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Thread: Final: Louisiana (37) vs. WKU (20)

  1. UL Football Re: Louisiana vs. WKU

    Quote Originally Posted by DannyP View Post
    Refs were inept at times... But the announcers were pathetic! I know my ears hear things through a vermillion filter, but on the pick-6 that was called back, they say " was this a roughing the passer? You sure hope so! Or this thing could be slipping away from the toppers..."
    How can Joe Davis work in this biz? There were several other instances when they were pro-wku. And David Diaz-Infante had a knack for pointing out the refs missing called that would have favored wku. Pathetic!
    Locals or at best regional guys. ESPN is not paying to send a crew to Bowling Green. I recall one of the douche announcers talking about playing high school or college ball with the DC for the Clots. I heard a lot of those one sided comments you heard. I was not surprised is all I can say.

    I am also not surprised by Hud's decision to run, run, run. At the QB club last week he said our O Line was superior to the D Line of the Clots, but he was concerned about their linebackers. Looks like the linebackers were handled often if not early. Poor Boyd treated like used toilet paper in a 70's XXX movie house.

  2. #626

    Default Re: Louisiana vs. WKU

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunEXPRESS View Post
    Locals or at best regional guys. ESPN is not paying to send a crew to Bowling Green. I recall one of the douche announcers talking about playing high school or college ball with the DC for the Clots. I heard a lot of those one sided comments you heard. I was not surprised is all I can say.

    I am also not surprised by Hud's decision to run, run, run. At the QB club last week he said our O Line was superior to the D Line of the Clots, but he was concerned about their linebackers. Looks like the linebackers were handled often if not early. Poor Boyd treated like used toilet paper in a 70's XXX movie house.
    Announcers mouth made it all the sweeter that our O line skull drug their defensive front 7 the entire 2nd doing a man's work last night. WKU wanted us bad after last year.....well, you got us

  3. UL Football Re: Final: Louisiana (37) vs. WKU (20)

    All and all a great game plan. Yea, did not like that the Clots were having so much success and we were self destructing in the first half. A weak late hit call allowed the Clots to drive to score a three instead of punting, a weak smacking the qb call called back a pick six, a weak late hit call gave them another long drive in the second half.

    We had to beat the Clots, refs, ESPN announcers, and the Clot Fan base. Oh wait, forget about the fans, they were leaving early to buy their Topper basketball tickets as soon as we had the 99 yard pick six. Swear to God those guys cannot even grab the rope much less hang onto one.

  4. #628

    Default Re: Final: Louisiana (37) vs. WKU (20)

    This is our time....I can feel it in my gut.....our Coaches don't quit , our kids don't quit and Whitt has them so mentally tough and such great condition that we win games in the 4th could literally see WKU quitting on the field as the 2nd half progressed from the relentless ground assault....a thing of beauty. Broadway made 2 beautiful critical throws in the 2nd half...the 3rd down pass to Robinson and the great throw to the tight end for for of his life at MLB and what a winner and leader....he will be missed next year....the Tuesday night monkey is off of our up the secondary

  5. #629

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: Louisiana vs. WKU

    Quote Originally Posted by APragincajun View Post
    Hate to sound like a _____ but im kinda disappointed in how some of our cajuns "fans" bad mouthed coaching and players when we were down early.... Thought that was the reason why we hated the fans up I 10 ....yes we started slow but realize...the game isnt over until the clock hits 0....Congrats to the players and coaches for a great National TV win
    Maybe it's because we don't like when the CAJUNS lull their opponents into a false sense of security for the first QUARTER AND A HALF before BEATING THEIR SORRY @$$ES!!!

  6. #630

    Default Re: Final: Louisiana (37) vs. WKU (20)

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunEXPRESS View Post
    All and all a great game plan. Yea, did not like that the Clots were having so much success and we were self destructing in the first half. A weak late hit call allowed the Clots to drive to score a three instead of punting, a weak smacking the qb call called back a pick six, a weak late hit call gave them another long drive in the second half.

    We had to beat the Clots, refs, ESPN announcers, and the Clot Fan base. Oh wait, forget about the fans, they were leaving early to buy their Topper basketball tickets as soon as we had the 99 yard pick six. Swear to God those guys cannot even grab the rope much less hang onto one.

  7. #631

    Default Re: Final: Louisiana (37) vs. WKU (20)

    Quote Originally Posted by ATXCajun View Post
    You'll have to watch to fully understand. Players make mistakes and get coached up when they come to the sidelines. Even when its really aggressive, it usually amounts to "I expect more. You can do better.". When Petrino does it, it looks more like "you're a loser. You suck.". His players pretty much quit on him with a few minutes left.
    I am glad someone else noticed that. I was thinking the same thing, but then caught myself thinking that perhaps my personal dislike for Petrino was coloring my observations. We have had coaches like that at UL (USL to be more precise), but I don't read HUD that way. I understand that for these coaches, their livelihoods and fortunes are riding on a bunch of kids, and that may make them act in a certain way, but for most of these kids this is just a game and an enduring lifetime experience. It is shameful that men like Petrino would ruin it for kids by acting like a peeved middle school girl.

  8. #632
    CajunZ1's Avatar CajunZ1 is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: Louisiana vs. WKU

    Quote Originally Posted by RaginCajun23 View Post
    HUD needs to get the F off of social media and get his F'n team together!
    LOL at this

  9. #633

    Default Re: Louisiana vs. WKU

    one thing I found comical last night was how the announcers kept creaming over WKU's strength coach for breaking the board, yet all through the game when they showed him he was yelling and looking like he was about to stroke out, yet by the end of the 3rd quarter our team got stronger and theirs was gassed

  10. #634

    Default Re: Final: Louisiana (37) vs. WKU (20)

    In game threads after the fact are always funny!

  11. #635

    Default Re: Final: Louisiana (37) vs. WKU (20)

  12. #636
    Zeebart21's Avatar Zeebart21 is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: Final: Louisiana (37) vs. WKU (20)

    Quote Originally Posted by wcd35 View Post

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