While at picking up lunch, I hear someone say "Ragin Cajuns" from the back of the room. Sometimes I get that when I am wearing my Ragin Cajun shirt, since I stick out like a soar thumb over here in Aggie, UT and Texan land.
The guy approaches me and ask me about who we are playing this weekend. I told him, and he said we could probably beat Kansas State. Then he mentioned he was 'off' this weekend. I didn't think anything of it and he offers up he is a referee. Apparently, he just did the Houston/Southern game last weekend. He said he ref'ed a game with us when we played USM in 2001. He also mentioned Broadway was a good quarterback, and I agreed. I then asked him if he enjoyed refereeing and he said yeah, since he gets to travel the country.
I didn't catch is name, but I jokingly said if you ref one of our games in the future, cut us a break...