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Thread: 2013 Staking a Claim for Louisiana

  1. #745

    Default Re: UL Lafayette may have gone too far, former president says

    Quote Originally Posted by ULGrad@HOU View Post
    Doc A had his day, thank God it's over, he should respect the current administration and defer his comments.
    His comments were not the problem in this instance. The headline was

  2. #746

    Default Re: UL-Lafayette not planning name change, officials say (another poll)

    Quote Originally Posted by BlueDawg View Post
    If you were serious, I'd give you an explanation. LaPoly just doesn't have the same ring to it ; )
    I'm just as serious as you were when posing the original question. I'll go ahead and give you the answer to your question. Our admin had been hearing from outside reviewing agencies that the double directional name was misleading and hindering the a University when it came to things such as securing grant funding. They advised that to an outsider deciding on distributing grants looking at requests on paper the name gave a false impression of the school rather than reflect its true size and resources as the second largest public institution in the state. The president (never to be confused with a supporter of athletics) wanted this for academic reasons. We fans admittedly liked the potential for athletics.

    Now I await your serious answer to my question?

  3. #747

    Default Re: Foote Show

    You don't have a phone????

    Quote Originally Posted by zephyr View Post
    This was just about the only Kyle call or post that I could actually stomach and I did agree with him. However, what I loved more, was the guy who called at the end of the hour and called Kyle what he is and has been for years in regards to his professional allegiances.......A Benedict Arnold!!!!!!

    I can't count the numerous times I had to listen to him chime in about the Panthers and what a true professional football team was and how a true franchise was run. I also loved how the caller placed Kyle quietly (or not) in the corner on Kyle's ludicrous comment about predicting super bowl glory for the Saints in 2009 blahh.........I wanted to do the same thing but didn't have access to call in.

  4. #748

    Default Re: UL Lafayette may have gone too far, former president says

    Quote Originally Posted by raoul View Post
    +1 Read beyond the headline,Hammer
    I did. Basinbear and I discussed this earlier today. What is in the body now is slightly different than what we both read early this morning. We both recall that Ray was attributed to say we used Louisiana's Ragin Cajuns for athletics and then that he said we drifted to Louisiana. This gave the implication that he did it right with the apostrophe but the current admin was maybe crossing a line. Now it seems the words attributed to him no longer have the apostrophe and makes it look like Ray used "Louisiana Ragin a Cajuns". I don't know what he actually said but we all know that under Ray the closest we got was the use of "Louisiana's Ragin Cajuns" because we all made a big deal about it here when the comma-to-the-top s disappeared from the logo.

    I will agree that the body of the story is not nearly as inflammatory as the headline. However he would have been better served just saying "There is nothing wrong in their use of Louisiana" without going into opinions of we better be careful, etc.

  5. #749

    Default Re: Opponents View: ULL branding practice of losing 'Lafayette' violates law, creates false ima

    Quote Originally Posted by Redgineer View Post
    They will be hearing "Another LOUISIANA First Down!" quite alot in Cajun Field Nov. 30...

  6. Default Re: UL Lafayette may have gone too far, former president says

    I think Louisiana is legacy protected.

    Going on 14 years

  7. #751

    Default Re: Opponents View: ULL branding practice of losing 'Lafayette' violates law, creates false ima

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunDreDog View Post
    They also have at least 2 in the BR area that I know of.
    Can you get a photo to send to Claire Taylor and Chris Cox? It would help to further destroy Tabby's credibility, as well as that of all the other haters, in case they do any further reporting on this issue.

  8. #752

    Default Re: My blog on the name issue - From the Bird's Nest

    Quote Originally Posted by BlueDawg View Post
    Sure, whatever....but y'all don't actually go by UL- Laffy for academics either. Last time I was down enjoying the best PoBoy on the planet, I noticed that the gates say University of Lafayette. It looked liked there was a space for that but only small holes.
    What's the matter, your GPS broken? You forgot where you were and needed those gates to clue you in? Just the fact that you had a decent po-boy, could buy a real beer and drink it in public without some holy roller giving you the stink eye should have made it obvious you weren't in Ruston.

  9. #753


    Quote Originally Posted by Hammer58 View Post
    We didn't bring this up and "rub it in anyone's face". We just tried to correct a sportscaster who uses acronyms the University doesn't want. If we don't do that we will continue to be pelted with the 3 letter curse as well as being referred to as "Lafayette". And you can bet your bottom dollar that left unchallenged that would have caught on and we would be known as "Lafayette".
    Correcting a sportscaster is how all this craziness started. For sports, Louisiana Ragin Cajuns". There is only one place in the world where these people can be found. That is me and you. All else, get your name.
    That's exactly how this craziness started. "Louisiana, Ragin Cajuns". 3 words. That is all we asked to be called or any combination there of, for athletic event.

    Again, we didn't start this local ____ing contest. Tabby and the Waaaaaahhhhhhoax, egged on by Nechsters, started this crap.

  10. #754

    Default Re: My blog on the name issue - From the Bird's Nest

    Well Tabby, I know you read this so takes notes you second rate irrelevant blow hard. First, you take the time to chastise us for breaking the law? Why don't you use your so called "journalist savvy" to expose the atrocities occurring in your own backyard? Your ulm could not feed YOUR team in between semesters for the only bowl ya ll will ever play in Period. Secondly, why don't you call out your local community for not supporting THEIR university by attending games and donations. Thirdly, ulm's in a financial crisis and they cant even afford to division 1 status. Why not call out the university for failed attempts at D1 when ya ll can save money by joining the southland conference? IS EDUCATIONAL MERITS even a concern for you? Think of the money ulm could divert to ACADEMICS , which as everyone knows, is ranked pathetically . I can see why Tech wants nothing to do with yall as ulm is an embarrassment to all higher education. CONGRATS ON BEING A WRITER FOR SOMETHING SO SAD and irrelevant. Keep up with your "dont let the facts get in the way of a good story". P.S. I hope HUD goes for 2 points with a 60 point lead.

  11. #755


    Quote Originally Posted by CajunFun View Post
    Teck doesn't realize just how bad their situation is. But their antennae are obviously twitching.

    They're looking at athletics and feeling nervous. They should be looking at academics, research, campus development, donations, politics, and enrollment.

    Whether Hud stays or not, whether athletics succeeds or not, over the next five years UL is going to leave Teck so far in our rearview mirror they'll never catch up.
    You're hilarious......please tell just how bad Tech's situation is. It's ok to talk Sh$t, we all do, but let's hear some facts.

  12. Default Re: My blog on the name issue - From the Bird's Nest

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    I know for a fact the brass letters were put back at least 5 times, and probably had to be special ordered each time.

    They must have gone through the brass letter budget.
    If anyone looks at the gates, here in Lafayette, Louisiana, no need to tell them they are in Lafayette. Total waste of money. I just don't get it when the talking media heads, located in Lafayette, use ULL or add the Lafayette. I'm not stupid, I know where I live.

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