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Thread: Pic of the "new" St Mary street

  1. #13

    Default Re: Pic of the "new" St Mary street

    Quote Originally Posted by SlickRick View Post
    At least have a curb separating the bike lanes from the auto lanes. You don't want any cars swerving into a bike lane! With all the idiots looking at the smart phones while driving, I wouldn't want to be on a bike sharing a road with automobiles!
    Yet, bike riders still have no problems jumping into the street in and out of this section. Perhaps some bike riders should be educated and take some responsiblity for their actions as well. Just saying...

  2. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    Yet, bike riders still have no problems jumping into the street in and out of this section. Perhaps some bike riders should be educated and take some responsiblity for their actions as well. Just saying...
    Bike riders have every right to move out of the bike lane and into the street depending on the situation. Also just saying...

  3. #15

    Default Re: Pic of the "new" St Mary street

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRebel View Post
    Bike riders have every right to move out of the bike lane and into the street depending on the situation. Also just saying...
    Yep, including running red lights? I haven't seen that law yet, could you please point it out to me?

  4. Default Re: Pic of the "new" St Mary street

    T--I tend to lean in your direction ---but if this thing keeps going with the bike Campus deal you are in for a shock----Amsterdam was a true learning experience!!!!

  5. #17

    Default Re: Pic of the "new" St Mary street

    Quote Originally Posted by Boomer View Post
    T--I tend to lean in your direction ---but if this thing keeps going with the bike Campus deal you are in for a shock----Amsterdam was a true learning experience!!!!
    Boom, I'm cool with it but all traffic needs to respect each other, its not a one way street. I will avoid that section for the most part, but there will be a few ocassions I will still have to travel down it.

  6. #18

    Default Re: Pic of the "new" St Mary street

    Quote Originally Posted by SlickRick View Post
    At least have a curb separating the bike lanes from the auto lanes. You don't want any cars swerving into a bike lane! With all the idiots looking at the smart phones while driving, I wouldn't want to be on a bike sharing a road with automobiles!
    It is the law. Bikes are legally supposed to ride on the street and only the street.

  7. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    Yep, including running red lights? I haven't seen that law yet, could you please point it out to me?
    No obviously.

    I'm just making sure you aren't one of those guys who honks non stop at a bike for entering a turning lane.

  8. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRebel View Post
    No obviously.

    I'm just making sure you aren't one of those guys who honks non stop at a bike for entering a turning lane.
    Bicyclers rarely obey the traffic laws. This is why they get run over...not because of bad drivers. I'm sure it happens but for the most part bicyclers think the rules don't apply to them...until they lay bloody and broken in the street from their own idiocy.

  9. #21

    Default Re: Pic of the "new" St Mary street

    As usual, cajunhawk, king of the unsupported over generalization.

  10. #22

    Default Re: Pic of the "new" St Mary street

    Quote Originally Posted by SlappyCajun View Post
    As usual, cajunhawk, king of the unsupported over generalization.
    Prove.Me.Wrong. Until then...bask.

  11. Default Re: Pic of the "new" St Mary street

    Quote Originally Posted by cajunhawk View Post
    Bicyclers rarely obey the traffic laws. This is why they get run over...not because of bad drivers. I'm sure it happens but for the most part bicyclers think the rules don't apply to them...until they lay bloody and broken in the street from their own idiocy.
    Before cell phones and texting while driving (not counting drinking while driving) you had a great argument.

    Since cell phone use and texting in cars the blame field has been leveled greatly.

  12. #24

    Default Re: Pic of the "new" St Mary street

    From a vehicular point of view, I wonder about the intersections, specifically at Johnston Street. I hate to say this, but this is one intersection that I think that a Reflex camera should be put in. As it is today, if you are in the left lane (on St Mary heading towards campus) chances are you will be held up by some ya-who trying to make a left turn onto Johnston, despite this being illegal for most of the day, M-F. I can only imagine the back log of traffic if the WHOLE lane has to wait for the same thing.

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