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Thread: 2013 Staking a Claim for Louisiana

  1. #961

    Default Re: Everyone has opinion on UL Lafayette nickname

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    The last time the Advertiser was this maniacally anti UL was 2005.
    Exactly. I still remember that crap from their paper. What was it? Something like 4 front page stories regarding the allegations of wrong-doing and giving that POS accuser more attention...then just one article about being cleared of wrong-doing, with much like "headline" than the previous 4 negative ones?

  2. #962

    Default Re: Why is the Daily Advertiser (THIS time Bill Decker) trying to sabotage us??

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajun_Jim View Post
    The DA will never get money from me again, no matter what they say on Sunday. I haven't had a subscription to the publication they pass off as a newspaper in over 5 years. I've seen better reporting in High School publications. The DA has nothing to contribute to my knowledge base, therefore I vote with my wallet.... NO MONEY FOR YOU!!!!!!

    I would be wary of pulling for the Advocate to take over reporting in this area. You think the coverage of the Cajuns and UL is bad, lets see what their LSU@BR rag will do to incite and inflame the name game then...

    and lets be honest here... This is an awesome tactic by the monrovians. The Cajuns are having a huge year and will most likely stomp a mud hole in the hoax. Lets get everyone talking about the name game and not the awesome accomplishments on the football field, the very real possibility of a 10 win season, a third straight bowl invite... and most of all some of the most excitement around a football program in the state right now.

    Hey DA..... KISS MY _____
    Hey HOAX... KISS MY _____

    GEAUX CAJUNS!!!!!!!!!
    Yea, but at least with the Advocate you know where the stand. Like Foote said in his article, you expect the Advocate to toe the LSU line and be adversarial to UL. The Advertiser...wait is it illegal for me to say that rather than "The Lafayette Daily Advertiser a Gannett Company"? The Advertiser on the other hand is supposed to be "our" paper yet they are indifferent at best and lately downright hostile to UL and its efforts. The Advertiser could learn from the Advocate, and even the News Star, on how to support your University.

  3. #963

    Default Re: Why is the Daily Advertiser (THIS time Bill Decker) trying to sabotage us??

    Quote Originally Posted by Hammer58 View Post
    The Advertiser...wait is it illegal for me to say that rather than "The Lafayette Daily Advertiser a Gannett Company"?
    You should just call them "____ Rag".

  4. #964

    Default Re: Everyone has opinion on UL Lafayette nickname

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunrunner View Post
    I left my comment on their page.
    In the comments section Claire blames the error on an editor rewriting her story. If that us true thus "editor" needs to be outed and fired.

    She tries to blow it off as everybody makes mistakes. Sure, we all make typos here. The difference is we are amateurs not alleged professional journalists.

  5. UL 1984, 1999 . . . . Re: Everyone has opinion on UL Lafayette nickname

    Quote Originally Posted by Hammer58 View Post
    Here is Claire's lame response to my e-mail this morning and my subsequent retort. She just doesn't seem to get it.

    On Oct 26, 2013, at 9:36 AM, "Taylor, Claire" wrote:

    It was simply an error. You should be able to see how many references to "university of" are in that story. We should have edited better.

    Sent from my iPhone

    My response:

    It's would seem that getting the name of your alma mater wrong in a story specifically about a controversy surrounding the name can't be dismissed as a simple error. In fact, that "simple error" highlights the reason we want to be referred to as Louisiana and UL especially for athletics. Those "simple errors" has resulted in ESPN and other media outlets repeatedly using the logo and mascot of Lafayette College in Easton, PA when referring to the Cajuns.

    Sent from my iPad

    I also e-mailed T-Joe pointing out this article, it's inaccuracies with the name as well as the comments from former UL officials who are not helping the cause. I urged him to respond to offset these comments from old fossils like Callier whose time has passed them by.
    The dog ate my homework.... Blaming her I Phone... Please if the subject is important enough to write it is important enough to proof read... What a clown.

  6. #966


    I know there are lots of good people that work at that paper and I don't want to hurt them. But the Advertiser has been spouting outright lies all week long. I don't mind the negative editorial. I sure don't agree with it but it's important for newspapers to exhibit different points of view. But when they made up false headlines, one that incorrectly asserts the use of Louisiana violates state law, and one that completely misrepresents the words of our former president, they crossed a line. Instead of spreading truth and knowlege they're misleading the public.

  7. UL 1984, 1999 . . . . Re: Everyone has opinion on UL Lafayette nickname

    More nonsens from Ms Taylor, who apparently has great distaste for her I Phone that keeps making her the fool, maybe she should sue Apple:

    (The use of University of Lafayette was an error.

    Sent from my iPhone

    We do support the local university. I am a graduate of USL. That does not mean we do not hold the university accountable if it violates policy.

    Sent from my iPhone)

    You should hold the university accountable. Still no policy, no law has been broken with regards to the sports name.

    As for a legislator with an agenda as your source for the law or policy? Let's just say the ULS clearly advised you in your article that they are not interested as we are in compliance. The Law spent twenty ways to Sunday telling us what is acceptable with regards to U of L. It says nothing about this subject.

    You deem yourself a journalist I am sure in addition to your other duties at the paper. Most journalist do have some background in the US Constitution, at least it's first amendment protection. One of the greatest men in American History, a man who help write the constitution was not in agreement with the courts. He felt that Congress view should take precedence, yet we know they do not. Courts rarely list Federalist Papers in their decisions. The courts interpret the constitution and the laws, not the legislators, the new health care act comes to mind calling it a tax thus congress having the authority to force people to buy it

    Back to Jefferson.

    Your legislators views are no more valid than mine, yours, or John Q Public. The ULS has jurisdiction over this issue until and unless the law is carved to further the LSU agenda.

    Again while it is pretty clear that the Daily Advertiser is far more in line with the restrictive views of the law than an expansive. Clearly out of step with the views of most Americans, and most of the American press who always want the broadest interpetation of the first amendment. And yes this is a first amendment conflict.

    This will be my last comments to you as I am sure you are a busy lady and have better things to do.

    I certainly wish you the best in your career and life.

    GEAUX UL, GEAUX actually being a USL concept, not one stolen down the road in Baton Rouge

  8. UL 1984, 1999 . . . . Re: Advertiser admits error / false report about Authement

    Must have been an I Phone problem. Maybe they should switch to an I Pad.

  9. #969

    Default Re: Everyone has opinion on UL Lafayette nickname

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunEXPRESS View Post
    More nonsens from Ms Taylor, who apparently has great distaste for her I Phone that keeps making her the fool, maybe she should sue Apple:

    (The use of University of Lafayette was an error.

    Sent from my iPhone

    We do support the local university. I am a graduate of USL. That does not mean we do not hold the university accountable if it violates policy.

    Sent from my iPhone)
    A word about that. Yes, it's perfectly correct to hold the University accountable WHEN it violates policy.

    But to accept the rank opinion of a biased out of town journalist (who just so happens to be the beat writer for our in state conference opponent) as FACT and start questioning the IF, well that's really out of bounds.

    If Ms. Taylor violates the law, I'd expect her to be punished too. But that punishment comes WHEN the violation occurs.

    So here's my IF.

    IF the DA keeps up with siding with the out-of-towners on some misguided since of journalistic integrity, THEN, I'm going to cancel my subscription.

    And Ms. Taylor will own that blame.

  10. UL 1984, 1999 . . . . Re: Everyone has opinion on UL Lafayette nickname

    Clearly they have picked a side, and decided it is not UL.

  11. #971

    Default Re: Advertiser admits error / false report about Authement

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRebel View Post
    I know there are lots of good people that work at that paper and I don't want to hurt them. But the Advertiser has been spouting outright lies all week long. I don't mind the negative editorial. I sure don't agree with it but it's important for newspapers to exhibit different points of view. But when they made up false headlines, one that incorrectly asserts the use of Louisiana violates state law, and one that completely misrepresents the words of our former president, they crossed a line. Instead of spreading truth and knowlege they're misleading the public.
    I sure hope that Dr. S is talking to the editor of The Advertiser to personally make clear his position that we are not in violation of the law and his expectation that we will be recognized as Louisiana. If this turns out to be a negative stance, how will UL athletics work with the paper going forward? Why would The Advertiser not take the same position it did in 2004 and work to galvanize the community and university?

  12. #972

    Default Re: Everyone has opinion on UL Lafayette nickname

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunEXPRESS View Post
    Clearly they have picked a side, and decided it is not UL.
    Can you imagine the feedback from the rest of the state if our hometown newspaper won't recognize us as Louisiana? We may lose all credibility if that happens. I sure hope The Advertiser understands that. Not to mention the self-inflicted damage that will occur to them. UL has a lot riding on this.

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