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Thread: UL to convert 2 lanes of St Mary Blvd into bike lanes

  1. #13

    Default Re: $450,000 DOT Grant to Extend UL Bikeway

    Quote Originally Posted by NewsCopy View Post
    The project will extend an existing bikeway by an additional 1,500 feet, adding one mile of shared-lane marking and a bridge over a drainage canal.

    Might be reading this wrong, but 1,500 feet don't make a mile........

  2. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by Frenchie35 View Post
    Might be reading this wrong, but 1,500 feet don't make a mile........
    It does to the government

  3. #15
    Zeebart21's Avatar Zeebart21 is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever


    Quote Originally Posted by cajunfan337 View Post
    It did sound like they were responding to Turbs response about "a vote for Mickey". I was easily confused until you pointed it out. I was reading all this thinking MAN Z and others must be mad about something! lol
    Nahhhh, nothing to do with brave Mickey. Mary Landrieu sucks balls, though.

  4. Default Re: $450,000 DOT Grant to Extend UL Bikeway

    Quote Originally Posted by Frenchie35 View Post
    Might be reading this wrong, but 1,500 feet don't make a mile........
    1,600 meters make one mile, but this is a giant math fail. Does not compute!

  5. #17

    Default Re: $450,000 DOT Grant to Extend UL Bikeway


  6. Default Re: $450,000 DOT Grant to Extend UL Bikeway

    I have no clue -it is obviously poorly worded- but could it be that adding 1,500 feet will make the total length 1-mile?

    I know that is not what is says, could it be what they meant?

    Geaux Cajuns

  7. UL 1984, 1999 . . . . Re: $450,000 DOT Grant to Extend UL Bikeway

    Yep, she showed how much she cares about the folks in Lafayette. Did not even know how much ULL insults most students, and alums.

    "This grant will support sustainable and safe infrastructure for Lafayette's students and community," Sen. Landrieu said. "The bikeway is an important link for many ULL students and provides an easy connection between Cajun Field and the main campus. This is an important investment that will improve student life by making their commute more accessible and better connect campus to the greater Lafayette area."

    I am all in favor of naming the path after the late Mickey Shunick, cannot think of a better name.

    Unless there was about 3780 feet of existing bikeway leading to the open canal the statement makes zero sense, and even if there were 3780 feet it was poorly worded.

  8. Default Re: $450,000 DOT Grant to Extend UL Bikeway

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunEXPRESS View Post
    Yep, she showed how much she cares about the folks in Lafayette. Did not even know how much ULL insults most students, and alums.

    "This grant will support sustainable and safe infrastructure for Lafayette's students and community," Sen. Landrieu said. "The bikeway is an important link for many ULL students and provides an easy connection between Cajun Field and the main campus. This is an important investment that will improve student life by making their commute more accessible and better connect campus to the greater Lafayette area."

    I am all in favor of naming the path after the late Mickey Shunick, cannot think of a better name.

    Unless there was about 3780 feet of existing bikeway leading to the open canal the statement makes zero sense, and even if there were 3780 feet it was poorly worded.
    can somebody explain like where this will it an extension from the horticulture building??????

  9. #21

    Default Re: $450,000 DOT Grant to Extend UL Bikeway

    Quote Originally Posted by Boomer View Post
    can somebody explain like where this will it an extension from the horticulture building??????
    Not sure of the exact route, but it will basically run from Ira Nelson to campus.

    Guessing but maybe accessing St. Michael from the backside of Ira Nelson, to St. Julien, to Stephens, to Lewis, and then crossing Johnston. It would also provide a bridge across the coulee. This would be using a striping and signage to delineate shared usage.

    I think the approximate dollar amount of the grant is $456,000 and UL is putting up around $50,000 as a match.

    To answer the other question, yes, the conversation about a "Mickey Shunik Bikeway" has already begun. And if I'm correct, could be more than just this route.

  10. #22

    Default Re: $450,000 DOT Grant to Extend UL Bikeway

    Quote Originally Posted by chauncey View Post
    Thanks. She still won't get my vote!
    Is she running for something?

  11. #23

    Default Re: $450,000 DOT Grant to Extend UL Bikeway

    The existing bike path is about 9200+ feet now. Just along Johnston is about 1400 feet. Adding another 1500 feet want reach the main campus. At least I don't think it will........Let's check google earth.......

  12. #24

    Default Re: $450,000 DOT Grant to Extend UL Bikeway

    Checked google earth. If they cross Johnston at the Harticulture Center and go to St Julien Ave and use the bike path along Johnston, that's about 900 feet. To the coulee and bridge across to Cajun Village you have about another 750 feet. That might be the route they will take.

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