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Thread: 2013 Staking a Claim for Louisiana

  1. #265

    Default Re: Sun Belt gives ESPN reign on UL name

    ROTFLMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whiney-assed Hoax _____es crying on the Advertiser. We are being "bullies".

    Nicholas Fenner
    They were only called "University of Louisiana" for about a month in their 115-year history, and have been called "University of Louisiana at Lafayette" since 1999. Never have they ever branched out into separate schools to make ULM, Nicholls, UNO, etc. To expect others to refer to them as "UL" or "Louisiana" is absolutely ridiculous. They can't seriously expect the dozen or more other colleges in Louisiana to accept their exclusive claim to the state's name. I'm proud to claim I went to school in Monroe, so I'd rather the name of my school be said in full. This article says it all though; they want to be called "University of Louisiana," "UL," and "Louisiana" to try and say they are the best university in the state. They're a quality school on their own merits, without the need to be such a bully over their name.

    Scott Warhawk Simoneaux
    As someone who is a proud Warhawk from ULM but grew up in the Lafayette area knowing this university, I would like to respectfully point out my dislike for UL Lafayette's desire to be called Louisiana. When you point out that Texas at Austin is referred to as simply Texas as a reason for wanting to be called Louisiana, you forget the fact that UT Austin is the flagship university of that system and that is why they are referred to often as the University of Texas. UL Lafayette is on the same level with ULM and is not the flagship university of the system. Second, there is a law that prevents any university in Louisiana from referring to themselves as Louisiana as stated in this link http://… Continue Reading

    Suck it Hoax !!!!!!!!!!

  2. #266

    Default Re: Opponents View: ULL branding practice of losing 'Lafayette' violates law, creates false ima

    But what about us?!!!!! Waaaaahhhhhhhawks.

    Didn't any of you realize we were "partners"?

    ____ you, Tabby. Suck it Hoax.

  3. #267

    Default Re: Sun Belt gives ESPN reign on UL name

    Quote Originally Posted by RiverRanchMan View Post
    Considering UL is the flagship university of their respective system, just like the above mentioned, they would just call us Louisiana.

    Oh wait................
    Where is the Federal or Louisiana State law that states were only a "Flagship" university can do this??? BTW, check Nevada Wolf Pack/UNLV...OMG!!!!! No Flagship??? This must be wrong!

  4. UL 1984, 1999 . . . . Re: Opponents View: ULL branding practice of losing 'Lafayette' violates law, creates false ima

    I saw Tabby went and got some Louisiana legislators for input. I would ask some of you who have posting privilege to the Gannet papers ask some really important questions.

    Let's start with this for the LaTech representative. Did not LTU declare themselves the FLAGSHIP university of North Louisiana when they attempted the LSUS coup? How did that not reduce ULM in the eyes of potential students.

    How does our athletic branding UL, or specificity Louisiana do that at all?

    Last year when UNO transferred to the ULS, their president declared UNO to be the Flagship of the ULS. UL has never done either of these things.

    How does declaring our use of Louisiana cost ULM a dime in state revenue? How about that LaTech representative fight for the universities he pretends to work for, and keep budget cutting Bobby Jindal from striping our universities of virtually all resources.

    Why did LSU get to steal most of the UNO research projects when they were moved to the ULS?

    So many problems for ULM, LTU, McNeese, SLU, Nicholls, of course Grambling, and not a single one has anything to do with what we label our football team. Yet these ignorant fans, and universities insist on attacking the one group that has never taken a single dime from them.

  5. #269

    Default Re: Opponents View: ULL branding practice of losing 'Lafayette' violates law, creates false ima

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunEXPRESS View Post
    Tabby is the front man for ULM. I mean front woman. She does the heavy lifting while the president pretends to be above the fray. One can only wonder if there is enough political pull to change the law again, or in Louisiana simply read into law what is not there.
    You're talking political suicide. I guarantee that if they successfully push a name bill through the legislature, they will never get our help on anything they need ever again.They will die on the vine. Faster.

  6. Default Re: Sun Belt gives ESPN reign on UL name

    Quote Originally Posted by Nicholas Fenner

    They were only called "University of Louisiana" for about a month in their 115-year history, and have been called "University of Louisiana at Lafayette" since 1999. Never have they ever branched out into separate schools to make ULM, Nicholls, UNO, etc. To expect others to refer to them as "UL" or "Louisiana" is absolutely ridiculous. They can't seriously expect the dozen or more other colleges in Louisiana to accept their exclusive claim to the state's name. I'm proud to claim I went to school in Monroe, so I'd rather the name of my school be said in full. This article says it all though; they want to be called "University of Louisiana," "UL," and "Louisiana" to try and say they are the best university in the state. They're a quality school on their own merits, without the need to be such a bully over their name.
    "The article says" does not make it so and lumping the three terms together is deceitful spin.

    As far as branching into different schools is concerned, only in Louisiana is it possible to start a "brand new to you too U." every time an existing university needs to expand.

    In 1939 UL became the second largest school in the state and needed to expand, the State established McNeese that very year. After WWII, UL was busting at the seams and needed to expand, Nicholls was established. When the same thing happened again a school was opened in Eunice. All those areas were in UL's original charter back in 1898.

    In ANY other state those would be UL schools.

    On the other hand ULM never received the 2/3 vote required by the Louisiana Constitution to become a school in the first place.

  7. #271

    Default Re: Opponents View: ULL branding practice of losing 'Lafayette' violates law, creates false ima

    I see that Todd Huckleberry Finn could have stayed out of the fray, but decided to put bulletin board material out there.
    "I understand what they've tried to do. From what I understand its against state law to do it, but I guess it doesn't go over to athletics. I guess their university doesn't deal with the athletic program and they can do what they want."

    I hope Hud sees this somehow and puts a 40 burger on them.

    And that LTUR fan stating that all universities should be worried? You know you're losing an arguement when you have to start pulling other people into your fight.

  8. #272

    Default Re: Opponents View: ULL branding practice of losing 'Lafayette' violates law, creates false ima

    Quote Originally Posted by Crowley Cajun View Post
    I see that Todd Huckleberry Finn could have stayed out of the fray, but decided to put bulletin board material out there.
    "I understand what they've tried to do. From what I understand its against state law to do it, but I guess it doesn't go over to athletics. I guess their university doesn't deal with the athletic program and they can do what they want."

    I hope Hud sees this somehow and puts a 40 burger on them.

    And that LTUR fan stating that all universities should be worried? You know you're losing an arguement when you have to start pulling other people into your fight.
    Only 40?

    I'd be disappointed if we only hung 40 on these frauds.

  9. #273

    Default Re: Opponents View: ULL branding practice of losing 'Lafayette' violates law, creates false ima

    And on the LTUR board, it appears that some think that the media have to follow the statute.

  10. #274

    Default Re: Cajuns fight to be 'Louisiana'

    Here's how a professional journalist addresses the issue. Tabby, I know you are reading, I hope you take notes.

  11. #275

    Default Re: Opponents View: ULL branding practice of losing 'Lafayette' violates law, creates false ima

    Anyone else notice how tabby deleted all the comments on the article from last night??? She is so butt hurt!

  12. Default Re: Opponents View: ULL branding practice of losing 'Lafayette' violates law, creates false ima

    This article is pathetic!!! Instead of trying to better yourself, and. Your school, let's just try to bring everyone else down to our level!!! It's like all those evil rich people that need to pay their "fair share" of taxes. Instead of working hard and trying to succeed, let's just try to hurt those who have worked hard and are successful! Worry about you own damn school and quit this obsession of trying to prevent our school from looking any better than yours!!!


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