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Thread: UL Professor reports paradigm shift among Educators

  1. Default UL Professor reports paradigm shift among Educators

      Breaking from a chorus of concerns that American educators politically swing far to the left, a new report is arguing that they are quite conservative.

    Compared to non-teachers with college degrees, primary and secondary schoolteachers are more likely to oppose homosexuality and legalized abortion and less likely to support values such as free speech and economic equality, a paper being released this week shows.

    More than a handful of studies of universities have shown that a majority of American professors identify as liberal, but professor Robert Slater, who studies education at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, said his data, drawn from the National Opinion Research Center's General Social Survey, describe a clear conservative tendency.

    The rest of the story

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  2. #2

    UL 1984, 1999 . . . . Re: UL Professor reports paradigm shift among Educators

    Quote Originally Posted by NewsCopy View Post
    _ _

    The old saying figures don't lie, but liars figure. Like the husband said to his wife as she caught him in bed with another woman, "who you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes. The people in power in education are far left, and we see it every day, but they must be feeling the heat because liars figure.

    True story, in my American History class my senior year in 1966 an old maid teacher obviously a Long, and Roosevelt devote advised that it was OK for Uncle Sam to confiscate your income in the graduated income tax because after all America provides the resources to make that income. I knew something was wrong with that even as a 17 year old. A few years later I found out America is strong because of people who fight the good fight every day, and not because some politician provides us with "opportunities to excel". Bless her heart, I am sure she believed in a Eutopia,, where all contribute and the assets are divided by ability to pay, and need, Koom By Ya!

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