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Thread: Pic of the "new" St Mary street

  1. Default Re: Pic of the "new" St Mary street

    Don't know if they had headphones back then!!!! lol

  2. #38

    Default Re: Pic of the "new" St Mary street

    Quote Originally Posted by LeRaginCajun08 View Post
    Ight, well they do put the fear of god in ya if he does that machete drill you were talking. I was just looking into a way to get Bret Baer some reps on his leg to stay warm for when Benson and Loomis get rid of Heartly.
    If Baer needs work...and looks dandy in assless chapps and a mohawk...we can make this happen.

  3. #39

    Default Re: Pic of the "new" St Mary street

    Quote Originally Posted by Boomer View Post
    What about the casual bike rider that just did half a joint and has the headphones on just out cruising (well kinda swaying)----then he meets the 6 pack plus guy rushing home???? Ah the USA!!!!! lol

  4. #40

    Default Re: Pic of the "new" St Mary street

    *insert thong joke here*

  5. #41

    Default Re: Pic of the "new" St Mary street

    Quote Originally Posted by Boomer View Post
    Don't know if they had headphones back then!!!! lol
    I would imagine it would look something like this:

  6. #42

    Default Re: Pic of the "new" St Mary street

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunJack55 View Post
    I would imagine it would look something like this:
    Balling out of control...

  7. #43

    Default Re: Pic of the "new" St Mary street

    The next time I'm out on the roads (on a bike in a car or walking or running, whatever) and don't see a car breaking a traffic law will be the first. Cars, bikes, pedestrians....they all break as many traffic laws as they think they can get away with and not die and/or get a ticket. Nobody has patience for anybody else, and since cyclists tend to slow other folks down.....they catch the grief. I'd be willing to guess (since I'm not privy to Hawks data) that cyclist deaths/injuries come from a mixture of auto and cyclist error/inattention.

  8. #44

    Default Re: Pic of the "new" St Mary street

    Quote Originally Posted by charliek View Post
    The next time I'm out on the roads (on a bike in a car or walking or running, whatever) and don't see a car breaking a traffic law will be the first. Cars, bikes, pedestrians....they all break as many traffic laws as they think they can get away with and not die and/or get a ticket. Nobody has patience for anybody else, and since cyclists tend to slow other folks down.....they catch the grief. I'd be willing to guess (since I'm not privy to Hawks data) that cyclist deaths/injuries come from a mixture of auto and cyclist error/inattention.
    This guy gave me the data...

  9. #45


    Quote Originally Posted by cajunhawk View Post
    Prove.Me.Wrong. Until then...mother____ing bask.
    If you insist:

    "Ed Beighe, who mans the Arizona bike blog Azbikelaw, crunched some numbers on fault from his state and found that 44 percent of fatalities from bike-car crashes in 2009 were determined to be the fault of the cyclist, while 56 percent were the fault of a motor vehicle driver. The most common collision was when a driver struck a cyclist from behind."

    "Using police-reported crash data from 1986 to 1991, researchers found that motorists were at fault in approximately 83.5 percent of incidents, whereas bicyclists were at fault in only 16.5 percent of incidents."

    I'll be happy to accept your apology :-)

  10. #46

    Default Re: Pic of the "new" St Mary street

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRebel View Post
    If you insist:

    "Ed Beighe, who mans the Arizona bike blog Azbikelaw, crunched some numbers on fault from his state and found that 44 percent of fatalities from bike-car crashes in 2009 were determined to be the fault of the cyclist, while 56 percent were the fault of a motor vehicle driver. The most common collision was when a driver struck a cyclist from behind."

    "Using police-reported crash data from 1986 to 1991, researchers found that motorists were at fault in approximately 83.5 percent of incidents, whereas bicyclists were at fault in only 16.5 percent of incidents."

    I'll be happy to accept your apology :-)
    I'm not debating one way or the other, I'm sure the larger percentage probably lays at the feet of automobile drivers, especially when involving children. But seriously, this is what you are using to prove your point, stats from Arizona in 2009 and from 1986 to 1991? I would be willing to bet the older the cyclist, the closer those numbers are to shared responsibilty. It would be interesting in terms of debate how those numbers would break down according to age groups.

  11. #47

    Default Re: Pic of the "new" St Mary street

    Fair enough. The article I took the data from said it's hard to get an accurate number because it isn't really tracked by anyone, so I guess these isolated examples are the best the author could come up with and that's as far as I'm willing to look into it. It's not definitive, but it's more than enough to stick it to hawk and his assumptions, which was all I was really trying to accomplish in the first place :-).

  12. #48

    Default Re: Pic of the "new" St Mary street

    Quote Originally Posted by cajunhawk View Post
    This guy gave me the data...
    I bet he did.

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