i haven't reached out to Manny but i'm not done yet, the whole project moves in a liquid sense, due to the extremely complicated grey nature of everything. as far as Phillip goes i have asked him several times as well as tom cox has to talk in person but with no response.
the one thing that confuses me is the idea that the program completely denies helping kids out with things-they don't and never have denied that and neither will i. The notion of a SMU style payroll from people is pretty off base, all you have to do is look at the vehicles kids drove in college -Bo crappy toyota, roy crappy duece and a half with no ac and one working door, marvin and payton shared a corvair that they had to tie the back door shut and so forth. If Manny was the "Bag Man" the bag was more like a marble pouch with money that jingles instead of folds. Besides my taste in vehicles if you look at the final allegations after the bunk one's are tossed out the "pay for play" style charges are not at all what people think.
the main thing i have to consider that a lot of people don't get is every interview costs money-out of towners normally run about 1k a pop after hotels, shooting locations, food etc. So the info i get out of it has to be worth it and i don't think Manny saying the same thing that tom cox says is worth 1k-sorry phillip.