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Thread: Campus 1980 - 81

  1. #13

    Default Re: Campus 1980 - 81

    Quote Originally Posted by cypremort View Post
    and the foul ball netting over the grand stand was chain link fence...
    And it sure looks like we had plenty of space to grow. I wonder what happened to cause us to be so land-locked in just 30 years.

  2. Default Re: Campus 1980 - 81

    Quote Originally Posted by LaCajuns_fan View Post
    And it sure looks like we had plenty of space to grow. I wonder what happened to cause us to be so land-locked in just 30 years.
    This is why I hoped UL would keep the Horse Farm.

    You can't predict future situations based on current needs.

  3. #15

    Default Re: Campus 1980 - 81

    Completely agree. I think it was a very short sighted move but there was political motivations for it to happen.

    If you going to give away the horse farm then UL/T-Joe should have held out for Girard Park. (Yea, I know about the stipulations in the original land donation).

    Anyone have any updates on the Lourdes properties?

  4. #16

    Default Re: Campus 1980 - 81

    Quote Originally Posted by cypremort View Post
    Completely agree. I think it was a very short sighted move but there was political motivations for it to happen.

    If you going to give away the horse farm then UL/T-Joe should have held out for Girard Park. (Yea, I know about the stipulations in the original land donation).

    Anyone have any updates on the Lourdes properties?
    The Lourdes park will remain but will be move over near the T@F entrance.

  5. #17

    Default Re: Campus 1980 - 81

    Is it just me, the diamond looks like it had more foul room on the 1st and 3rd base line and behind the plate.

  6. #18

    Default Re: Campus 1980 - 81

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    This is why I hoped UL would keep the Horse Farm.

    You can't predict future situations based on current needs.
    Not sure what you mean by that: I don't know what the acreage is, but sure seems to me that the Horse farm is not any bigger than the athletic complex....minus the I can't see everything moving out there. (Even assuming that money was no object.) Am I wrong about the acreage of both areas?

    So what would you like to have seen at the HF, if UL had held on to it? I would not have wanted to have only the Tigue moved out there by itself.

    Where I'd like to see us grow would be behind the Tigue. It would be great to have not only more room for the Tigue, but to also move the T & F complex there, so we could then use that area for tailgating.

    In fact, in the master plan there is a section called "Land Acquisition Strategies" and one parcel listed is the one right behind the T & F compex. That parcel was just listed and sold....but I dint think we bought it. At least I'd be very pleasantly surprised if we did.
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  7. Default Re: Campus 1980 - 81

    Quote Originally Posted by LaCajuns_fan View Post
    Not sure what you mean by that: I don't know what the acreage is, but sure seems to me that the Horse farm is not any bigger than the athletic complex....minus the I can't see everything moving out there. (Even assuming that money was no object.) Am I wrong about the acreage of both areas?

    So what would you like to have seen at the HF, if UL had held on to it? I would not have wanted to have only the Tigue moved out there by itself.

    Where I'd like to see us grow would be behind the Tigue. It would be great to have not only more room for the Tigue, but to also move the T & F complex there, so we could then use that area for tailgating.

    In fact, in the master plan there is a section called "Land Acquisition Strategies" and one parcel listed is the one right behind the T & F compex. That parcel was just listed and sold....but I dint think we bought it. At least I'd be very pleasantly surprised if we did.
    Unless there was something that could serve a dual use with Reds, I wasn't advocating the move of any sport venue to the Horse Farm.

    UL will always be in pieces parts and parcel acquisition mode.

    40 years ago UL could not foresee filling up the Athletic Complex.

    History repeats, many can't picture the advantages of 100 downtown acres.

  8. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by Frenchie35 View Post
    Is it just me, the diamond looks like it had more foul room on the 1st and 3rd base line and behind the plate.
    Patio boxes seats behind home plate and down the lines were added. The old bull pen is a battle cage now and the current bull pens are only a couple of feet from the line.

  9. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    Unless there was something that could serve a dual use with Reds, I wasn't advocating the move of any sport venue to the Horse Farm.

    UL will always be in pieces parts and parcel acquisition mode.

    40 years ago UL could not foresee filling up the Athletic Complex.

    History repeats, many can't picture the advantages of 100 downtown acres.
    Well said.

  10. #22

    Default Re: Campus 1980 - 81

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    Unless there was something that could serve a dual use with Reds, I wasn't advocating the move of any sport venue to the Horse Farm.

    UL will always be in pieces parts and parcel acquisition mode.

    40 years ago UL could not foresee filling up the Athletic Complex.

    History repeats, many can't picture the advantages of 100 downtown acres.
    Got you.

    Being so land-locked is why I think that "Land Acquisition Strategies" section is so's the only way we can make everything more cohesive. Wish I could write a really big check, lol.

    And someone asked about the Lourdes property: anyone know anything about where are with that?

  11. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by Frenchie35 View Post
    The Lourdes park will remain but will be move over near the T@F entrance.
    That is news to me. I've been tailgating in Lourdes Park for 10+ years and was told by someone in my group that the area would be eaten up by the construction and not moved. I hope you are right!

  12. #24

    Default Re: Campus 1980 - 81

    Quote Originally Posted by Big Buds View Post
    That is news to me. I've been tailgating in Lourdes Park for 10+ years and was told by someone in my group that the area would be eaten up by the construction and not moved. I hope you are right!
    In any event I think the original question was the Lourdes property on St. Landry st, not Lourdes park at the Tigue. Who's on first?

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