The Late Dr.Vince Marino (Journalism) and Bernard Crocker (communications/News) have to be having a good laugh at this who debacle. Blame it on an editor....Doesn't she mean an intern? No editor for any daily newspaper making $8 an hour could make that sort of error, unless the editor is in another city, like Funroe. Isn't the paper printed there? Hmmm. BTW, canceling a subscription won't do you any good. Gannett is big enough to withstand that, they're getting ready to dish out over a billion bucks for Belo Broadcasting's 12 stations, which include WWL TV in NOLA. Go for the big dollars, get the guys who advertise to stop. An auto dealer or a real estate company would be good places to start. Have them cancel their ad buy, take half the money and reinvest it in other media and the other half goes to RCAF. There are so few readers of that paper (circulation is published on the first few pages) that the lowest rated radio station could make up the impressions in one week. They don't care about the $60 a month you spend, besides that hurts the carrier....but they will implode if 1 advertiser pulls his dollars....