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Thread: 2013 Enrollment

  1. Default Re: University(s) Enrollment in the State

    I could be very wrong on this but wouldn't a smart HS or trade school grad that went off shore almost double the salary that a UL or any other college grad with a liberal arts degree would earn!!!

  2. #86
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: University(s) Enrollment in the State

    Quote Originally Posted by BlueDawg View Post
    Boomz, your hilarious man! There was an interesting article today in the S'Port Times today about Payscale from recent college grads from Tech, LSU, etc .You might want to check it out. Sorry, I'm currently unable to link to it.
    The Shreveport Independence Bowl said they'd wait on Tech before they chose their 2012 match-up. They lied then too, Blue.

    Don't give up, Blue. They say if fish keep telling other fish that they can walk on land, it eventually happens. You stay close to your Shreveport kin, Blue. Splash... flop, flop... splash!

  3. #87

    Default Re: University(s) Enrollment in the State

    Quote Originally Posted by BlueDawg View Post
    Boomz, your hilarious man! There was an interesting article today in the S'Port Times today about Payscale from recent college grads from Tech, LSU, etc .You might want to check it out. Sorry, I'm currently unable to link to it.
    BlueDawg, did not have time to go to the article, I am working so myself and the rest of the Cajun Nation can help build out the University and Athletic Master Plans!!! We are breaking ground on Phase 1 of 3! What day are the Techies on that you have been waiting to break(wind) of even turning the earth? Why don't some of those high paying Tech job donate some money to your Athletic Complex? Waiting......

  4. UL 1984, 1999 . . . . Re: Enrollment in Louisiana

    Quote Originally Posted by Mcneeselegend1 View Post
    So payscale is non-scientific but Princeton review is peer reviewed?
    Legends of the Fall think about it for a second. Has anyone ever asked you to produce your Income Tax files? Really nobody has ever asked me what my income is from UL.

    Now there may be something to do with a larger percentage of engineers and such coming from LTU. But that would not be student specific, but an across the board thing. Your major would have a lot to do with that. I know that UL was a major education producer when I went there, so of course those salaries would be on a lower side, but we do not know how the individual teachers ranks vs LTUR teachers, or engineers for that matter.

    Then you do have several members of the LTUR family that probably skew the average a lot, the trucking magnet, The Mailman, Willie Loaf, all would create a big bump that actually has zero to do with their diploma.

    I know asking a BrokeBack Nation member to think is a big leap, but we have guided you so maybe you can comprehend it.

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