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Thread: National University Rankings

  1. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by Just1More View Post

    I guess he's not so "straight up" with one of his sons. You are right, though, he is a "bad example".

    I happen to have a good friend that graduated from Tech. He's gay... and he's redneckish. Do you really think Tech doesn't have gay students?

    You tried really hard to imply Tech has a bunch of Cajun students earlier... and in the same thread you call us coon__es. You get confused easily, don't you, Blue?
    LoLz thats why I love visiting RP'n cause between you two, Z, &'s always an emotional roller coaster in here. Perhaps, y'all, need to relax & chill, a bit.... way too sensitive for Friday Eve. You throw around the term "Redneck" quite loosely on here so "Coon ___" should NOT offend you. I'm neither so I can care less. If being a Bigot is pointing out your schools "progressive arts" program, then fire away. Everyone has a gay friend, including me so I don't necessarily need to enroll in a UL curriculum to embrace or understand it. I am beginning to realize what HUD'S "hold the rope" means though. ; )

  2. #26
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: National University Rankings

    Quote Originally Posted by BlueDawg View Post
    LoLz thats why I love visiting RP'n cause between you two, Z, &'s always an emotional roller coaster in here. Perhaps, y'all, need to relax & chill, a bit.... way too sensitive for Friday Eve. You throw around the term "Redneck" quite loosely on here so "Coon ___" should NOT offend you. I'm neither so I can care less. If being a Bigot is pointing out your schools "progressive arts" program, then fire away. Everyone has a gay friend, including me so I don't necessarily need to enroll in a UL curriculum to embrace or understand it. I am beginning to realize what HUD'S "hold the rope" means though. ; )
    I don't know about you being a bigot or a redneck... but you strongly resemble an a s s clown on this forum.

  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by don63 View Post
    Unfortunately, when you post a reply such as this it belittles your university. As you may or may not know UL was one of the first universities to intergrate in the Deep South. I feel that including a gay and lesbian studies is an attribute to a university and to think otherwise is a true bigoted redneck remark. Which ,based on LTURD fans on message boards across the Internet, seems about right.
    We have a Miss America, and Miss USA. I have zero problems claiming Richard Simmons as one of ours. He is loved by millions of Americans of all genders.

    Yep, we are proud of most of our students.

  4. Default Re: National University Rankings

    WE also have a Miss Black America!!!

  5. This is so COOL Re: National University Rankings

    Heck Boomer we probably have a Miss Muslim World. Only problem is nobody knows how great looking she is under the black head to toe garb. lol

  6. #30

    Default Re: National University Rankings

  7. Default Re: National University Rankings

    Damn---there you go Hammer---these guys just had a terrible loss last night even with the Bradshaw and Duck Dude present----Don't you have any sympathy for these people---No not you you could give a "RAT'S @$$" about their feelings---BTW just want to make sure of your loyalties for tomorrow---No Thib. cheering from YOU!!!! lol Hope to get by and please bring the other part of the Deadly DUO by our tent!!! Almost had Joey and Jeanne coming but Grand kid responsibilities ruled!!!

  8. Default Re: National University Rankings

    Darn Blue...I know it's tough having NEVER beaten TooLame. And you're stuck with Skippy for a few years. Yeah, bet his old man spit his dentures out last night after that performance.

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