in Louisiana's history who graduated from a state school other than LSU was Blanco. Watch Angelle, he's probably the next governor. After that people are looking at Fred Mills, a ULM alum (pharmacist) whose primary ties are to UL.
And remember, our president took a cut in pay and prestige to leave as president of Regents to come back to UL (and passed up the presidency of an SEC school in another state on the way, and also politely declined to go into the LSU System). His VP Finances was the former chair of Appropriations, and there are several other key people on campus and among our alums who are heavily plugged into state politics.
I used to have one of those huge Louisiana maps from 1961, it finally fell apart. But on it were 3 public universities, LSU, SU, and U(S)L. Tech and everyone else were still colleges. That's because we added the first PhD programs outside of LSU and SU. Tech scrambled to keep up.
There was this myth that Tech was #2 academically behind LSU, but it was always a myth, based on football. In fact, it was LSU, then UL & UNO pretty close, and Tech was a distant 4th. Katrina wiped out UNO, unfortunately.
We were also the first to break into big-time athletics with our Top 10 basketball program of the 70's. Tech came through after, and for a few decades you managed to pass us up.
Even with that, we went 1A (UL, LSU and Tulane are the only charter members of 1A in the state) and Tech remained 1AA for several years. From what I heard, you would still be in 1AA if not for Davison. And with all of your history and success, we are putting about 30K in our stadium, and attendance is growing. Tech is filling its stadium with canvas tarp.
Then there are athletic facilities. Nothing, absolutely nothing, at Tech approaches UL's facilities. And we are in the process of upgrading/rebuilding what we have. Football has been announced. More is coming.
And of course, we have the most important thing, a president who for the first time in the history of UL (except for the brief presidency of Rougeau), is committed to athletics. With that, we live in a highly populous area with a lot of alums and a lot of wealth (three years ago I asked the Mayor how things were, he replied "Right now our unemployment rate is what it was in the rest of the country BEFORE the recession). That money is just starting to pour into athletics. And academics too.
The preceding is just what's public knowledge, and what I can think of off the top of my head. I talk to people all over campus. If Tech and the other schools knew what was coming next, you'd blow some hemorrhoids.
UL is poised to take the next several steps toward becoming a major national university. Most of what's left at Tech is smoke and mirrors.
Corrections: Tech also has a doctorate in business, and they are under 11K not 10K.
Excellent!! Great summary!
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