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Thread: New Acadia Project could rewrite area's history culture

  1. Default New Acadia Project could rewrite area's history culture

    The truth these Cajuns seek could give less credit to the legend of Evangeline and Gabriel and more credit to Joseph Broussard, the freedom fighter and Acadian hero more commonly known as Beausoleil.

  2. Default Board of Regents Denies Funding Request on Cajun Heritage

    Ultimately, the project would set the record straight for a number of Cajuns who want to learn about where the earliest Acadian settlers lived, what they ate and how they survived.

    It could give less credit to the legend of Evangeline and ...

  3. Default Regents reject New Acadia Project funding request

    The Louisiana Board of Regents won't recommend a grant proposal for almost $300,000 for the New Acadia Project.

    The New Acadia Project proposal, which was submitted to the Louisiana Board of Regents Industrial Ties Research Subprogram in October, was recently ranked in the lowest priority group.

    "We got some bad news," said Mark Rees, an anthropological archaeologist for the University of Louisiana. "But the good news is that we're moving ahead without them." ...

  4. Default UL Lafayette students to help search for New Acadia settlement

    This summer, some faculty and students at the University of Louisiana will try to trace the settlement of exiled Acadians around Loreauville, La., almost 250 years ago.

    Their research is part of the New Acadia Project. Dr. Mark Rees, an archaeologist and associate professor of anthropology at UL, said one of the project’s goals is to learn more about “Acadian settlement and history in south-central Louisiana by finding and investigating the original 1765 homesteads and associated unmarked burials. . . ”

    “Students will begin archaeological survey and remote sensing at locations around Loreauville, identified through oral histories as high priority areas for the New Acadia settlements and unmarked burials,” Rees said.

    Joseph “Beausoleil” Broussard guided the first Acadian settlers to Louisiana after they were forced from their native Acadie, or Nova Scotia, by British soldiers.

    When he and 192 others arrived in New Orleans in April 1765, the colonial government of Louisiana gave them land and cattle along the banks of the Bayou Teche in south Louisiana, somewhere between New Iberia and St. Martinville.

    Earlier this month, the Iberia Parish Council approved a $50,000 allocation to the New Acadia Project.

    That brings the total amount raised by the New Acadia Project Steering Committee to more than $75,000.
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