If you were at the home opener against Nicholls, you probably noticed that we had a cannon at the game. The first time they shot it during pregame, it was AWESOME, and then every time they shot it afterwards (for each of the 10 touchdowns we scored), it was...lackluster at best. A friend found out the reason it rocked for the first shot and was lacking the rest of the time is they only used the 75mm round for kickoff due to a lack in supply, and used weaker caliber blanks the rest of the time. Apparently, the ROTC is also paying for this themselves. The weaker rounds are all they can find at the moment, so unless the 75mm rounds become available for them to use, they plan to continue using the good ones for kickoff and the weaker ones for touchdowns. Does anyone have any connections, maybe in the military or otherwise, and can get 75mm blanks? I know this is pretty small potatoes in the grand scheme of things, but the cannon is something that EVERYBODY in the stadium notices, and the difference between the 75mm round for kickoff and the ones used thereafter is embarrassingly bad.